Head of College

Head of College

It has been wonderful to welcome students back on campus. There is a hive of activity around the school, and it is fantastic to see students beginning their learning journey for 2024. In such a short time this year there has already been so much happening around the school including:

  • Three days of professional learning for staff, including a day at Guula Ngurra National Park learning about and from our Gundungurra elders.
  • Welcoming new students to the College (including our Pre-K students)
  • Hosting our first Cricket game of the season, with our First XI taking on Oxley Alumni.
  • Having our first assemblies for the year including an Academic Excellence assembly acknowledging a number of Year 12 students from 2023 and hearing an inspiring speech from Dux of 2019, Skye Holmwood.
  • New electives for Year 8, Year 9 and Year 11.
  • Parent information sessions across the school, highlighting the things to come in 2024.
  • Year 7 Camp, an opportunity for this cohort to begin to develop bonds as a group.

I highly encourage you to also put the Thursday 15 February into your diary for Parent Welcome Drinks for 2024. I look forward to seeing you on this night where we share with you some of our priorities for the year. We will also be hosting some tours of the new developments that have been undertaken. We do ask that you RSVP so we can cater appropriately.

Pin Oak and the College Newsletter

As we continue to refine and improve how we communicate with families we have made a decision to alter how we do the Pin Oak Magazine. When Pin Oak was started many years ago, it was established as a student led publication, however over the years it has evolved into a College newsletter with the student voice included.

From the beginning of this year Pin Oak will revert to being a wholly student voice publication and published twice a term (approximately week 4 and 8). We will also introduce The Oxley College Newsletter with information about happenings in the College and messages from a range of people. This publication will be published up to 3 times a term (usually Week 2, 6 and 10 or 11). We will also continue to use the Oxley app for timely announcements as required. We are hopeful this will continue to ensure you are well informed of the happening in the College and ensure student-voice remains a focus.


I would like to particularly thank our school community with your assistance regarding traffic. Anytime change occurs there will be teething problems, and I am particularly grateful that our community has assisted making this as smooth as possible. Not only is the new system safer at managing the departure of students, but there has been the added benefit of improved traffic around the school. I am also particularly pleased to see the numbers of students catching a bus seems to be increasing, this is not only a good thing for traffic, but great for the environment too. Thank you.

Staff arrivals and departures

There have been considerable changes in staffing across the campus, mainly to roles in the school as the number of staff departures was incredibly low at the end of 2024. And while most of these positions have been announced I thought it might be helpful to provide them below for your convenience (staff marked with an * are existing staff in new roles).

After we broke up at the end of last year, I received the resignation of Mr Simon Baird (Mathematics). Mr Baird accepted a position closer to his home in Wollongong and we do wish him all the best in his new role. We are thankful for his service to the school.

After a short campaign over the summer, we will welcome Mr Miguel Nunes to the Mathematics Faculty from the beginning of next week. I am sure you will make him feel welcome.

