AJA Latest Issue

AJA Latest Issue

An overview of the AJA June Issue: Volume 40 (2)

We welcome our new Associate Editors, Dr Gary Cheung from the University of Otago and Dr Joyce Siette from Macquarie University, as we continue to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Journal.

The June Issue features contemporary topics in gerontology and geriatrics, from advance care planning to workplace engagement amongst formal caregivers. The Issue features an Invited Article reflecting on the pros and cons of diagnosing mild cognitive impairment. There’s several articles on frailty, its measurement and associated risk profile.

We include a systematic review on the effectiveness of fall prevention services in the emergency department. Ogrin and colleagues discuss loneliness in older age whilst Rodríguez-Blázquez and colleagues report on validating the De-Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale in a multiethnic sample. 

The perspectives of Forgotten Australians on age care gives some useful insights to our readers, particularly those working in the aged care sector. In Partner News, there’s a rapid evidence assessment summary on LGBTI ageing research on housing needs and preferences, which forms part of the LGBTI Elders Housing Project, led by Housing for the Aged Action Group, in which the Australian Association of Gerontology are collaborators.

The complete Table of Contents and all articles can be accessed (subject to membership) at
Australasian Journal on Ageing – Wiley Online Library

We hope that this Issue will assist in guiding your research and practice. We welcome contributions from you about your innovative work. We thank all our contributors and our volunteer peer reviewers.

Jane Sims, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, AJA.