Term 1, Week 10 - 1 April 2021



It is increasingly common for teenagers to have social media accounts, so learning how to use these responsibly is an important skill to develop. Both your child’s age, level of maturity and resilience can affect their ability to have positive experiences on social media. 

Social media is a pretty broad term that refers to websites and applications that enable people to create and share content or participate in social networking. The big ones such as Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram are widely known. However, are you aware that many teenagers have social media accounts associated with online games or online learning communities? 

Identifying social networking sites and apps that are safe to use and others that are off limits is important. So, before they fill out an online form that asks for a name or username, make sure you check the site’s privacy policy together and talk about what that means. Please have a chat with your daughter about choosing safe usernames and passwords, how to keep them secure and the importance of privacy settings.

Communication is the key to keeping your daughter safe online and in the real world. Regardless of your daughter’s age, it’s never too early or too late to start talking to them about internet safety.

Let your teenager know the online threats you’re concerned about, and discuss how to steer clear of them. By starting a dialogue about internet safety with your daughter, you pave the way for them to come to you when something strange or scary happens.


I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents/guardians of the College’s uniform expectations on page 101 of the College Diary regarding piercings. Students are only allowed one pair of small stud earrings or plain sleepers in gold or silver, which can only be worn as a standard lobe piercing. Facial piercings are not permitted, and clear studs will not be allowed to be worn in any non-compliant piercing.  

Term 2 usually sees a slight change in the weather in the tropics. Parents/Guardians and students are reminded that the College Sports Jacket is not to be worn with the College Academic Uniform. College blazers and jumpers can be purchased from the Wearitto Uniform Shop, which is located at 263 Charters Towers Road, Mysterton.


2021 Easter Trading Hours are as follows:

  • Closed:   Friday 2 April – Thursday, 15 April.
  • Open:     Friday 16 April from 9.00am – 12.00pm.
  • Re-opening as normal Monday 19 April.

See website for trading hours https://www.wearitto.com.au/media-centre/townsvillestoreopens/


Maria Franettovich












Over the next two terms, students are encouraged to start researching options in preparation for University applications which open in early August. University applications close by the end of September, so most students should be using Semester One to research their options and determine their top six preferences for courses in Queensland. Each state is slightly different when it comes to applications, so please make sure to access this information on the St Patrick’s College Careers Website, university websites and tertiary admissions centres.

During Terms 2 and 3, I will be meeting with Year 12 students and parents for their Career Preparation Interviews to discuss post-schooling options, including providing guidance regarding the tertiary application processes. These appointments will take place after school, before school, morning tea and lunch. Appointment availabilities will be published and a Career Interview will be able to be booked the same way as Academic Conferences can be booked.

Students intending to start an apprenticeship next year are encouraged to submit their resumes online to register with apprenticeship groups such as Skills360, TORGAS or MEGT.



Most universities (except JCU and Bond) offering medicine or dentistry courses will require students to sit the UCAT. The UCAT is an aptitude test undertake between 1 and 31 July.

Year 12 students considering a course in medicine or dentistry should consider taking the UCAT. 2021 registration for the UCAT is now open. Students are encouraged to register early for the UCAT test, so that they can nominate their preferred test appointment times. Regular UCAT preparation should now be underway for any student seriously considering a career in medicine or dentistry. For students in Year 11, they should be finding out about the UCAT process and begin implementing a study routine to practice mock exams and questions. Resources can be found on websites with the following organisations: UCAT, MedEntry and the National Institute of Education (NIE).



Defence Force Recruitment has been conducting a series of information sessions in Townsville regarding entry into the Defence Force and ADFA. If your child is in Year 12 and interested in applying to Defence Force or ADFA, they need to begin the application process as soon as possible by arranging a YOU session at their nearest Defence Force Recruitment Centre. It is highly recommended that students commence this process in Year 11, particularly if they are interested in applying to ADFA.

Applications are also now open to current Year 12 students for the ADF Gap Year Program. An ADF Gap Year is a unique opportunity for students to experience life in the Navy, Army or Air Force, without needing to make a long-term commitment.



From the 6-8 July 2021, the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sydney will host the Indigenous Australian Engineering School (IAES) Online, funded by Engineering Aid Australia (EAA).