New Staff and Executive and Senior Leadership Team
  • Mr Mark Case* – Deputy Head of College
  • Mr Tristan Bevan* – Head of Senior School
  • Mr Christophe Gauchat* – Head of Co-curricular P-12
  • Ms Dene Patterson* – Head of Academic Operations P-12
  • Ms Lee McGuinness – Director of Curriculum 7-12
  • Mrs Alison Rasheed* – Director of Curriculum P-6
Advancement Team
  • Ms Lucy Welsh – Registrar
  • Mrs Amberley Guilly* – Community and Marketing
  • Ms Amelia Morgan-Hunn – Development and Foundation
Middle Leaders
  • Dr Jeremy Hall – Head of Philosophy and Ethics and The Oxley Centre for Ethics
  • Mrs Jo McVean* – Head of Humanities
  • Mrs Katrine Pascoe* – Head of Drama P-12
  • Mrs Renee Zink* – Head of Music P-12
  • Mr Joshua Hurkett* – Head of Senior School Sport
  • Ms Fran Dorczak* – Head of Junior School Sport
  • Mrs Emily Madden* – Diverse Learning Coordinator
  • Mrs Mel Sievert* – Acting Head of Dobell House, while Mr Staples is on leave
  • Mr Justin Verco* – Head of Durack House
  • Mrs Jodie Wolstencroft* – Head of Mawson House
College Services
  • Mrs Kathryn Allen – School Accountant
  • Mrs Alina Fischer* – Senior Administrator
  • Mrs Liane Bull* – Student Futures Advisor
  • Mrs Brooke Devlin – Gym and Coaching Coordinator
Teaching Staff
  • Mrs Gill Case – Junior School Teacher (Year 4)
  • Ms Georgie Ridehalgh – Junior School Teacher (Kindergarten)
  • Mr Adam Rothwell – Junior School Teacher (Year 5)
  • Mrs Juliet Burnham – Junior School Teacher (Year 6)
  • Mrs Claire Browne – Junior School Teacher (Year 3)
  • Ms Gina Umoren – Junior School Teacher (Year 1)
  • Ms Dani Noonan* – Junior School Teacher and G & T Teacher
  • Mrs Kirsty Cargill – Senior School Teacher (Science)
  • Mrs Cath Taylor – Senior School Teacher (English)
  • Mrs Melissa Lamrock-George* – Senior School Teacher (Music) and G & T Teacher
  • Ms Meaghan Stanton* – Talented Athlete program coordinator
  • Mr Miguel Nunes – Senior School Teacher (Mathematics)

Please reach out to the College if you have any questions or concerns office@oxley.nsw.edu.au

Mr Scott Bedingfield
Head of College

Deputy Head of College

Deputy Head of College

Professional Learning – Guula Ngurra National Park

The school year commenced with a staff professional learning day on country at Guula Ngurra National Park, where we learnt about Aboriginal culture and the land from our local Indigenous community. The day was an important step in our commitment to building connections with our Gundungurra elders and the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan. We are looking forward to bringing students to Guula Ngurra later this year, with the opportunity to assist in tree planting work, and to learn from and with our Indigenous community.

Academic Excellence Assembly

We have introduced a new tradition at Oxley this year, with our Academic Excellence Assembly, to celebrate the achievements of our 2023 HSC cohort. We invited back to the College our Dux, Proxime Accessit, students who achieved an ATAR of over 90, plus those who received nominations for special State-based Awards, including ArtExpress, Shape, Encore, Callback and OnSTAGE. Our special guest speaker was the Dux of 2019, Skye Holmwood, who was in Year 12 when our current Year 12s were in Year 7.  Skye achieved a remarkable ATAR of 99.75. After graduating from Oxley and a COVID-affected gap year in England, Skye has been studying for her Bachelor of Philosophy degree in Neuroscience and Chemistry at the Australian National University in Canberra. Skye spoke engagingly to the school about her experiences and shared some advice for our current students, including the importance of balance, continuing co-curricular passions in the senior years, regular study and “working your best, rather than working your hardest”.  In 2028, it will be the turn of our Dux of 2023, Leah Halstead, to speak at the assembly – when our current Year 8s (Year 7 2023) will be in Year 12.

Generative AI: Embracing the Challenge

“Students today depend on paper too much. They don’t know how to write on a slate without getting chalk on themselves. They can’t clean a slate properly. What will they do when they run out of paper?” – purportedly from a school principal’s publication, 1815

Ballpoint pens will be the ruin of education in this country.” – from ‘Federal Teachers’, USA, 1950 1

Technological change has always caused significant challenges in education. Indeed, when some state education system systems rush to ban a new learning tool, it is fair sign that it must be pretty good.

Barely a week goes by without a media outlet claiming that Generative AI (Gen AI) could spell the end of a profession; teaching among them. Gen AI systems like ChatGPT have acted as a wrecking ball to long established, evidence-based assessment practices and have the capacity to render traditional academic integrity policies instantly obsolete.

