Fort Street P&C

Fort Street P&C

The Parents & Citizens Association would like to welcome all families back to school and extend a special welcome to our new Year 7 families.

We encourage all parents and carers to join our P&C. Our aim is to support an inclusive and enriching community and provide students with the experiences, resources and facilities they need. Research shows that children perform better at school when their parents are involved in their education!

Next P&C meeting: Wednesday 14th February at 7:30pm, in the School Library

The P&C holds meetings at 7:30pm on the second Wednesday of each month during school terms. The first meeting of the term is in the school library and the following meetings each term are held via Zoom. These meetings provide an opportunity to learn more about what is happening in the school, how it operates, to ask questions and to meet other parents. The Principal usually gives an informative report on the recent happenings within the school. 

Before most P&C meetings is a presentation on a focus item, for example on Wellbeing, eSafety, or how a particular subject is taught.