Presidents welcome

‘Words are free. It is how you use them that may cost you….’ Rev J Martin.

If nothing else, 2020 can be celebrated as an exceptional year for new buzz words…re-imagine, re-purpose, pivot, re-scale and re-shape (between you and me, the only thing I want re-shaped is my waist-line into a pair of size eight jeans).

And now it seems we are all in a state of flux. Congratulations words of 2020 – this is a good one.

It shall take decades before I can freely use words such as unprecedented, challenging and difficult without them grating on my nerves so badly that they literally cause a physical reaction.

And who knew such a remarkably odd group of words such as remote, virtual, second wave, cluster, hotspot, socially distanced, lockdown, deep clean, Jobkeeper and PPE would become commonplace vernacular. And 14 days would become such a critical period of time.

I have learnt many lessons during this year (that just keeps on giving) – none more insightful however, than when using the word cancelled rather than postponed. The former causing such an immediate tailspin within the community – I suffered virtual whip-lash. The latter quite acceptable – even though we know the postponement is likely not until 2030.

Once again I am flummoxed by the plethora of resources available to me at this time via the Educate Plus website, forums and webinars. In this newsletter edition we have some reminder of what is on offer and at your fingertips should you ever need a bit of food for thought or industry advice. 

So, NSW/ACT Comrades – I am all out flux, completely flummoxed and dearly wish I had a flux capacitor.