The role of Gen AI in education is a fascinating and evolving field of study that is already indicating its immense value as a learning tool. It is not simply that schools need to adapt to this changed paradigm; ultimately, they will need to embrace the opportunities it brings. As a school, our vision is one of a dynamic learning community and I would argue that two of our core values – to show courage and to seek wisdom – compel us, as educators, to adopt, adapt to and embrace this technology. Doing this requires a considered and strategic approach in which teachers, students and parents are upskilled to use these technologies safely, ethically and productively. The inevitable lack of an evidence-base, due to the newness of the technology, provides an additional challenge.

At Oxley we established an AI Committee of staff in 2023, led by the Head of Learning Technologies, Mr Jonathan Adams, to explore how we can incorporate Gen AI into our policies, propose a Gen AI strategy and promote best practice. Before the arrival of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in November 2022, we adults were already immigrants to the digital world inhabited by our children; this is now the case in terms of Generative AI, too. As educators, parents and carers, we have a responsibility to our young people to adapt to this new paradigm.

1 Adapted from Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology, A.Collins & R.Halverson (2009). The veracity of the 1815 quotation is contested.

Traffic Management Plan 2024

Whilst it is not the Rozelle Interchange, Oxley nevertheless faces significant and unique challenges when it comes to traffic management. There is one road into the College and one road out, and we are not permitted to use surrounding roads for drop/off pick up. This situation is exacerbated by inadequate walking and cycling infrastructure on our local roads, including no pedestrian crossings on Moss Vale Road, Eridge Park Road or even on Railway Road at Burradoo Station. In 2024 we are actively engaged with both local and state governments to push for infrastructure improvements in and around Burradoo to address this.

The gridlock at pick up time in recent years has caused significant frustration to parents/carers queuing to pick up their children, as well as local residents who periodically are unable to access their property, or they experience cars illegally parked on their verges. It has also caused disruption to the school bus network, with regular delays at Oxley impacting other schools and those with connecting buses elsewhere.

The new Traffic Management Plan this year, including a radical change to after school pick up arrangements, is the result of many months of modelling and preparation. Staggered pick up times in the Junior School, no waiting in pick up bays and asking families to pick up their children together at the same time and location (rather than going to the Junior and then the Senior School pick up zones) has meant that, after less than a week of operation, there is now no traffic queue on Railway Road. I am grateful to all parents and carers for their support of this change – for adjusting family routines and being willing to follow our new protocols – it has meant a much safer and more efficient pick up experience at the end of the school day. Around 30% of students now catch the bus home each day – which is good for our neighbours and great for the environment. We still have work to do in this area, especially regarding the limited availability of parking onsite.

For more information regarding the new Traffic Management Plan you can watch the video or read the Fact sheet:

Many thanks

Mr Mark Case
Deputy Head College

Business Manager

Business Manager

New After School Care Offering

We are always working to enhance the overall experience for our students and families at Oxley College. After months of collaboration with a service provider, we have secured Before and After School Care with ‘Their Care’, this service will commence on Monday 11 March 2024. Located in the Junior School, it will offer an option for parents to claim the child care rebate, further reducing associated costs.

An information night at the Junior School will be held on Tuesday 27 February at 5.00pm for families interested in enrolling.

Building Projects and Transformations

Since the commencement of our first renovation project in December, we have seen lots of progress across our campus. With 13 building projects underway, including completed and near-completed initiatives, Oxley is undergoing transformative changes.

Notable accomplishments include the new Pre-K the new playground, affectionately known as ‘The Burrow’, the music pods and the Senior School changerooms. Additionally, the relocation of The Clinic to Elvo’s ground floor and the completion of Senior and Junior School offices mark significant milestones in our journey towards providing modern and functional facilities.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the building teams and talented tradespeople, sometimes up to 50 per day, who have contributed to these achievements.

