28 July 2022 - 28 July 2022
From Ms Allum

From Ms Allum

I hope everyone has settled into Term 3! As we have done in the past, the school community acknowledges and celebrates NAIDOC Week in the first full week of Term 3, to recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Monday’s Assembly set the tone for the week with a thoughtful and challenging address by Yvonne Weldon. As well as being a proud past SCEGGS parent, Yvonne is an independent councillor for the City of Sydney and the first Aboriginal councillor in the City’s 180 year history. Yvonne’s message of inclusivity and acceptance for all resonated with us all.

Yesterday, a number of members from the Indigenous community delivered a Welcome to Country and spoke to the girls about their dreams and visions for the future. Kindergarten – Year 6  and Years 9-10  welcomed back Yvonne,  Years 7 – 8 heard from Michael West, and Years 11 – 12  from Uncle Allen Madden. And during the week, students also had the opportunity to participate in a  number of other activities to embrace this year’s theme: “Get up! Stand up! Show up!”

We recognise that there is ongoing work to learn about our First Nations cultures and histories and we are committed to doing so!

Festival on Forbes

Festival on Forbes

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Festival on Forbes so far – we are very grateful for your support! Please click the link below for further details:

Drop-off Arrangements for Vintage Clothing, Sporting Goods, Books, & Wine & Chocolate Wheel

Forbes Street Car Park
Every Friday during Term 3
 7.45am – 8.45am

  1. Proceed NORTH on Forbes St, towards the Green Gate @ no. 215. Just BEFORE you reach the Green Gate, on the LEFT is the entrance to the FORBES ST CAR PARK.

  2. Turn LEFT into the carpark, being mindful of pedestrian traffic at this time of day. If there is a queue, please do a lap of the school, instead of blocking the carpark entrance.  To do this, head down the hill, turn LEFT at St Peters Lane, then turn LEFT at Bourke St, then turn LEFT at Liverpool St, then LEFT into Forbes St.

  3. Once you have entered the carpark, there will be specific parking spots reserved for donations to be unloaded and taken to the Old Gym.

**look out for the Festival on Forbes VOLUNTEERS in high vis  who will help you**


Your chance to win at the SCEGGS Fabulous Festival on Forbes – 50% off your daughter’s school fees for 2023

The SCEGGS Trust in conjunction with the P&F’s Festival on Forbes, will again be running the very popular School Fees Raffle at the 2022 Festival on Forbes.

First Prize:                           50% off your daughter’s school fees for 2023

Runner-up Prizes:            4 x $250 Voucher for the SCEGGS School Shop

Ticket Price:                      $100 for one ticket
                                             $175 for two tickets
                                             $400 for five tickets


To purchase your tickets and for T&C’s please follow the link below:

This year all funds raised will be directed to the Light Her Path Campaign in support of the redevelopment of Wilkinson House. 

Thank you for your support – We look forward to seeing you at the 2022 Festival on Forbes.

Good Luck!   

Silent Auction

One of the major fundraisers for the Festival is the Silent Auction, and the P&F work hard with the wider community to obtain brilliant prizes. Donations to the Silent Auction have an enormous impact on the Festival’s success and we value greatly the generosity of every donor who contributes to the auction.

Already many families and local businesses have donated to the Silent Auction generously. To name just a few:  

  • Two night stay in Kangaroo Valley
  • Three night stay in Byron Bay
  • Dinner at some of Sydney’s most recognised restaurants including Pompei’s, Ezra and Nomad
  • A range of fine wines
  • Wonderful work experience opportunities for students
  • Private Curator tour of Sydney Modern Project building for 10 guests, courtesy of the Art Gallery of New South Wales

The Festival on Forbes Committee would love to hear from you if you wish to donate or source prizes for the Auction. If you have any queries or ideas, please contact our Silent Auction Coordinator, Jenne Tsangaris   or Director of Development, Daisy Bahen.

Many thanks for your support.

For Festival on Forbes information from previous editions of Behind the Green Gate, click here or email sceggsfof2022@gmail.com with any questions or queries.

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram! 

From the Prefects

From the Prefects


This year the Prefects have started a SCEGGS team, and we would love to see as many people running/walking alongside us as possible.

