Update on Renewal of the Geriatric Medicine Curriculum

Update on Renewal of the Geriatric Medicine Curriculum


Following robust development and consultation processes, a revised curriculum for Geriatric Medicine has been developed, finalised and published on the RACP website

The College is grateful to the RACP members who gave their time and expertise to renew this curriculum, many of whom are members of ANZSGM.

The RACP’s Advanced Training Curricula Renewal project aims to transform the College’s medical education programs with a focus on competency-based training, supported by programmatic assessment approaches. 

Next steps will be careful planning of implementation, taking into account the effect of any changes on supervisors, trainees, training settings and other key stakeholders. We will be in touch with you to provide more information about timing and implementation activities as it becomes available. 

In the meantime, please reach out to me, or the Curriculum Development team, should you have any questions about the Advanced Training Curricula Renewal project.