13 February 2020 - 13 February 2020
From the Primary School

From the Primary School

In Primary School news this week, read about Safer Internet Day and the Years 3-6 Inter-House Swimming Carnival.

Safer Internet Day

We live in an amazingly connected and convenient world and the benefits are many! We can organise day to day activities, foster relationships, enhance creativity and learn new things from a device in the palm of our hand. Today, children are online before we know it! They are playing with connected toys, tapping and swiping touch screens, choosing programs to watch on streaming services, video calling family and friends, taking and sharing photos and so on. Given that our girls are growing up in a digital world, it is important that we do our best to actively support and guide positive online interactions while simultaneously protecting them from the associated risks and downsides of cyberspace. Laying the foundations of safe and healthy online behaviours when your daughter is young, and building upon these each year as she moves through the Primary School, will allow her to develop the skills needed to effectively navigate the online world and to manage challenges as they arise.

This Tuesday 11 February was Safer Internet Day, a worldwide event that raises awareness about online safety and encourages everyone to help create a better internet. We wanted to use this opportunity to encourage you to start a conversation with your daughter about her interactions with the online world and to share with you how we will work together with you and your daughter to promote online safety. 

At SCEGGS we believe in partnering with parents and preparing the girls to:

  • Think critically: to evaluate websites, images and other online content
  • Protect themselves: from online threats including bullying and scams
  • Get smart about sharing: what, when, how and with whom
  • Communicate with kindness and respect: when interacting with others online, including respecting their privacy
  • Ask for help: know that they can go to a trusted adult when faced with a tricky or uncomfortable situation online

Smart, safe technology usage can enable students to help drive their learning. Throughout the year your daughter will be involved in a range of learning opportunities for them to develop and strengthen these skills. Below are the names of some of the resources we will be using in these lessons. Feel free to explore the associated links to guide conversations about online safety with your daughter.

Stage 1
Hector’s World


Stage 2

Play Like Share &

Cybersmart Challenge

Stage 3

Be Internet Awesome &

Game On


We know it can be overwhelming when looking for information regarding how you can help your daughter be safe online. Here is a list of well researched resources that we think might be helpful for you to explore as a family.

As many of you will have heard at the Parent Information Evenings, Dr Kristy Goodwin is coming to speak at SCEGGS about Raising Girls in a Digital World on Monday 24 February 6:30pm-8pm in the Lecture Theatre. We urge you to come along to hear from an expert and build our partnership to enhance your daughter’s safety online.

If you are ever unsure of how to address an online safety matter of any kind with your daughter, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are in this together!

Sarah Johnstone                                                                                             
Head of Student Wellbeing K-6                                                                  

Cristi Wilsmore
Head of Teaching and Learning K-6


Years 3 – 6 Swimming Carnival 

Date: Thursday 20 February
Time: 9.15am–2.30pm 

Drummoyne Swim Centre 
Henley Marine Drive, Drummoyne 

Parents, grandparents and friends are invited to attend our annual Swimming Carnival and support the girls and their Houses. 

Girls must be at school by 8.15am, as usual, on the day of the carnival. Hired buses will leave SCEGGS at 8.30am. Girls will also return to school by hired bus, and the school day will conclude at the usual time.  

Regarding co-curricular activities on the day, the Chamber Strings rehearsal will take place before school as usual. After school, Swimming is optional for those girls who would like to attend. After School Care will operate as normal. 

Parents may take their daughters directly to the pool in the morning and/or take them home from the pool in the afternoon if they wish, but Class Teachers must receive written notice of this before 19 February. Girls will not be given permission to go home with parents of friends unless written permission is received. Girls will not be given permission to leave the pool with parents before the conclusion of the carnival.  

Girls may come to school in PE uniform and, if necessary, will be given time to change into swimming costumes at school. PE uniform must be worn correctly to and from school, but at the carnival the girls may wear decorated hats, coloured socks, t-shirts etc. in House colours. 

The pool at Drummoyne Swim Centre is an outdoor pool, and charges spectators an admission fee. While there is ample undercover seating for girls and their families, girls must wear t-shirts and sun hats throughout the day when not swimming, and are expected to bring and apply sunscreen during the day. Canteen facilities will be available for parents, but girls do not have permission to use the canteen themselves. We ask that the girls bring with them enough food and drink for the day. 

In the case of bad weather and the need to cancel the carnival, a decision will be made by 7.30 am. Please check SCEGGS Sport Twitter feed, or telephone the school. 

We are all looking forward to a wonderful day and hope to see you there. 