This will be a great opportunity for the SCEGGS community, including families and friends of the School, to come together.

We will all be starting together in the YELLOW group, but by all means if you want to, run super-fast as there will also be an opportunity to regroup at the end.

Of course, this is another opportunity to continue to support the community, and so to fit in with our theme, “We are all here for you in 2022,” we are running with Beyond Blue to raise money for mental health and ensure access to support for the wider community.

A bonus of supporting Beyond Blue is that for every person that raises $50, so for those interested we can wear matching outfits in solidarity.

The Prefects are so excited to take part in this great event and we hope that you will join us, via the registration link here!


NAIDOC Week Celebrations in the Primary School

NAIDOC Week Celebrations in the Primary School

Warami (Hello) everyone. This week the Primary school acknowledged the incredible history, achievements, and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, celebrating NAIDOC Week, and embracing this year’s theme: “Get up! Stand up! Show up!”

Our goal this week is dual focused in supporting the girls to learn more about First Nations Peoples’ histories, language, and culture, and to support them in considering how they can be a champions for reconciliation and change.

In learning more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, the girls participated in a range of experiences including a K-12 Assembly, a Workshop facilitated by Aunty Ann Weldon and further in class activities. Read below a few highlights from three-year groups, with a video montage of the week to be shared on Seesaw shortly.


Enjoying a visit from the Australian Museum, Kindergarten immersed themselves in learning about Indigenous culture and perspective. They enjoyed hearing about dreaming and the tradition of oral story telling. This workshop was the second out of a series of visits Kindergarten have had with the Australian Museum and they are looking forward to visiting the Museum in person later in the year. This week they also shared in stories written and illustrated by Bronwyn Bancroft. Exploring many of her picture books, they took inspiration from the animals and bright coloured patters in her illustrations to design a display for their classroom.


Year 6
Greeting each other and responding to the morning roll call in language, Year 6 have added words such as Warami (hello), Diamu (I am here) and Yanu (bye) to their vocabulary. Exploring this year’s theme of “Get up, Stand up, Show up”, Year 6 used numerous elements of the week’s activities to gather information; Primary sources including the speech they heard from Yvonne Weldon, (the 2022 NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year, first Aboriginal person elected to the City of Sydney Council) on Monday and Wednesday and secondary sources including BTN (ABC), documentaries produced by NAIDOC as well as songs and images. Reflecting on this information, they drafted speeches to reflect how they can actively embody this these and create change.

Year 4
Tomorrow (Friday 29 July), we are very excited to welcome Josh Pyke and Justine Clarke to the school. Josh Pyke is an Australian singer song writer and author. His book Family Tree was featured in this year’s National Simultaneous Story Time and listened to by over 1.9 million children. Justine is a familiar face to the girls, having worked on Play School for many years and written many songs herself, touring and performing all over Australia. Year 4 are Showing Up this term by raising money for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Year 4 are Standing Up and the importance of indigenous language. They will be working with these two amazing Australian artists by learning to a song Josh and Justine have written in both English and Kriol, a language spoken in Northern Australia. They will then consider ways to record and perform this song, to raise money for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation

We encourage you to continue this conversation at home with your daughter, whether it be around the dinner table or even in the car, there are a number of questions you can share in together to support and build the girls thinking and learning this week.

  • Following this week’s activities, what are:
    • three things they learnt?
    • two things they found interesting?
    • one question they have?
  • What does “being Australian” mean?
  • How can we “care for country”
  • Together you could find out the Aboriginal country you live on or the traditional name of the suburb you live in, and the traditional language spoken in your area.

For older students:

  • Why is it important for both non-Indigenous and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to celebrate or commemorate days of national significance?
  • How can we celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture at home?

Didjurigura (Thank you)!

Rebecca Woodcock
Acting Head of Student Wellbeing


From the Chaplain

From the Chaplain

“Rough Edges” cooking with love: A great opportunity that the whole community can be involved in

SCEGGS has had a great connection to many of the local welfare agencies for a long period of time. One of those services that we consistently are working with is Rough Edges, a community centre for the poor, lonely and marginalised, located under the hall of St John’s Anglican Church, Darlinghurst. Twice a week, our staff take whatever leftover food we have at the end of the day from our cafeteria to Rough Edges so that they can provide it to those who attend this centre.

