Introducing Alexandra Gonzalez-Salas

Introducing Alexandra Gonzalez-Salas

Each eNews, we would like to introduce you to one of our wonderful Chapter Members, through a Question & Answer type interview article. 

Therefore, in the hotseat this edition, is Alexandra Gonzalez-Salas: Publications Officer, St Aloysius College …

1. Tell us something that might surprise us about you. 

I love to paint in my spare time. Painting is one of my favourite hobbies. Over the years, I’ve sold a few pieces of art, big and small. In my second year in Australia, I received an award from the Royal South Australian Society of Arts and have been involved in well-known exhibitions such as the SALA Festival. A few years later, one of my digital creations was published as the cover of the SA Writers Centre Inc magazine. I have painted 4 murals and recently, during my last vacation in South America (Venezuela), I was invited and inspired to design, sketch and paint a big wall at my childhood school. 

And … I love all things sweet, except chocolate (surprisingly!)

 2. What led you to your present role? What is your favourite aspect? 

I believe the combination of having worked in a school and being creative prepared me well for my role as Publications Officer at St Aloysius College. 

Early on in my career, I completed one year of a Teaching degree and realised that I loved working with people and becoming influential in their lives. Also, there were many educators in my family and being part of a school environment felt like second nature.   

While working in a private bilingual school in Venezuela as a Reading/Computer & Art assistant and helping with Communications/Admin services, I decided to pursue my artistic passion as well and completed a bachelor’s degree in design/illustration. Over three years I was submerged in creative studies with a focus on visual communications and expanded my studies in the USA (Boston, Massachusetts) undertaking more creative courses. 

Over the years I’ve built a portfolio and experience in creative and technical fields (Freelance design, Photography, Visual Arts, Digital Media, Website & Marketing materials). After working for a local Design Studio in Adelaide, photographing properties and producing floorplans, I realised that my heart lay in working with people and contributing to education. This led me to seek out a role where I could make a useful and effective contribution, ultimately bringing me to St Aloysius College.

My role at SAC has evolved significantly over the past nine years. I’ve enjoyed sharing my skills and learning from others. I’ve realised that capturing and sharing moments and producing fundamental publications and materials for our marketing campaigns are my favourite aspects of the role. Being part of the SAC Marketing team establishment was exciting as we focused on refreshing our branding and our vision for the coming years. It has been fascinating to see how big projects come together with great ideas, strong concepts and teamwork.

3. How long have you been a Member of Educate Plus?

I have been a member of Educate Plus for only a year, but I have already enjoyed it and aim to make the most of being part of this organisation. In fact, my enthusiasm for the group led me to run for a position on the Chapter Committee during the last AGM in November, and it was great to be elected. 

4. What has being a Member done to help your career development?

Being a member of Educate Plus has helped me and our SAC Marketing team to remain up-to-date in the industry. Things are constantly changing, and innovative Professional Development opportunities are indispensable and important for all workers in this field.

5. Who would you like to have lunch with and where?

I would have loved to invite my 100-year-old grandma for lunch at my home in Adelaide. My grandma lived overseas and recently left this world, and she used to host the most incredible, refined and delicious lunches and made the best desserts for our family gatherings. In an ideal world, I would’ve invited her years ago and made her proud by showing her around beautiful Adelaide. My grandma was a true example of how to live your life to the full. I am grateful for her meaningful and inspiring legacy and everything that I learned from her.

6. Favourite food and why?

I really love Thai food. I wonder if it’s because of the contrasting flavours. Having been born so close to the Caribbean, the taste of fresh vegetables, mild spices, and sweet and savoury flavours like peanuts, pineapple, and coconut are bliss to me! I could eat Thai food every day of the week and my family wouldn’t be surprised. 

I also love arepas ( I can’t live without them.

7. Where is your favourite travel location and why?

Anywhere with bright blue clear waters! I just love being near the ocean.

One of my all-time favourite destinations is Los Roques, a Venezuelan archipelago around 160 kilometres north of the capital Caracas in the Caribbean Sea. It is renowned for its isolated and white-sand beaches. A true paradise! 

In South Australia, I’ve been transported and filled with the same excitement when exploring similar paradises including Kangaroo Island, Coffin Bay, Second Valley and Rapid Bay. I mostly like to travel where there are beautiful beaches, landscapes and sceneries. 

8. What does success look like to you?

To me succeeding looks like reaching a goal or accomplishing something you really worked hard to achieve. The main thing about real success is when these accomplishments and achievements align with who you really are and your values. I’d call this the best of the best success.

9. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? 

Never forget your roots and where you’ve come from. Never stop learning. Always believe in yourself and do things one step at a time as the pieces will eventually come together. Always focus on how far you’ve come. “Experience is the teacher of all things.”

10. When you die, what do you want to be remembered for?

I’d like to be remembered as someone who intended to live life to the fullest. As someone who grew and learned from experiences and from others and was constantly seeking an opportunity for something better and greater. I’d like to be remembered as someone caring and who aimed to look after my family in the best possible way.