Our commitment to enhancing the learning environment at Oxley College remains a priority. From newly created Senior School offices allowing collaboration to updated Pre-K bathrooms ensuring accessibility, each transformation contributes to nurture and support our students’ learning. The completion of projects like The Clinic refurbishment and the installation of modern changerooms reflects our dedication to student well-being and inclusivity in sports activities. Our state-of-the-art music pods, renovated Junior School offices and an almost finished woodwork room with over $100,000 worth of equipment installed further enhance the educational journey for our students. Additionally, a new workout space featuring specially selected adolescent machines and equipment is progressing.

As we look forward to completing ongoing projects, including restroom renovations and gym enhancements, we express our gratitude for your continued support. Your partnership is instrumental as we strive to create a campus that inspires excellence in every aspect of our students’ lives.

During the upcoming Parent Welcome Drinks, scheduled tours of the new facilities will be available. Please reserve your spot using the link.

Callout for Volunteers

We are asking for expressions of interest for volunteers to help in the College Canteen on the weekends when we have home games. Please complete your details here and we will be in touch.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Em Cassin
Business Manager

Head of Senior School

Head of Senior School

Welcome to the Oxley Senior School to our new families and welcome back to those who have been with us for a while. The latter may already know me as I have been at Oxley since 2001. I have been a Science & Chemistry teacher, Head of House, Dean of Operations and most recently Director of Curriculum & Operations. Prior to Oxley I was educated and did my teaching qualifications in the UK before coming to Australia. I am a passionate advocate for a holistic education having also been involved in Sport, Music, Drama and Outdoor Education over my years at Oxley and in the local Highlands community.

There are many exciting changes this year. We are working on evidence-based practice to improve all aspects of College life, but particularly the academic rigour and expectations in the classroom.

I have high expectations of students and staff and we are maintaining a consistent approach in following our College policies, focusing particularly developing the character of our students. They should be ready to leave Oxley in Year 12 and be productive members of society and strive to be leaders in their chosen paths. One area we are starting to raise expectations is uniform.  Studies show that paying attention to the ‘small things’, like uniform standards, have shown to improve student outcomes.  I thank parents for their support in upholding our College uniform policy that can be found in the College Diary.

We welcome a few new members of staff to leadership positions in the Senior School.

Ms Lee McGuinness who joins us as Director of Curriculum (7-12) and Dr Jeremy Hall who joins us as Head of Philosophy & Ethics.

We are also excited to have two current staff working in new roles working to support individuals in the Senior School this year. The Gifted & Talented Co-ordinator Ms Melissa Lamrock is working to identify students in this area and has started to prepare a program to provide enrichment opportunities for students in the Senior School. Further details will follow.

As Talented Athlete Program Co-ordinator, Ms Meaghan Stanton will be working to support athletes who are competing at a state level or above in sport. Mr Gauchat, Head of Co-Curricular has provided more detail in his report.

Earlier this week we held information sessions for parents from Year 7, 9 & 11. It was great to meet a range of parents at those meetings and, for those unable to make it or for further reference, the slides used in the presentations will be uploaded to the relevant year CANVAS pages. The slides from the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme presentation will also be uploaded to the Year 9 CANVAS page.

Whilst Mr Case has spoken about the College afternoon pick-up procedures, one key area of safety that needs addressing in the Senior School is the drop off zone in the morning. Classes start at 8.45am and as such all students should be dropped off by 8.40am to be ready in time. Reducing late arrivals in the drop zone will reduce the interaction between vehicles and students heading to class. I look forward to meeting parents at the Welcome Drinks on Thursday 15 February and to working with students, parents & staff over the coming years. If you have any questions relating your child’s time at Oxley, please direct initial contact through their Mentor.

Warm regards

Mr Tristan Bevan
Head of Senior School

Head of Junior School

Head of Junior School

How exciting it is to be back at school and to have the playground and classrooms filled with laughter, chatter and students re-connecting after the summer holidays.