Unfortunately on Monday nights, food is difficult to come by for the centre so I am wanting to propose an opportunity where we might be able to help out. I am hoping that people could make cooked full meals, enough for about 5 people. My goal would be to have about 12 families or individuals doing this each week to meet the usual amount of clientele that seek out food from Rough Edges. It wouldn’t have to be a regular weekly commitment and with the more people that we have involved, the more we can share the love around. I am imagining that the food would be dropped off to school on a Monday morning and I would deliver it to Rough Edges later that day. There are obviously other logistical issues that need to be considered but at this stage I would just love to hear from you if you are interested. I have a list of menu ideas and preparation requirements to share once I get some feedback from the community. Please let me know asap if you are interested via email (garryl@sceggs.nsw.edu.au) so we can get the process going. I think this would be a great thing for us as a school community and a great thing for our local community.

Rev. Garry Lee-Lindsay
School Chaplain

Years K – 6 Athletics Carnival

Years K – 6 Athletics Carnival

The Years K-6 Athletics carnival will be held at Hensley Athletics Field, Eastgardens, Monday 1st August.

Year 3 to Year 6 events will begin at 9.15am. Kindergarten to Year 2 will begin at 11.30am. Years 3-6 will be leaving SCEGGS at 8.30am, while Years K-2 will have classes as usual in the morning, leaving SCEGGS by bus at 10.30am. All girls are expected to arrive at school as normal and will travel to the carnival via bus. The carnival will conclude for all girls at 2.00pm. All girls will travel back to school by bus and will return in time for a carline pick up.

Unfortunately, due to minimal undercover areas and limited seating at Hensley, we cannot have spectators at this year’s Primary Athletics Carnival. We look forward to welcoming parents back to next year’s carnival when we resume regular programming at the newly renovated ES Marks Athletics Field.

All sporting co-curricular activities will run as usual and After School Care will be open.

Girls are asked to wear full PE uniform to school, including sun hats and a fleece/sports jacket/cardigan. Girls may decorate their uniforms with House colours, for example: T-shirt, socks and/or ribbons in House colours and hats decorated with House colours. Girls catching public transport to and from school must wear full PE uniform, adding their House colours upon their arrival at school and returning to full PE uniform before going home in the afternoon.

Things to Take
Girls: Sunscreen, sun hats, track suits or School fleece, recess, lunch, drinks and snacks.


Inclement Weather
In the case of inclement weather, the carnival may be cancelled. In which case a normal school day will proceed. A decision will be made at 8.00am. This information will be available on SCEGGSSport via the Twitter Feed. To do this, download Twitter from the App Store or Google Play and search for SCEGGS Sport.

If you have any questions regarding the days format, please email TomMitton@sceggs.nsw.edu.au

We are all looking forward to an enjoyable day.

Helen Dempsey
Head of Primary School

Music Matters

Music Matters

NAIDOC Assembly with Eric Avery                                                  

Congratulations to members of the SCEGGS Choir, Madrigal Singers and Amati Strings who performed a newly arranged version The Promise by Alice Chance, this time featuring string accompaniment.  This work was commissioned in 2020 as the school’s musical acknowledgement of country.  First Nations musician violinist, vocalist, dancer and composer Eric Avery was to perform as part of the school’s NAIDOC assembly, but Eric was unable to perform as he was unwell. The students had a wonderful time working with Eric in a workshop last week to prepare for the assembly performance and we look forward to a future collaboration with him. Thank you to Mrs Anne Sweeney (Director of Strings), Miss Allison Harrigan (Director of Choral) with their preparation of the students.  Thank you also to Ms Stephanie Holmes for her accompaniment of the performance.  Well done to all performers, it was a special performance for our school’s celebration of NAIDOC week.


