Development & Fundraising – Synergetic

Development & Fundraising – Synergetic


Are your school’s development and fundraising campaigns being managed as well as you’d like them to be? Taking control may be easier than you think.

The Synergetic Development and Fundraising module boosts your campaign efforts by leveraging your organisation’s data within your existing Synergetic community database to strengthen relationships with your community.

Benefits include:

  • Making the most out of the data you’re already maintaining in Synergetic, such as students, parents, staff & suppliers, which is directly consumed by the Development & Fundraising system, eliminating double data handling and assisting privacy compliance
  • Generate a deeper understanding of your community by producing profile reports and relationship trees
  • Powerful search facilities that generate specific record sets such as previous donors, prospective donors or those who have attended specific events in the past, allowing you to tailor your campaigns to suit
  • Save time & improve efficiencies with the smooth integration of the Synergetic finance system, including ePayment portal and events management system
  • Simplify processes around future pledges by efficiently capturing receipt due-dates and issuing reminder letters and remittance slips. Have records updated with payment amounts and next payment details
  • Manage appeals and pledges based on your school’s needs and set individuals or companies as ideal targets to contribute to your appeal
  • All associated prospecting activities can be recorded, so you’ll have background information before making that all-important follow-up call



Unlock the full potential of your Synergetic database and boost your campaign prospects with our integrated Development & Fundraising system.

To make an enquiry, click here

For more information, contact us today on +61 3 9803 8000  or via email