Armidale PD wrap up

Armidale PD wrap up

Our first regional PD for 2019 was a cracker! The Armidale School welcomed us with open arms, superb catering and a beautiful learning space. Delegates from Hunter Valley Grammar School, UNE, TAS and St Albert’s College enjoyed a most stimulating presentation by Pauline Trigianni followed by collegial, round table discussions on Marketing/Enrolments and Alumni/Fundraising.

Pauline’s interactive presentation was one that led discussion and learning in quite a different direction to the usual ‘Marketing your point of difference’. It was so refreshing; we all know our campuses are beautiful, our graduates exceptional, our teachers extraordinary …. and on it goes. Pauline took us down the path of true ‘customer centricity’ which opened up broader, deeper and more tailored discussion and thus ideas, to take home to our individual institutions. Anymore from me and I’ll be doing Pauline an injustice, so do yourself a favour and book in to the Chevalier College, Bowral PD session now! You will look at differentiating your institution with fresh eyes!

Thanks must go to the wonderful Pip Warwick (retired Fellow) who organised the logistics, dinner the night before for the Sydney/Bowral travellers (Myfanwy, Tina, Paul and Liz) and an introduction to the local (rather delicious) Sweet Pea Gin!