ABC Compass Program Recording – Madrigal Ensemble and Choir

Congratulations to members of the Madrigal Ensemble and Choir with the recording of their performance for the ABC’s Compass program.  SCEGGS Old Girl Julie McCrossin (Class of 1971) was interviewed for the Compass program where she had shared that the SCEGGS Chapel was one of her special sacred places.  To complement this interview, the SCEGGS choristers were invited to perform special pieces of sacred music and were recorded on Tuesday 26 July.  Thank you to Director of Choral Miss Allison Harrigan for her preparation and direction of the performance.  Thank you also to Ms Stephanie Holmes who provided the organ accompaniment in the recording.  Well done girls!

Congratulations Year 12 Music Students

Congratulations to the Year 12 Music 1 and Extension students who performed last Thursday.  The students are working hard to prepare their performance program for the upcoming Trial examinations which are taking place in Weeks 3 and 4.  We wish our Year 12 Music students the very best with their final preparations.

Change of Date – SCEGGS HSC ENCORE Concert

The date of the SCEGGS HSC ENCORE Concert has been changed to Thursday 25 August – Great Hall, 6pm.  We look forward to sharing the Year 12 Class of 2022’s music performances with the school community in this free concert. 

All Elective Music students are also encouraged to attend this performance with their parents to experience and support the work of the senior Music students.


Woodwind and Brass Concert Sign-Up: Term 3 Week 3 Thursday 4 August

Woodwind and Brass students are invited to perform in the Woodwind and Brass Concerts scheduled in Week 3 on Thursday 4 August.



We encourage students who learn at school, and students who learn externally to perform.

These concerts will be held in the Great Hall. Family and friends are welcome to attend.

Closing date for the sign-up is Monday 1st August


St. George Eisteddfod – Congratulations

Congratulations to Evelyn Li (Year 7) who played the cello in the 12 Years and Under Restricted- String Instrumental Section of the St George Eisteddfod during the school holidays. She competed against other instrumentalists playing Violin, Viola, Cello and Double bass in this section. Evelyn was awarded third Place, a wonderful achievement!


AMEB Examination (Saxophone and Flute) – Congratulations

Congratulations to Lucy Thomsen and Janet Zheng (both students in Year 10) who had completed their respective AMEB examinations.  Lulu completed Grade 6 Saxophone Video Repertoire exam and Janet completed her Grade 7 AMEB Comprehensive Flute exam.  Both students achieved outstanding results, an excellent achievement.  Thank you to Ms Christina Leonard (Saxophone) and Ms Sarah Broughton Stalbow (Flute) for their teaching and preparation of the students.  Well done girls!


ASBOF Competition Tickets on Sale – Band and String Ensembles

Tickets for the ASBOF Competition are now on sale.  The tickets for this event (25% discount when purchasing online) can be accessed via the ASBOF website.

The ASBOF Web App is also accessible via the website and gives parents access to the full Festival Draw.

Please see below for the information and ensembles that are involved in this year’s competition:

Sunday 28 August – Sydney Conservatorium of Music
  • Sinfonietta – arrival time of 8.30am
  • Stringalong – arrival time of 9.35am
  • Bugles – arrival time of 11am
Sunday 11 September – Sydney Conservatorium of Music
  • Amati – arrival time of 10am
  • Holst Wind Band – arrival time of 1pm


Australian Youth Orchestra – Applications Open!

The Australian Youth Orchestra has opened applications for their 2023 programs. From gifted, school-aged students to those on a verge of a professional career, AYO provides specialised training opportunities for the next generation of musicians, composers and arts administrators. Click here more information and to apply.


Term 3 Calendar of Music Events

Week 3 String Fun Day, Sunday 7 August 10am to 1.30pm at DB Centre

Week 5 Year 11 Music Concert, Thursday 18 August 4pm in Great Hall

Festival on Forbes (ensembles to be confirmed) – Sunday 21 August

Week 6

HSC ENCORE Concert, Thursday 25 August 6pm in Great Hall
*Please note the change of date from the school diary

ASBOF Competition – Sunday 28 August (Bugles, Stringalong, Sinfonietta and Amati Strings).  Further information will be provided by ensemble directors

Week 7

Musicale 3: Primary concert at 4.30pm and Secondary concert at 6pm in Great Hall

Back to SCEGGS Gala Dinner, Saturday 3 September 6.30pm (ensembles to be confirmed) in Great Hall

Week 8

IPSHA Performance, Tuesday 6 September in Sydney Town Hall.  Further information to come

ASBOF Competition – Sunday 11 September (Holst Wind Ensemble)

Week 9 Stage 3 Concert, Thursday 15 September at 6pm in Great Hall


Pauline Chow
Head of Music

Secondary Sport News

Secondary Sport News

SCEGGS Mid Term Break

With our SCEGGS mid -term break coming up on August 15, it is timely to remind everyone that most sporting teams still have fixtures on the Saturday. All students are required to play their scheduled matches. Parents are required to email Ms Allum if they require leave of absence for any Saturday sporting fixtures.

