Director of Students

Director of Students

Director of Students

Cameran Triffett


Benefits of Engagement in Extra-Curricular Activities for Students

The end of a term brings an opportunity for students to reflect on how they have engaged in College life throughout the term. One particular area that has direct impact across all facets of student life is participation in extra-curricular activities. Those engaged in extra-curricular activities see a positive impact on soft skills development in areas such leadership, teamwork, problem solving and time management. Other benefits include:


  • Providing a productive break from study,
  • Opening young minds to new interests and views,
  • Opening doors of opportunity to make new friends and connections, and
  • They are a wonderful addition to a resume when seeking employment in the future.


It is never too late to start and I would strongly encourage all students to try something new in Term 4. They can speak with senior students in their Pastoral Care Group or even see their Head of House to explore opportunities.

Upcoming Events

Sony Children’s Holiday Camp (22-23 September)

This weekend St Patrick’s College is hosting a Sony Children’s Holiday Camp. This is a unique community service program that sees our students, alongside students from Ignatius Park College take on the responsibility for the care of children with special needs, allowing their families to have a valuable respite. The most remarkable element of the Holiday Camp Program is the life changing effect it has on all involved. The student companions will need to work together in teams to help support the campers. This experience of teamwork under pressure is an invaluable opportunity for our students as employers look for employees who can readily work with others in a productive and respectful way.

I would also like to acknowledge all of the efforts of teachers, staff and volunteers to enable such an extraordinary event to happen.

Above: SONY Camp Participants complete their final training. 


Road Attitudes and Action Planning

On 19 September, all Year 11 students attended a Road Attitudes and Action Planning (RAAP) program presentation given by Queensland Fire and Emergency Services’ (QFES). The program “is designed as a preventative strategy to provide information to young people about road safety so that they can make an informed decision to mitigate risks and consequences by planning ahead.”  The students found the program very worthwhile and asked intelligent questions of the presenters.


Peer Power (9 October)

On Wednesday 09 October 2019, Year 11 students will be taking part in a Peer Power – Leading a Legacy Seminar.

Leading a Legacy highlights the leadership potential of every individual. This seminar builds on the theory of Social Capital by Robert Putnam (Bowling Alone, 2000), enabling the leadership group to identify the effective and ineffective ways in which they lead. It examines how we place certain values on different social groups within the school community and how to bridge these divides. The workshop provides many opportunities to practice skills that add value to the people we do know, and also to effectively connect with those we don’t know


Finally, I would like to wish all of our students and their families a safe and restful break.