Helen Dempsey

Head of Primary School 

English News

English News

Margot LeeIn Term I the SCEGGS English Department is delighted to welcome back Margot Lee (Class of 2019) to run after school creative writing workshops. Margot has had her poetry awarded and published in both Australia and the USA and was placed 5th in the State in English Extension 2. She has attended creative writing workshops at both Iowa and Columbia University and is looking forward to sharing her experience and passion with other SCEGGS students.

Margot will run three afternoon workshops (from 3:30-4:30pm), where students will have the opportunity to respond to creative pieces and to craft and workshop their own writing. We hope that all participants will leave with a workshopped piece that they can feel proud of, as well as a heightened appreciation for the joy and challenge of writing creatively.

These workshops are open to secondary students across all year levels, experience and abilities. Places are limited though, so please email Sarah Hawkins by Friday 14 February with a brief expression of interest if you would like to be involved. In this expression of interest, you should include;

  • Your Name
  • Your Year level
  • Your English Teacher
  • A brief reason why you would like to be involved in these workshops

Dates for the workshops:

  • Tuesday 18 February (Week 4)
  • Tuesday 25 February (Week 5)
  • Tuesday 10 March (Week 7)

Sarah Hawkins

English Teacher


Visual Arts News

Visual Arts News

There are several exhibitions and competitions for Visual Art lovers of all ages!

Exciting learning opportunity for Year 12

For our Year 12 HSC students, why not visit Campbelltown Art Gallery on 22 February?

Campbelltown Arts Centre is running a Saturday Year 12 study session around the work of Vernon Ah Kee, who has a major show there now. This is a great opportunity! Vernon Ah Kee is a member of the Kuku Yalandji, Waanji, Yidinji and Gugu Yimithirr peoples. His multi-faceted practice includes works that range from large-scale drawings of his ancestors to hard-hitting text-based works and installations. Through clever puns and plays on words and objects, Ah Kee fuses the history and language of colonisation with contemporary black/white political issues to expose degrees of underlying racism in Australian society.


This promises to be a dynamic learning experience for keen visual arts students, using a mixture of group discussion, direct experience with artworks as well as practice questions and take-home resources.

Applications close 5pm, Monday 17 February 2020.

Enter Now!

The Head On Student Award is open to all K-12 Australian school students (closing 16 February). The Student prize includes exhibited photographic work, cash, Sony cameras and more! Photographs are judged anonymously by a panel of leaders in the photography community. “Head” to  https://www.headon.com.au/student-awards  for all the details for entry.

Just a short walk away…and really worth your time

In February 2020, Sydney Living Museums and Art & About will present untitled (Maraong Manaóuwi) by Sydney-based Wiradjuri/Kamilaroi artist Jonathan Jones at the Hyde Park Barracks. We encourage all students to take advantage of this exciting program and visit the site during the exhibition dates: 21 February 2020 – 15 March 2020. Entry is free. Central to untitled (maraong manaóuwi) is an extensive program of specially curated talks, demonstrations, workshops and performances that will activate the site and generate a living cultural memory. The program will include Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal elders, academics, artists and thinkers.

Heidi Jackson
Head Teacher Visual Arts

SPAN Event – In Conversation with The Hon Julie Bishop

SPAN Event – In Conversation with The Hon Julie Bishop

SCEGGS is delighted to host our first SPAN event for 2020 In Conversation with The Hon Julie Bishop. Old Girl, ABC Journalist and news presenter Celina EDMONDS (1988) will interview the former Minister for Foreign Affairs as she shares her insights on leadership, equality and how to support all women.

All members of the SCEGGS community are welcome to attend.

Please join us for drinks and a light supper:

When: Thursday 19 March
6.30pm – 8.30pm
Where:  The SCEGGS Great Hall
Cost:  Tickets are $50 each. Please click here to secure your ticket
RSVP: Friday 13 March


Parents’ and Friends’ Association

Parents’ and Friends’ Association

Welcome to our new Class Parents for 2020.  A reminder that our Class Parent  briefing will be held this Thursday 13th February from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the Joan Freeman Lecture Theatre.  This is an important night where we brief the incoming class parents about their role and answer any questions. There is also a new process in place for Class Parents to communicate with their Year group, with instructions on how to manage communications explained on the night.  We hope to see as many of you there as possible.  