FIBA Women’s World Cup Basketball

SCEGGS is organising a bus to take students to the Opening Ceremony and Double Header (featuring the Australia v France match) on September 22.  All details have been sent out in an email have to all students with a Try Booking link that will be closed off at 9am this Friday so we can complete the group booking.

NSW All Schools Cross Country

The NSW All Schools Cross Country Championships were held last week at Sydney Motorsport Park at Eastern Creek.

SCEGGS had four students representing NSWCIS on the day.

Our SCEGGS Cross Country Captain, Gabriella Ibrahim, ran strongly to finish in 35th place in the 18 years age group to finish off a stellar school running career.

In the 14/15 years age group Ruby Fry won the Silver Medal, Nancy Newton finished 20th and Annaliese Stackpool ran strongly to complete our trio of powerhouse runners.

In the Primary school Beatrice Emanuel finished 12th in the 8/9 years age group.

Congratulations to Ruby Fry who was selected to compete at the Australian Cross Country Championships in Adelaide in August. Further congratulations to Lily Cooney who has also been selected to compete in Adelaide via the club pathway after finishing 7th at the NSW Championships in Nowra. We wish Ruby and Lily well as they train and prepare for Nationals.


SCEGGS Invitational Artistic Gymnastics

SCEGGS hosted an Invitational Artistic Gymnastics competition during the holidays.

This was a friendly competition for Levels 1, 2 & 3 between SCEGGS, Ascham and Kincoppal Rose Bay. For many of these girls it was an opportunity to compete for the very first time after all competitions being cancelled over the previous 2 years. All students performed well on the day and were able to showcase many of their skills that they have been learning throughout the year in front of an audience of parents. We look forward to watching their progress as they prepare for IPSHA selection later in the year.

Well done to the following gymnasts:

Level 2

  • Diya Shankar
  • Matilda Napthali
  • Annabelle Dempsey

Level 3

  • Wavy Ellis
  • Isla Roberts

Thank you to our coaches and judges who assisted on the day and our Head Coach Glen Hay for organising the event.


Sydney Regional Snowsports

SCEGGS sent a team of 40 to the snow to compete at the various Interschools events over the holidays.

The week started with 17 girls competing in the Redlands Cup that was held at Thredbo. Highlights of the day were Scarlett Phillips winning the Bronze Medal in Division 1. The Division 4 Team consisting of Saskia Sostaric, Sacha Tehan, Lucinda Morgan and Olivia Roberts, won the Silver Medal in the Teams Event.

The competition then moved to Perisher with the start of the Sydney Regional Championships. Our Primary skiers were first to compete and for most of them this was their first time competing due to covid lockdowns in recent years. Despite some nervous moments at the top of some courses, all competitors were able to compete and achieve some very commendable times.

Next up was our lone Snowboarder Xanthe Kibble in the Snowboard events competing in her final Interschools races. Xanthe has been a key member of the Snowsports Team for 10 years.  

The back end of the week saw all our Secondary students in action. Division’s 2 & 3 had huge participation fielding multiple teams in both Alpine and Skier Cross.

Our Division 1 skiers provided the highlight of the week with Team Medals in both the Skier Cross and Alpine events. A special congratulations to Lily Punch who won the Silver Medals in both events and to Scarlett Phillips who flew out of the gates to win the Gold Medal in the Alpine.

Most importantly we were all thrilled with the way the team cheered on every SCEGGS Skier regardless of where they placed. The camaraderie and SCEGGS team spirt across all age groups was what are most proud of throughout the week. We look forward to seeing everyone back again next year, Unfortunately, we have several Year 12 competitors who are competing in their final Interschools: Xanthe Kibble, Dakota Kedzier-Hurst, Lily Punch and Jessica Vernon.

