Crazy Sock Day to support those affected by cancer

Crazy Sock Day to support those affected by cancer

Wednesday 29th November was ‘Crazy Sock Day’ at FSHS. The Year 10 Charity Committee organised the day to help support those affected by cancer and to raise money for the Cancer Council.

For a gold coin donation, students wore bright socks to school as a sign of solidarity for those affected by cancer and to highlight the strength needed to ‘fight’ such a pervasive disease. There was also a BBQ at lunch time, a crazy sock scavenger hunt, a face painting station and a coin-toss competition! The staff and students were very supportive and generous and over a thousand dollars was raised on the day!

Thank you to all those who participated in the activities and contributed in different ways to make the day so successful. It is great to be part of such a positive school community. Thank you to our brilliant front office staff, who are always very helpful and supportive of student initiatives, thank you to the students who pitched-in to help out – particularly Jacob Read, Joseph McGee, Charlie Dey, Aria Pettinato, Yvonne Szmajda, Amelia Sadiq and Livia Zhen – and thank you especially to the Year 10 Charity Committee members who worked extremely hard to make the day a raging success:

Akshaya Rameshbabu, Emily Jin, Hannah Chen, Alisha Tran, Eva Yuan, Sarah Ly, Katie Liu, Ella Lo, Fiona Gu, Jessica Sima, Gina Hong and Yujing Zhou.

If you would like to donate to the cause, it is not too late, please do so via the link below: