End of Semester One celebrations in History

End of Semester One celebrations in History

There is no excuse for History ever being boring, so to celebrate the end of Semester One, students from 7O (who have been studying Ancient Rome) held a Toga Day; students from 8H3 (who have been studying the Spanish Conquest of the Americas) held an Aztec Day and students in 10H1 (who have been studying Australian popular culture 1945–present) dressed up in decade-specific clothing to deliver fabulous presentations on their chosen decade.

Mr de Bres
History Faculty

Student report of 70’s Toga Day:
We started our Toga Day in W13, where we got dressed in togas. We used single, white bed sheets and draped one side over our shoulder while wrapping the other one tightly around our waist and tucking over the other shoulder. The class then moved to the Fountain Quad where we performed the playDeath in the Senatein front of the statue of Meleager, in two groups of 15.The play was about the death of Julius Caesar who was murdered in 44 BCE by a number of conspirators who believed he was gaining too much power. After his death the Second Triumvirate was formed by Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus. We finished our plays and headed towards the original front of the school and had a lunch of “traditional Roman cuisine.”

Natnisha Bonnice 70