We are currently confirming the Teams to compete at the NSW Cross and Interschools Championships in August.

Highlights of the week were as follow:

  • Division 5 Alpine – Jessica Grace 8th
  • Division 5 Skier Cross Team finished in 5th place: Jessica Grace, Holly Shennan, Jada Lewis
  • Division 1 Skier Cross Team won the Silver Medal – Lily Punch (Silver Medal), Scarlett Phillips (9th), Jessica Vernon
  • Division 1 Alpine Team won the Bronze Medal – Scarlett Phillips (Gold Medal), Lily Punch (Silver Medal), Sophie McGrath, Jessica Vernon
  • Division 1 Moguls – Scarlett Phillips 8th

Thank you to Ms Axford and Ms Smith who assisted down the snow, performed course official duties, and cheered on the students as they raced.

IGSA Fixtures, Results and Wet Weather

There is a new IGSA website and platform for accessing wet weather, fixtures and team results. You do not need to register or sign up to be a member to access this site.


SCEGGS Training sessions before and after school plus Saturday Sport

Please check the @SCEGGSSport Twitter feed for the latest updates relating to cancellations.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself on 9052 2721 or 0418 491 521. Alternatively, if you have any news or photos that we can highlight in the newsletters please email alisongowan@sceggs.nsw.edu.au


Alison Gowan
Director of Sport

Primary Sport News

Primary Sport News

Primary School Athletics Carnival

Click here to find out all you need to know about our Carnival on Monday 1 August. 

Term 3 Saturday Sports Information

 We look forward to getting Term 3 Sport underway this week after a rained-out first week back. Best of luck to all of the Touch Football, AFL and Minkey Hockey Teams playing this weekend!

NSW All Schools Cross Country

Congratulations to Beatrice Emanuel, who competed in the NSW All Schools Cross Country Championships held last week at Sydney Motorsport Park at Eastern Creek.

Beatrice finished 12th overall in the 8/9 Years age group out of 75 competitors. She also placed first overall in the team’s event. Well done on the fantastic achievement!

Reminder: Permission Requirement for all Primary Sports

Permission notes (or an email) are required for all students being picked up from a sports activity or training session by another parent/carer including nannies and babysitters. If arrangements are reoccurring, parents may provide one permission email for the term.

Permission emails need to be received by SCEGGS Sports Staff prior to 11:00 am, for the coaching staff to be communicated with appropriately.

Tom Mitton
PDHPE and Sport Co-ordinator: Primary

Year 7 Film Festival

Year 7 Film Festival

This week the TAS Department will be showcasing the best of the Year 7 Coded animated projects in a lunch time film festival. 14 participants have been selected for the final and a people’s choice award will be announced in week 3. We look forward to sharing with the community these clever and fun projects.  Here is a list of our clever finalista: Alexis Monahan, Amy Chan, Annalise Zimmerle, Ava Dua, Caitlin Cameron, Isabelle Flower, Isha Singh, Joanne Tsilikounas, Karla Ng, Mabel Maclennan, Rachel Li, Taylor Mavrakis.

Maevie McAvoy
Technological and Applied Studies Assistant

P&F Primary School Disco

P&F Primary School Disco

The “Let’s Glow Crazy” SCEGGS P&F Primary Discos will be held this Friday 29 July in the Great Hall. The K-3 Disco will begin at 3.45pm and the 4-6 Disco is scheduled for a 6pm start. There will be a selection of light refreshments served soon after the girls arrive which will include vegetarian and gluten free options.

To ensure a safe and efficient dismissal, there has been a change to the arrangements for the collection of students at the conclusion of each event.

Students in K-3 will be taken back to the Primary School at 5pm. Your daughter will be supervised in the lower playground until your arrival.

All students in Years 4-6 will be dismissed from the Great Hall. Staff will be located on St. Peters Street from 7.30pm and we ask that you drive down the street in a car line until you can safely stop to collect your daughter.  Please remain in your car and a staff member will bring her to you.

Please contact me if you have any queries regarding the organisation of the evening.