A reminder too that the P&F’s AGM will be held on Tuesday 10 March from 7:30pm to 9:00pm in the Joan Freeman Lecture Theatre.  All are most welcome.  Several P&F roles will be newly filled from the AGM as several committee members’ daughters left the School at the end of last year.  We are therefore looking for new committee members and would love to hear from you.  No qualifications required other than enthusiasm and a willingness to contribute.  There’s a role for everyone so please consider joining us.

On a similar note, the P&F are keen to talk with anyone who might be interested in becoming its new president. 

My term is over, and my daughter has completed Year 12 so it’s time to hand the reins over.  That’s how I became involved.  I saw the advertisement for Company Secretary in Behind the Green Gate about five years ago and thought I couldn’t do that, then I saw it again the following week.  I emailed and said if they hadn’t been flooded with applications I would happily apply.  The job was mine and I have enjoyed being involved ever since.  Everyone thinks someone else is better qualified and will do it, but we are waiting for you to apply, so please give it thought.  I will stay on as one of two vice presidents to guide the new president for the first few months or as required.

Please do not hesitate to call me on 0408 291 196 or on penny@gerstle.com.au if you are interested. 

I look forward to hearing from you.


Friday 14 February

7:00am St Peter’s Playhouse

Years 9 and 10 “Father”/Daughter Breakfast


Friday 28 February

6:00pm JFSATC Rooftop Terrace Welcome Cocktail Party


Tuesday 10 March

7:30pm Lecture Theatre AGM P&F Association Term I Meeting – all welcome


Penny Gerstle
President P&F Association

Secondary Sport News

Secondary Sport News

Sport got off to a slow start last weekend with all Tennis, Softball and Soccer being cancelled due to the wild weather.

Water Polo

In very wet and windy conditions, the SCEGGS Year 7 team enjoyed a successful game of Water Polo last Saturday by defeating St Catherine’s 10 – 1.  What started as light drizzle quickly turned into heavy driving rain. A big thank you to all the parents who braved the elements to support the girls at Sutherland Leisure Centre. The team is coached by Rio Olympian George Ford who is a current member of the Australian Water Polo Team training for the Tokyo Olympics.

Secondary Swimming Carnival

We have rescheduled the Secondary Swimming Carnival for March 13 at Drummoyne Swimming Pool.

If any students would like to be considered for the SCEGGS team to compete at the IGSSA Championships on March 6 you need to send in current Swimming NSW times to Ms Gowan or come along on Friday February 14 to be timed at the MLC Invitational Carnival. All students have been emailed details, a list of events and the permission form.


Olympic Sailing Qualifiers

Good luck to Sylvie Stannage who is competing at the 2020 World Laser Radial Championships in Melbourne from Feb 21 – 28. These Championships also double as the Olympic Qualifiers for the Tokyo Olympics. We wish Sylvie every success.


Modern Pentathlon

Congratulations to SCEGGS Old girl Marina CARRIER (Class of 2014) who has been selected to compete at the Tokyo Olympics in Modern Pentathlon. We are thrilled to see Marina realise her dream after great sacrifices and hard work over the past 10 years.

You can read about Marina’s journey here.


Alison Gowan
Director of Sport


Primary Sport

Primary Sport

Congratulations to Stella Dodwell and Zoe Argyrides (Year 5) who competed for Sydney University in the Metropolitan South Eastern Championships at Des Renford Pool on 1 and 2 February 2020. They both competed in the freestyle relay and medley relay for and won both events.

Stella and Zoe with their medals

Georgia Baker Wood (Year 6) also competed at the championships. Georgia swam in 4 events and had a personal best in the 50m Butterfly at 40.06 seconds.

Georgia and Stella qualified for the metropolitan championships on 7 and 8 March at Sydney Olympic Park. We wish them the best of luck in their upcoming meet.






IPSHA Football and Water Polo and Year 3 Basketball

Flippa Ball

Competition games begin on Saturday 15 February. A draw has been given to each girl and may also be accessed on Cognito  on the Sport homepage. Wet weather details are on the draw.

Please ensure your daughter is at the venue ready to start 30 mins prior to her game, with a water bottle and shin pads for football. It is important everyone is there for warm up to help avoid any injuries.






Year 2 Netball

Fifteen Year 2 girls started learning all about the basics of Netball on Thursday 6  February. Our coaches Amy PARMENTER (Old Girl, 2019 GWS Giants Suncorp Super Netball Members’ Player of the Year, 2019 Australian Development team) and Grace Hill (2019 UTS Sparks Premier League Team, 2019 Canberra Giants ANL Training Partner) took the girls through their paces.

The girls will learn the basics of ball handling, rules and team work, in a fun atmosphere.



