Sponsor Feature – MGM Wireless

Sponsor Feature – MGM Wireless

The Challenges of Modern School Communication

Positively engaging with your school community is one of the most important challenges for school leaders.

With every school now having four or five demographics to engage and each with very different communication preferences – school communication and marketing has never been more critical and more challenging.

From glossy printed newsletters or magazines, personal phone calls, to email, SMS, news apps, social media and more – what is the right channel to use for each demographic and when?

And now, when it comes to digital, over 70% of your school community only uses the mobile to access information – even when they’re at home or at work. Even the school website’s sole purpose has changed to a branding and marketing collateral for attracting enrolments.

As school communication specialists for over 14 years, MGM supports School Marketing and Communication professionals with the tools, training and guidance.

MGM’s Multi and Omni channel communication tools like OutReach+, Absence Notification mobile messaging chatbot, and the beautiful and secure app SchoolStar, allow you not just to communicate, but to really engage.

For every piece of content, you can now choose which channel or combination of channels to use – be it SMS, email, app, social media and more.

Powerful analytics then allow you to measure your level of engagement, drill down to see which demographics are engaging with each content piece, see which content they like and read most, see which channel is most effective for each demographic, and much more.

The good news is the future of school communication is available to you today.

Visit www.mgmwireless.com or call 1800 300 346 to find our more.