Gabriela Grocott
Manager of Primary School Admin and Operations

Go Greener – Two environmental good news items!

Go Greener – Two environmental good news items!

Recently the Government released a report called Australia: State of the Environment 2021 which was five years in the making. While there are many concerning issues raised in this report it is wonderful to see that the report recognises Indigenous knowledge. To quote from the report: “Indigenous ways of knowing and seeing are essential for meeting the environmental challenges of today and the future. As the world’s oldest living culture, Indigenous peoples have dealt with environmental change over millennia. Their role in caring for Country is far more than environmental management – it is caring for Country as if land and seas are kin.”

The University of Western Australia and Shark Bay community members are working with Indigenous rangers to deploy 250 seagrass snaggers along the ocean floor of Shark Bay World Heritage Area.  It is hoped the seagrasses will attach to the snagger and provide a habitat and a food source for a variety of the marine species in the area. This project is important in reducing the effects of climate change. Seagrasses cover 0.2% of the world’s sea floor. They provide habitat for marine life and capture 10% of the ocean’s carbon every year. The Shark Bay World Heritage Area includes 12 of the world’s 72 species of seagrass including Posidonia Australis, the world’s largest plant. 

For more information about this project click on this link.

Sue Zipfinger
Sustainability Co-ordinator

Year 10 Immunisation Program

Year 10 Immunisation Program

Each year NSW Health works in partnership with schools to offer free vaccinations as recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council. These vaccines are important and protect students through to adulthood.

All Year 10 Students will be offered the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine on Thursday 18 August. An information pack will have been sent home with Year 10 students in Week 2, which includes a consent form and a meningococcal record of vaccination card that will be given back to students after they have been vaccinated.

Please sign the consent form and have your daughter return it to Student Services by Monday 8 August, UNLESS you do NOT wish your daughter to be vaccinated. Please note – the nurses will be unable to vaccinate any student if their form is not signed by their parent or guardian.

Due to COVID disruptions in previous years, students will also be offered catch-up vaccination for any missed doses, including:

  • during Year 8 (for HPV and dTpa vaccination) and during Year 11 (for Meningococcal ACWY vaccination) for consent signed in 2021
  • during Year 9 or Year 12 (to students who were in Years 7 and 10 respectively in 2020) who missed vaccination during 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 disruptions.

Students who are on the list to receive a catch-up vaccination will receive a text from NSW Health and/or an email from the School. If your daughter has since received this vaccination outside the school program, please let the school know to remove her from the list.

For any queries contact Sarah Walters, Director of Administration, on 9332 1133.

National Art School Open Day

National Art School Open Day

The National Art School is a popular destination for many of our Visual Art students, during and after leaving SCEGGS. They are having an Open Day on Saturday 3 September from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm and we encourage anyone considering beginning their tertiary studies at an Art School to attend.

Everyone is welcome at NAS Open Day, from those considering art as a career to anyone simply curious about what happens behind the school’s historic sandstone walls.

There will be plenty of opportunities to see what life is like for students at Australia’s leading art school, with demonstrations in the studios, the chance to drop in on classes, talk to current students and teachers, and enjoy shows in our exhibition spaces.

Book into a two-hour time slot for your visit, speak to staff at the course enquiry desk, pop into an information talk about the BFA, MFA and DFA degrees, or speak with faculty in a one-on-one advice session. 

Heidi Jackson
Head of Visual Arts



Congratulations to the Year 7B, Year 8B, Year 9, Year 10, and Senior teams for their wins in Archdale Debating on Tuesday. Year 6 debating teams also won their IPSHA debates last Friday, which is another fantastic achievement.

Next week we will be travelling to Tangara for our final Archdale Debating round. The bus will leave SCEGGS immediately after school and return to SCEGGS at the conclusion of the senior debates, which is at approximately 8pm.

The Year 8A team have a makeup debate the following week, on Tuesday 9 August. This debate will be conducted virtually, so debaters will remain at SCEGGS. After all make-up rounds have concluded we will find out about finals rounds. Best of luck to all teams!

Grammar Social Debating also resumes this Friday. We will walk up to Grammar after school, and debaters can be collected at the College Street exit.

Imogen Harper
Debating Co-ordinator