The IAES Online will give 20 Indigenous high School students from QLD, NT, ACT, VIC, TAS and SA, who are in years 10, 11 and 12 in 2021, the opportunity to explore the possibilities of studying and working within various fields of engineering. The three-day virtual program will run for three hours per day and involve: Introduction to engineering; community sessions; virtual site visits to major engineering companies; careers session and how to study tips. Applications close 5 May.


Ms Catherine Rentoule

HEAD OF FACULTY – CAREERS & VOCATIONAL TRAINING. E: crentoule@stpatscollege.qld.edu.au





The Year 11 students started an ‘Introduction to the Hospitality Industry’ unit, learning about the different hospitality sectors, and developing their coffee culture knowledge and skills to run an event. The Year 12 students continued learning about ‘Food Trends’ and developed their knowledge and understanding of working in the kitchen and food service sector.


The Year 11 students planned, produced and professionally presented a selection of coffees and sweet treats. It was a very big day with baking, cleaning, setting up the coffee carts and service for the evening. The sweet treats were a huge hit! For their project, the Year 12 students created a cold and hot canapé to serve to over 100 guests on the evening. During the day of the event, they prepared the recipes, followed safety and hygiene and set up and served from the catering tents.

Twilight Open Evening provided hands-on experience with working in the kitchen and serving customers. The girls worked really well in their groups and showcased their talent and catering skills in a professional manner. The feedback we received was very positive and I am incredibly proud of the fine work demonstrated by the Year 11 and 12 Hospitality students.

Camille Flores.

HEAD OF DEPARTMENT – HOSPITALITY & FUNCTIONS. E: cflores@stpatscollege.qld.edu.au



It has been a fantastic Term 1 in the music department. It is good to be back in full swing in the classroom, Ensembles and on the stage.


Throughout the Term, a number of our Ensembles have presented at assemblies while all of our Ensembles were able to perform at the Twilight Open Evening. This is made possible by our fantastic instrumental and ensemble tutors:

  • Rachel Cairns – Choirs and Voice
  • Dr Mark Smith – Concert Band and Brass & Woodwind
  • Rike Wolf – Strings Ensemble and Strings
  • Megan Donnelly – Flute and Celtic Dreaming
  • Paul Nielson – Percussion and Percussion Ensemble
  • Georgia Martel – Guitar and Guitar Ensemble
  • Monica Licciardello – Piano
  • James Jellyman – Taiko Drumming

I thank all of the tutors and staff for their wonderful work this Term; I am lucky to work with such a passionate and skilled set of individuals.

If your daughter would like to join an Ensemble, please contact Mr Goulter for more details.


A number of students from the College have competed at the State Honours Ensemble Programs (SHEP). This event is facilitated by the Queensland Conservatorium of Music and we look forward to seeing more of our student excel in this program.


It has been a very busy term within the classroom.

  • Year 7 students have demonstrated their command over the pentatonic scale and Franz Joseph Haydn’s Surprise Symphony. They are looking forward to learning drums next term.
  • Year 8 have competed their back-to-basics unit which aims to bring all students up to speed with essential music knowledge and reading skills.
  • Year 9 students have started their own Ensembles and will perform arrangements of their favourite songs.
  • Year 10 students have successfully recorded half an album from songs they performed earlier in the term to Year 1 students from St Joseph’s, The Strand.
  • Both the 11 and 12 students have submitted their first performance assessments and are now working hard to compose new and innovative music.
  • Music Extension students are running their own rehearsals to prepare for their next performance assessment.


Our Ensembles are busy preparing for the upcoming Ensemble and Senior Music Showcase – Music By The Sea. We will post dates soon.

John Goulter

HEAD OF MUSIC PERFORMANCE. E: jgoulter@stpatscollege.qld.edu.au



In 2019, St Patrick’s students were able to visit their pen-pals in Fujimi, and it is hoped that they may be able to do this in the future as well. The word Fujimi means “looking at Mt Fuji”; from the school grounds in Tokyo, Mt Fuji is visible. Fujimi High School is also Girls’ high school. Fujimi High School loves the pen-pal program and at the beginning of this year our students received large batch of letters from Fujimi. This term, it was our turn to return a batch of letters. It has been wonderful watching the girls busily writing to their pen-pals, connecting, and making friendships with students from another part of the world. Students have also learnt to use Japanese fonts on their computer, and this provides an opportunity for them to email their pen-pals as often as they like. This is a wonderful way for students to practise their Japanese and make new friends.