Sue Phillips
Primary PDHPE and Sport Co-ordinator

Music Matters

Music Matters

From Scholarships to Awards and Eisteddfods  – the Music Department is a hive of activity.

2020 Margot Anthony (Budd) “Beyond the Curriculum” Award

The applications for the Margot Anthony (Budd) “Beyond the Curriculum Award” are now open.

There are two awards given each year to Elective Music students from Years 8 to 11. Students need to demonstrate a developing musical interest in an area outside of their classroom studies. They also need to have a record of music tuition and successful examination results in at least one instrument or voice.

To apply, students can access the information and application form on Cognito.

Applications must be submitted to the Head of School by Friday 6 March 2020.

Secondary Music Ensemble Rehearsals

Ensemble rehearsals commenced this week (Week 3). Students who are taking Music as an elective study MUST participate in at least one Music Ensemble. If for whatever reason you cannot attend your rehearsal, please do the courtesy of letting your conductor or Mr Jewitt know ahead of the rehearsal.


2020 SCEGGS Music Eisteddfod

Applications for the 2020 SCEGGS Music Eisteddfod are open to all students who are having voice or instrument tuition.

  • The SCEGGS Music Eisteddfod is a competition open to ALL musicians currently taking private lessons, inside or outside of school.
  • Entry into the Eisteddfod is FREE.
  • All Elective Music students are preparing for participation.
  • Heats will be held in Week 7 during regular Music class lessons for Primary students, Year 7 students and Elective Music students.
  • All other heats will be held during regular class lesson time.
  • Students will perform for the external, specialist adjudicator in a music studio – there is no audience.
  • Due to timetabling restrictions, adjudicators do not provide written reports or any other feedback.
  • The adjudicator’s decision is final, and no discussion will be entered into.

Entry forms can be accessed on Cognito or at the Music Department.


Music Tuition Reminders

A reminder for ALL students and families who are part of the Music Tuition (instrumental and voice) program to do the following:

IF you have 8.00am lessons At the conclusion of an 8.00am lesson, student must go straight to the Primary Office or Late Desk to sign in. If students are not signed in correctly, parents will receive an SMS saying their daughter is absent from school.

CHECK your Diaries

At the conclusion of your lesson, your tutor should confirm your following week’s lesson with a “Next Lesson” sticker. If you can see a possible event that will disrupt your tuition (eg: class test or excursion) you must notify your tutor at least 24 hours before your next lesson.

INFORM your class teacher

As a courtesy, students need to let their class teacher know that they will miss a part of their lesson at least 48 hours beforehand. This allows a music tutor an opportunity to change the tuition time for the student if there was a class test or excursion scheduled in that time.

It is also the responsibility of the student to catch up on any work missed in that lesson.

Tutors require four Weeks’ notice if you wish to discontinue lessons Placements automatically roll over unless you indicate that you will be discontinuing.


2020 Organ Scholarship

Calling on expression of interest from students who are interested in applying for the 2020 Organ Scholarship. The scholarship application is open to any student who is currently learning the piano (of approximately 5th Grade standard) and have a desire to learn the organ. For further information and a copy of the application form, please access Cognito.

Applications close on Friday 14 February 2020.

Important Dates for 2020 Calendar – 125th Birthday Music Workshops

To celebrate the school’s 125th Birthday celebration, a special concert will be held in the Town Hall on Thursday 18 June. The concert will feature exciting pieces of music by Australian composers and will feature many of our ensembles.

To facilitate preparation of this concert, the Music Department will be holding two weekend workshops for the featured ensembles. The dates are as follows:

Workshop 1 – Monday 27 April (day before the commencement of Term 2)

Workshop 2 – Sunday 14 June (Sunday before the concert)

Attendance at both workshops is compulsory for students who will be performing. We would appreciate your support with your daughter’s regular attendance of rehearsals and for both workshops. Further information about each of the workshops will be provided closer to the time.

The concert will be a wonderful celebration of the school’s birthday. It will also be a wonderful evening of Music!

Pauline Chow
Head of Music

Drama News

Drama News

There are many opportunities to add some Drama to your life – either as a participant or spectator, there is something for everyone!

St Peter’s Players

Our after-school Drama program has started for the year, but we can still accommodate girls in some classes. Please find the information and enrolment form here.

Inter-School Drama

We have several girls participating in productions at other schools. They are well into rehearsal and reporting that they hare having a jolly time navigating these co-curricular experiences. Congratulations to:

Imogen Holmes (Year 9) who is appearing in the musical Urinetown with Newington. The season runs Thursday Feb 27, Friday 28 and Saturday 29 The Parade Theatre, NIDA.

