8 September 2023 - 9 August 2023
From the Principal

From the Principal

The Archbishop of Sydney Award for Student Excellence:
Congratulations to Katelyn Lopes

The Archbishop of Sydney Awards for Student Excellence, an annual award ceremony involving 50 Catholic secondary schools, was held today 8 September. This prestigious annual award, sponsored by the Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher OP, recognises the outstanding young women and men in Catholic schools across Sydney. It is an important way of profiling the very positive contribution that young people make to their school and local communities to change and improve the world. It is also an affirmation of the support that families offer their children, and public acclaim for the commitment and dedication of their teachers. It is always such a lovely occasion and students were praised highly and thanked warmly by Archbishop Anthony, sending the message that our church of the future is in good hands. This hope-filled message was reiterated by Executive Director, Tony Farley, in his address to the students. It was very uplifting to see the number of our young people across Sydney who are active in positive ways within their communities.

Our very worthy College recipient for 2023 is Year 12 student, Katelyn Lopes. As an MSCW college community we are very proud of Katelyn. I share with you Katelyn’s citation outlining the wonderful ways she has been active at MSCW and in her parish community. 

Katelyn Lopes is a shining example of servant leadership and compassion within the Marist Sisters’ College community. As Social Justice Captain, Katelyn raises awareness of social justice issues through initiatives such as packing for St Vincent de Paul and Project Compassion fundraising. Beyond her school community, Katelyn is an active member of St Anthony’s Marsfield as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Katelyn shares her faith experiences with others through participation in St Therese Denistone Primary School Retreats, with other young adults through her participation in the Deanery Youth Group and Marist Super Connect with secondary schools. Katelyn’s commitment to her faith and community is evidence of the high esteem in which she is held as a young Catholic woman.


Dr Anne Ireland, Principal
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 
From the Assistant Principal

From the Assistant Principal

Last week we held our Father-Daughter Mass and Breakfast. It allowed us to reflect on the wonderful role that our dads play in our lives. It was lovely to have such a huge turnout of fathers, grandfathers and father figures. We thank Fr Aliki and all families who joined us for our Fathers Day mass. The mass allowed us to celebrate and give thanks for all the very special people in our lives who act in the role of ‘father’. A very big thank you to our Year 10 Parents who assisted in the overall running of the event.

Year 12 Graduation Ceremony – St Joseph’s Hunters Hill

This week all parents in Years 7-11 received information regarding the upcoming celebration of the Year 12 Graduation on Wednesday 20 September. This important event is one of the highlights of the College year which is attended by the whole College Community. Students are also expected to be in full College uniform and ensure that their shoes are polished.

Staff Development Day – Monday 9 October 

On Monday 9 October 2023, all College staff will be involved in professional learning specifically focused on Curriculum and Assessment. This day is a student-free day and there will be no classes. Supervision at the College will be available on this day if needed. 

All students return for Term 4 on Tuesday 10 October 2023.

Ms Melinda Alvarez, Assistant Principal

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8

From the Religious Education Coordinator

From the Religious Education Coordinator

In our Church ……

The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary [8th September]

The Church has celebrated Mary’s birth since at least the sixth century. A September birth was chosen because the Eastern Church begins its Church year with September. The September 8 date helped determine the date for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8. Scripture does not give an account of Mary’s birth. However, the apocryphal Protoevangelium of James fills in the gap. This work has no historical value, but it does reflect the development of Christian piety. According to this account, Anna and Joachim are infertile but pray for a child. They receive the promise of a child who will advance God’s plan of salvation for the world. Such a story, like many biblical counterparts, stresses the special presence of God in Mary’s life from the beginning.

Saint Augustine connects Mary’s birth with Jesus’ saving work. He tells the earth to rejoice and shine forth in the light of her birth.

“She is the flower of the field from whom bloomed the precious lily of the valley. Through her birth the nature inherited from our first parents is changed.”  


We can see every human birth as a call for new hope in the world. The love of two human beings has joined with God in his creative work. The loving parents have shown hope in a world filled with travail. The new child has the potential to be a channel of God’s love and peace to the world. This is all true in a magnificent way in Mary. If Jesus is the perfect expression of God’s love, Mary is the foreshadowing of that love. If Jesus has brought the fullness of salvation, Mary is its dawning.

