College careers website is a rich resource

College careers website is a rich resource

The College careers website is continuing this year for parents and students in Years 10-12. It is packed with information and resources on a variety of career options, universities, apprenticeships, TAFE providers, private colleges and course information.

Both parents and students can register to use the website. Those who register can set their preferences to receive specific information regarding university, current and post school courses, open days, careers and lots more valuable information.

A simple process

Joining the website is very easy.  You can watch this video, read the sign up guide or follow the steps below: 

You can also make a booking via the website to meet with College Careers Advisors Mrs Diggs and Mrs Fisher. Year 10 students must book appointments with Mrs Diggs. 

Fiona Diggs and Amina Fisher
Careers Advisors