During our Assembly this week, I told the students a story that made them think about how they feel about being at school and how they can make it a great place to be.

I told them the following: “this school will be as good for you as you want it to be. If you choose to stand apart, criticise and complain, not give everything a go and do your best, then this may well be a very dull place indeed.

If you are prepared to join in and have a go at all the activities, see people as your friends and be a good friend, enjoy learning and work at your best in class then Oxley will be a great place for you.

Above all, remember that this is a place of learning, your parents chose Oxley as they believe this is a place where learning is not just about English and Maths but also about you, who you are and how you can participate in the community we have here.

We want you to flourish and this will depend on you, your attitude and your actions.”

Just like the students, teachers are re-connecting and planning amazing curriculum and activities to engage the students to not just gain wisdom but to wonder about the possibilities. In the Junior School, our goals for this year are based around using evidence to inform our practice – this might be a test, a project, a task, an observation during lesson time, teacher judgment or student feedback. We are also working hard to improve students writing with a focus on spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Setting goals is a wonderful way for both students and teachers to work together, sharing the learning journey and having an endpoint.

To help our teachers and students to work together is Mrs Alison Rasheed, who has a new role this year as Director of Curriculum P-6. I asked Alison to share her thoughts on her new role:

“I am thrilled to write to you as the new Director of Curriculum P-6 role at Oxley College Junior School. Having been part of the Oxley community for the past 7 years and a teacher and school leader for over 28 years, I strongly believe that the academic learning here at Oxley empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and positively impact their own world and the world around them. This year, one of my main areas of focus is to lead the implementation of exciting new English and Maths curricula, ensuring that our educational programs align with the latest research and incorporate innovative teaching practices. I am dedicated to nurturing a culture of continuous improvement in all Key Learning Areas, fostering collaboration among our dedicated staff to enhance teaching methodologies and create dynamic learning experiences for our students. I am excited about the possibilities this role holds and am committed to working as a team to make this school year a transformative one for both educators and students alike. Here’s to a year of growth, innovation, and academic excellence!”

A new Pre-K classroom and beautiful outdoor play area, a second Year 1 class, new landscaping around The Gateway, and more on the horizon makes for a very exciting year in Junior School.

A warm welcome to both our existing and new families – we are looking forward to a year of wisdom, wonderment and WOW!

A reminder about Sport Uniform days:

Kindergarten Tuesday and Friday
Year 1 Monday and Friday
Year 2 Friday and Wednesday
Year 3 Wednesday and Friday
Year 4 Wednesday and Friday
Year 5 Monday and Friday
Year 6 Monday and Friday

Warm regards

Miss Jane Campion
Head of Junior School

Co-Curricular P-12

Co-Curricular P-12

Oxley Adventure Trips

Excitement is building for the trips on offer in the Junior and Senior School. At the end of 2023, expressions of interest were gathered and allowed the College to assess the viability of each trip. In positive news, all of the proposed trips have strong support. We will be sending out confirmation letters with details on the payment of deposits to secure positions and payment plans in the coming weeks. Further details can also be found at this LINK.

Please keep an eye out for a letter from the College in your email inbox with payment details and further information. If you have any questions about any of the following: Year 10 Nepal, Year 10 Thailand, Year 10 Regional Australia, Year 6 Far North Queensland or Year 8-12 Japan please email Mr Christophe Gauchat at christophe.gauchat@oxley.nsw.edu.au

Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award remains one of the most important elements of Oxley’s co-curricular program. Details for parents with students in Year 9 was provided at the recent Parent Information session. If you would like a copy of this presentation or have any questions regarding the program please contact Mr Tim Dibdin at timothy.dibdin@oxley.nsw.edu.au.