Anna Kendall

JAPANESE TEACHER. E: akendall@stpatscollege.qld.edu.au




On Monday 29 March, the Year 11 Marine Science class participated in a Snorkel Induction at Tobruk Memorial Baths. The students gained experience in many aspects of snorkelling such as learning the correct methods of fitting a snorkel mask and fins, as well as practicing how to safely enter the water when fully equipped.

Students successfully completed many tasks such as swimming 200m with the constant use of a snorkel, duck diving in deeper water to retrieve objects and practicing underwater surveying techniques used to assess fish and coral.

Students will undertake excursions later in the year to Magnetic Island and Orpheus Island which will require the use of these snorkelling skills.

Ms Holly Whiting

MARINE SCIENCE TEACHER. E: hwhiting@stpatscollege.qld.edu.au




On Thursday 25 March, the Year 8 Dance students attended an excursion to see the Dance North community experience production of ‘Safety Net’. The students were able to experience a live Arts project that was created and performed by the participants in a collaborative process. The work was instigated by Dance North in association with TheatreiNQ and Diffraction Collection to create an immersive theatrical experience. Drawing on their own experiences as young people growing up in North Queensland, ‘Safety Net’ interrogated the boundaries of safety and risk, control and freedom, rules and choices, and conforming and individuality. Congratulations must go to the five St Patrick’s College Townsville students, Ava Saldana-Lopez, Matilda Weekers, Esther Wulf, Mahalia Boyd and Ella Chandler who were part of the cast. The Year 8 Dance students were thrilled to see their College sisters on stage.


 is in order for the many students who got their Mulkadee applications in well before the due date. St Patrick’s College Townsville has never had so many entries. Families are reminded that all online applications for Music and Dance are now closed, however Drama students will have until the 19th April to finalise their audition videos for submission.  


Congratulations to Ms Rosie Maguire for her involvement in Theatre of Diversions podcast series, ‘Tides’ in January this year. Ms Maguire worked with other local actors to create an interactive mini-series that was enjoyed online. We look forward to seeing future projects from Theatre of Diversion.

Best wishes to Ms Rachel Cairns and Ms Alyssa Kelly as they begin the audition process for Townsville Choral Society’s ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. Ms Kelly is the Director and Ms Rachel Cairns is Vocal Director. Auditioning for a panel is a very nerve-racking experience. There are many St Patrick’s College Townville students interested in auditioning for the title role of Charlie, and roles within the Ensemble. We wish them luck in their auditions.

Alyssa Kelly

HEAD OF DEPARTMENT- DRAMATIC ARTS & PERFORMANCE. E: akelly@stpatscollege.qld.edu.au




Congratulations to Zara Dalton (Year 12), a NQ Representative for Water Polo and Katija Wregg (Year 10, a NQ Representative for Tennis! 


Congratulations to Jermia Ahmat-Nona (Year 11) and Charlotte Merritt (Year 12) who recently attended the National Schools Constitutional Convention. Both students are passionate about politics, social justice and leadership. 


Year 10 students Sarah Bourke and Emily Black have been named as College Rowing Captains for 2021. The girls are thrilled to be taking on this responsibility and are looking forward to the first Rowing Regatta scheduled for May 9.


Emily Black was recently selected as the 2021 Youth Member for Townsville and has secured a place in the portfolio of Health, Emergency Services, Disability & Seniors. 


We were thrilled to present nine students with a QATSIF Scholarship. A perpetual and positive legacy for the future, QATSIF is committed to providing educational choices and life opportunities for future generations. Congratulations to Bethany Savage, June Nardoo, La’Shauna Nathaniel, Brianna Stanley, Olive-Rose Pearson, Ethel Babia, Indigo Wedel, Alkira Hemmings and Jasmine Gallagher (absent from this picture).


Hayley Andrejic recently claimed a silver medal in the National Open Water Championships 5km swim. 


Congratulations to Maddison Andrejic placed 2nd in the 14 Year 200m Butterfly event at the Queensland Swimming Championships.


The Visual Arts Department created a playful Pop Art installation in the East Precinct Courtyard for all to enjoy! 


How better to celebrate the end of a busy term than the wearing of Easter Bonnets! There were so many creative and quirky headdresses, but some were truly spectacular. Here are a few of our favourites from the day.