Scarlett Phillips, Jessica Vernon and Scarlett Gibson-Williams are working with Sydney Grammar to present Guys and Dolls from June 4-6.

Emily Gyton, Sienna Best, India Poiner, Jessica Millin and Eva Harris join Shore to present the musical Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang. Dates are March 26-28 and April 1-4.

Ladies in Black

Auditions have commenced for the 2020 SCEGGS musical, Ladies in Black. Keen students will demonstrate their singing, dancing and acting skills over the next week with casting announced on February 24.

There is a strange pecking order among actors. Theatre actors look down on film actors, who look down on TV actors. Thank God for reality shows, or we wouldn’t have anybody to look down on.
George Clooney

Peter Eyers
Head of Drama






Fun at the Latin Summer School!

Fun at the Latin Summer School!

Would you like to learn about Medicine in Ancient Greece or UFOs in Ancient Rome? Here is your chance …

Studying for Latin Summer School

For five days in the second-last week of the summer holidays, I attended the 26th Sydney Latin Summer School, held in classrooms of the New Law Building at Sydney University. The school is divided into many different levels of experience, from 1A for total beginners, to Level 4 where you take part in advanced seminars on authors such as Virgil, Horace, Juvenal, and so on. I enrolled in course 2A. This required me to do a lot of work beforehand, by studying the grammar of 1B and 1C with my dad in the holidays, but it was definitely worth it.

My teachers were Mike Salter and John Coombs. Mike taught grammar and scansion while John went through the different texts in our booklet. The classes were very large, some having to be split into different groups, so it was necessary to have two different teachers. Our class had more than 40 people in it!

I enjoyed extending myself by reading adapted Latin poetry and learning about complex grammatical structures, as well as attending an interesting lecture from a daily selection. One day I was learning about Ancient Greek medicine or eco-feminism, the next day my friend was going to a lecture about UFOs in Ancient Rome.

Every day we would start by doing a Latin riddle. Then we would learn about the scansion of the riddle, which is like a little poem. Scansion refers to the rhythm or metre of verses in poetry, and is based on patterns of long and short syllables. Then we would do some grammar and work on translating a Latin text – say, a poem, or a history of the kings of Rome. We would have a break for recess and do more translation and grammar, and then have lunch.  After lunch there was usually a lecture and then another class. The day went from 9.00am to 4.00pm.

But by far the thing I most enjoyed about the Summer School was hanging out with friends from other schools, bonding with new acquaintances over our love of learning and socialising in general. Not to mention the writing competitions you can enter and the singing at the end of the five days! 2A usually leads the singing, and this year we sang “Gaudeamus Igitur” (whose tune was borrowed for Sydney Grammar’s school song, ‘Floreat Grammatica’) and Adele’s “Hello” in Latin.

If you wish to enrol in the 27th Latin Summer School in 2021, you can go to their website and register later in the year. I would thoroughly recommend the Latin Summer School to anyone who wants to extend themselves and get ahead of the pack on grammar! The good thing is, everyone there wants to learn it as much as you do!

Valete puellae!

Nicola Allen
Year 9 Latin



The first round of the ISDA Debating Competition will take place next Friday on 21 February. Debates will be held at SCEGGS in the Old Girls’ Building. Year 6 debates will start at 6pm, Year 7-9 debates at 7pm, and Year 10-12 debates at 8pm.

The Eastside Debating Competition will begin the following week on 28 February.

This means it is very important for all remaining permission notes, from all year groups, to be returned as soon as possible.

Imogen Harper
Debating Co-ordinator


Health Alerts in the Secondary School

Health Alerts in the Secondary School

There are two Health Alerts pertaining to the Secondary School this week.

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

A case of hand, foot and mouth disease has been reported in the Secondary School. Hand, foot and mouth disease starts with small red blisters which later become ulcers. Blisters can appear inside the cheeks, gums, and on the sides of the tongue. They may also appear on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. People may also have a low fever, sore throat, tiredness, feel off colour or lose their appetite.

More information is available here.

This is usually not a serious illness and is not related to the foot and mouth disease that affects animals. However, if you are at all worried, or you notice any symptoms of concern, please see your GP as soon as possible.

Head Lice
There has been a case of head lice reported in the Secondary School. Head lice are very common in schools, and it is important that all parents check their daughter’s hair regularly and follow the necessary procedures if needed. For further information, please refer to the NSW Health Department.


Bethany Lord
Director of Pastoral Care