Further information about the upcoming Bronze Qualifier and Silver Practice Adventurous Journeys will be available in the coming fortnight. For any students completing the different levels of the Award they are encouraged to attend the DoE Clinic run by our student leader of Outdoor Education, Hamish S (Year 12) each Thursday at lunchtime in the Library. Remember to update your logs on the Online Record Book!

Talented Athlete Program (TAP)

Oxley is launching the Talented Athlete Program in 2024. The aim is to provide one-to-one mentoring support for students who compete in their chosen sport at a high level and helping them balance their academic and co-curricular pursuits. Students selected for the program will already be competing at a State (or equivalent) representative level. They will work closely with the TAP Coordinator, Ms Meaghan Stanton, to plan for training and competition. Support will focus on making short- and long-term goals whilst planning times for rest and recovery. Involvement in TAP will require evidence of performance at a significantly higher level and is not just for sport enthusiasts.

Please keep an eye out for further information and the opportunity to submit an application on behalf of your child/children for consideration to be a part of this exciting new program.

Many thanks

Mr Christophe Gauchat
Head of Co-Curricular P-12

Performing Arts

Performing Arts

I’m delighted to share some exciting news from the vibrant world of Performing Arts at Oxley College.  The energy is high, creativity is flowing and the stage is set for an extraordinary year ahead.

Year 8 Music Theatre Elective

For the first time, Oxley College proudly introduces the Year 8 Musical Theatre elective, and the debut was nothing short of spectacular! Last Monday marked the kick-off of this thrilling journey, led by Katrine Pascoe, Head of Drama. The inaugural lesson echoed with enthusiasm, as students showcased their talent by presenting their short interpretation of full-length musicals. The atmosphere was not just lively; it was loud and fabulous, promising an incredible musical journey for our budding performers.

“The Book of Everything” on sale soon

Brace yourselves for the upcoming production of “The Book of Everything,” with Phil Cunich at the helm as the Director. This is a deeply moving story about family and the triumph of love over fear. Students have been giving generously of themselves during these rehearsals.  Keep an eye out for ticket announcements – this is an experience you won’t want to miss. 
Performance dates: Wednesday 28 February – Saturday 2 March 2024

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”: A Theatrical Extravaganza Under the Stars.

In March, we invite you to join us outdoors on the Elvo Lawn for a mesmerizing performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” The magic of Shakespeare’s classic will come to life beneath the open sky, creating an enchanting atmosphere for both the cast and the audience.
Performance Dates:  Wednesday 20 March – Friday 22 March 2024

Call for Volunteers

At Oxley we believe in the power of community, and we’re reaching out to all the creative souls in our parent network. If you have a flair for design and a passion for art or, we’re calling for volunteers to contribute their craftiness to set and costume production.
Please contact Melissa Lamrock at melissa.lamrock-george@oxley.nsw.edu.au to get involved and be part of the magic behind the scenes.


Our Junior School musical production of Matilda will be a spectacular showcase of our Junior School talent. Auditions for this fantastic show will take place soon.
The performances will run from the Wednesday 7 – Friday 10 August 2024 in the PCC.

Music Pods

With approximately 300 students undertaking extra music lessons in 2024, Oxley’s new music pods will have a high volume of occupancy.  These beautiful learning spaces will be the home of creativity for years to come.


There is a variety of musical ensembles to choose from at Oxley. These take place every morning and lunch and are open to all students. Should you wish to find out further details please ask students to check the daily notices for the rehearsal schedule or contact the Music Department directly.

