Amplifying the voices of older people across Aotearoa New Zealand Report by the Aged Care Commissioner

Amplifying the voices of older people across Aotearoa New Zealand Report by the Aged Care Commissioner

New Zealand Aged Care Commissioner Caroline Cooper has just released the report ‘Amplifying the voices of older people across Aotearoa New Zealand’. The report focuses on the need for an integrated continuum of care that concentrates on prevention and support to help older people navigate health and disability services. The report’s insights consider the importance of:

  • Transitions of care for older people between hospitals to home and community support services (HCSS) and aged residential care (ARC)
  • Investing in innovative primary and community care models
  • Preventative interventions for dementia mate wareware
  • Ensuring access to reliable, quality home and community services to age well at home

The report contains 20 recommendations that reflect the insights outlined above that work to improve the provision of quality health and disability services for older people.

Read the full report here.