Warm Regards

Mr Andrew Young
Head of Performing Arts

Senior School Sport

Senior School Sport

Oxley Sport 2024

Welcome to another year of Oxley sport! We have already hit the ground running with a return to summer sport training and Round 7 of the ISA season taking place last week. We are looking forward to the last few rounds of the competition with plenty of summer teams challenging for a spot in the finals. There have been some slight changes to the structure and personnel of the Oxley Sport department this year and we have also moved offices. We are now located on the mezzanine level of the PCC. You will see us on your left as you enter from the Junior School side. Ms Kim McNaught continues in her role as Sports Administrator as does Ms Fran Dorczak in her role as Junior School Head of Sport. I (Mr Joshua Hurkett) have moved into the role of Head of Senior School Sport and we welcome Mrs Brooke Devlin to our department this year as our new Gym and Coaching Coordinator. Mrs Devlin will be supporting all of our wonderful coaches to ensure that students are given access to high-quality training sessions throughout each season. As always, if you or someone you know may be interested in joining our team of coaches, please get in touch. We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead.

Swimming Carnival

Our Senior School Swimming Carnival takes place next Friday 16 February at Bowral Swimming Centre. Information about the carnival including permission notes and the program for the day have been sent home this week. Note that students wishing to participate in the 200m Individual Medley or the 100m Freestyle events must make their own way to the pool by 8.30am. All other students may either make their own way to the pool by 8.50am or travel by bus from Oxley College at 8.45am (meet on Founders Field by 8.30am). Buses will return students to school at the conclusion of the carnival if they wish, or they can make their own way from the carnival with permission from a parent. If you intend to pick up your child from the carnival, we ask that you do not arrive before 2.40pm to allow buses to be loaded and depart safely and on time.

Winter ISA Season

The winter ISA season is rapidly approaching, and it is time for students to begin thinking about which sport they would like to play. Sports on offer in the winter season include Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Football (Soccer) and Tennis. Shortly, you will receive the winter sports booklet with further information about each sport. Around Week 6, students will receive an online form asking to nominate their chosen sport for the winter season which they will complete in mentor group time. Once submissions have been received, we will communicate about the date, time and location of sport trials. Students will then be notified about which team they have been selected for and their training time and location, prior to Term 2 and the start of the season.

New Athletics Offering

The Oxley College Athlete Development Sessions are a new initiative by the Oxley Sports Department open to students of all abilities interested in improving their overall Athletic performance and technique. Sessions will be run on Monday afternoons from 3.45 pm to 5.00 pm in Terms 1, 2 and 3 and will focus on improving technique and fitness leading into the Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals.

A select number of high-performing students will be invited to join the Training Squad. Selection for this squad will be based on past carnival results and participation and performance at the Monday afternoon development sessions. The Training Squad will travel to Sydney twice each term to participate in high-performance training sessions with a professional coach. Dates to be confirmed.

Students interested in participating are encouraged to attend an introductory session on Monday 12t February. Please meet Mr Sievert on Founders Field at 3.45pm. Students should wear their PE uniform or Oxley Cross Country/Athletics uniform.

ISA Trial Nominations

Throughout the year, talented athletes are nominated to attend trials for ISA representative teams in their chosen sport. ISA teams are selected from all students in ISA schools, are mostly open to all age groups and are highly competitive. If the Sport is offered through summer and winter Saturday competitions at Oxley College, the Sports Department in consultation with coaching staff will nominate students.

Oxley students are also eligible for ISA selection in several pathway sports. Pathway sports are those that the ISA does not provide inter-school Saturday competition. These include AFL, Baseball, Diving, Golf, Boys Hockey, Rugby League, Sailing, Boys Softball, Triathlon, Touch Football, Volleyball and Water Polo.

If your child plays any of the above pathway sports at a representative or state level and you wish for them to be considered for nomination, please contact sport.admin@oxley.nsw.edu.au briefly outlining their playing history and achievements. Note – final decisions regarding nomination will be made by the Head of Sport.

Celebrating Student Sporting Success

We are lucky to have so many wonderfully talented student-athletes performing at a high level, across a wide variety of sports. Unfortunately, it is hard for us to stay on top of these achievements when they take place outside of school. If your child is playing at a representative level and has achieved recent success in their sport, we would love to hear about it! Please email office@oxley.nsw.edu.au and it will be passed on to the relevant staff members.

Warm regards

Mr Josh Hurkett
Head of Senior School Sport

Junior School Sport

Junior School Sport

Welcome to 2024, marking the return of our Summer Sports Season at Oxley!

Our Junior School students have exhibited outstanding determination and skill in sports like softball, cricket, and basketball. Congratulations to our junior athletes for their remarkable performances, embodying the spirit of Oxley sportsmanship and securing victories. We extend sincere thanks to our dedicated coaching staff for their tireless efforts.

Excitement is brewing as we eagerly anticipate the Junior School Swimming Carnival for Years 3 to 6 on Thursday 15 February, at the Bowral Swimming Centre. Parents and families, join us for a day filled with house spirit and sportsmanship as our junior school students showcase their swimming skills.

If you haven’t registered your Junior School child for the Swimming Carnival, please fill out the form below (one for each child):

The overwhelming response to our Junior School Swimming Training Program has been fantastic. It’s inspiring to witness numerous students demonstrating exceptional commitment to enhance their swimming fitness by rising early.

In the coming weeks, the Junior School Sports department is thrilled to introduce a Running Club and Athletics Club for students in Years 4-6, aiming to further enhance the skills of our young athletes. Stay tuned for more details on how your child can participate in these exciting opportunities.

We look forward to a fantastic year of sports in the Junior School, our goal is to foster an environment where each student can thrive and excel in their sporting pursuits.

Many thanks

Ms Fran Dorczak
Head of Junior School Sport

Parent Welcome Drinks

Parent Welcome Drinks

We’re so looking forward to seeing many new and returning families at our Parent Welcome Drinks, next Thursday night. Should you wish to have a tour of some of the recent refurbishments that have taken place around the school, led by a member of the College Executive, please ensure you indicate in this your RSVP.

RSVP Link: https://www.trybooking.com/COXJN

Highlands Wellbeing Forum

Highlands Wellbeing Forum

Dr Kristy Goodwin is one of Australia’s leading digital wellbeing and performance experts who is coming to the Highlands in March! With thanks to the support of the Bowral District Children’s Foundation, Dr Goodwin will be hosting a session for parents, offering valuable advice on how to navigate ‘Kids, Teens and Screens’.

Monday 4 March 2024
Bowral Memorial Hall
Tickets are available here: https://www.trybooking.com/CNXOV

School Photos

School Photos

Senior School Individual Photos: Monday 12 February

Junior School Individual Photos: Tuesday 13 February

Sibling photos:

  • If all siblings are in the Senior School, the sibling photo will be taken on Monday 12 February
  • If there are siblings in both the Junior and Senior School, the sibling photo will be taken on Tuesday 13 February
  • If all siblings are in the Junior School, the sibling photo will be taken on Tuesday 13 February

Students should wear Summer uniform

Pre-K photos will be taken at a later date

Visit: www.advancedlife.com.au
And enter online order code: 86P AZG PJ9

School photography information:

  • Online ordersdo not require an envelope returned to your school
  • Sibling Photos – Don’t forget to pre-order your sibling photos online up to 24 hours before photo day. We provide your school with a list of sibling orders right up to the day of photography, so no one misses out. If you miss the online order deadline, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope first thing in the morning of the day of photography, so your school is aware you want the photo taken and can bring your children together in time for it. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at your school.
  • Late fees – a late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately
  • Package delivery – School photographs will be returned approximately 6 weeks after the day of photography. Please note this delivery timeframe is dependent on proofing and additional photography days at your school.
  • Previous Years’ photos – Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available to order under the “previous years or group photo” tabs at your school’s advancedorder site when you click on the “Order School Photos Here” button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9-digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past
Southern Highlands Memory Walk

Southern Highlands Memory Walk

Show your support for Kylie Magill, an Oxley parent, who is taking part in the Southern Highlands Memory Walk and Jog to raise money and awareness for Dementia Australia. 

Kylie is doing this walk for her mum and all those who live with this terrible disease.