Taken from: https://www.franciscanmedia.org/nativity-of-the-blessed-virgin-mary/

The Feast of St Teresa of Calcutta [5th September]

On August 26, 1910, Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje, Macedonia. As a young girl she was very involved in parish activities, and her mother told her many stories of missionaries, who inspired her greatly. In 1928, at age 18, Agnes joined the missionary order of the Sisters of Loreto in Dublin, Ireland. There she was given the name Sister Mary Teresa. As a young Sister in 1929 she travelled to Calcutta (today known as Kolkata), India, to teach at a school for girls. She continued to teach at various schools in India for 20 years. During that time, she was deeply moved by the number of sick and dying people on the streets.

On September 10, 1946, while travelling by train to Darjeeling, Sister Mary Teresa experienced a “call within a call.” She felt called to be God’s love in action: to serve the sick and dying, the hungry and homeless. She received permission to leave the Loreto convent. Then she sought medical training and became determined to serve the poorest of the poor.  Eventually, she was joined by other women. Some of these women were her former students, and they helped her serve the poor. In 1950 she established an order of religious women called the Missionaries of Charity. Over time the Missionaries of Charity have built centres throughout the world. In 1979 Mother Teresa, as she was known by then, received the Nobel Peace Prize. She captivated the world as few other people have. Her simple message was: “We are put on earth to do something beautiful for God.”

Pope John Paul II chose October 19, 2003, as the date for the beatification of Mother Teresa. The ceremony was a celebration for the entire world. Mother Teresa’s life of holiness is respected on a global scale. Her example of humble and loving service is admired by millions of people. The process that led to Mother’s Teresa’s beatification was the shortest in modern history. Ordinarily, the cause for beatification cannot begin until five years after the candidate’s death. However, Pope John Paul II advanced the cause of Mother Teresa soon after her death on September 5, 1997. The pope explained that he was making an exception because of widespread admiration for the tiny nun.

Mother Teresa’s spiritual vitality can be described with these words.

“Don’t search for God in faraway lands. He is not there. He is close to you. He is with you. Just keep that lamp burning, and you will always see him.”

In our Community….

Father Daughter Mass

Last Wednesday we celebrated our Father Daughter Mass and Breakfast at Marist Sisters’ College. It was a morning of celebration and community spirit. Students and their Fathers, Father Figures and Grandfathers celebrated the Eucharist together at Mass and then enjoyed a delicious breakfast with great company and a wonderful view on Cerdon Plaza.

On Fathers day when we remember what it means to have a father or be a father, we recognise the importance of fathers in our community. Fathers come in many different forms;  Fathers who are working day and night to raise children, fathers who took in others’ children through adoption and foster care, fathers who are expecting, but aren’t quite fathers yet, and those fathers who have lost children and must carry on. Fathers who right now have joined God in Heaven and whom we miss dearly here on earth. We pledge as a community to love and nurture the fathers and father figures among us so that they will manifest the love of God in all that they do.

It was within the family of Mary and Joseph that Jesus grew, he was nurtured and was loved.  Joseph was willing to be there with Jesus in countless experiences that would be lost to history. This encourages us to find St. Joseph as a father and friend in the wonderful ordinariness of our own lives.

I would like to thank all the teachers, support staff, students and parents that assisted with the mass and to Father Aliki from celebrating the Mass. A huge thank you to our parent helpers, support staff and teachers for cooking and serving the breakfast, and to the Year 9 PDM students Niamh, Lily, Lola, Alice, Seanna and Mia for taking the photos. It was wonderful to see our Marist Sisters College community come together for such a significant event.   

Marists In Action (MIA)

Marists in Action is the MSCW social justice action group that meets Day 1 at Lunchtime in 131. The agenda is set by the Social Justice Co-Captains, Amy Davis and Mia Bartram in collaboration with Jenny Vu, Youth Ministry Coordinator, and Samantha Ison, Assistant Religious Education Coordinator prior to the meeting. All students are invited to attend the meeting to collaborate on planning initiatives in response to contemporary issues within our community.

In previous years, MIA have facilitated many initiatives to engage our students in community life such as:

  • Coin lines for Project Compassion in Lent 
  • Writing letters to women and children in refugees 
  • Creating a Kahoot for the Social Justice Week 
  • Sorting and packing up clothes donated for Marist 180 
  • Sorting and packing the hampers and presents for the Christmas appeals 
  • Snack Packing for Vinnies Van Services.
Marist Service Hours Initiative
One way you can add to your Marist Service Hours is through: The Kids Giving Back Program. Kids Giving Back run several volunteering programs for kids, teenagers, and families. The outcomes of some of the community programs  include: 

 Producing over 8500 hot meals, salads, fruit kebabs, breakfast boxes, snack packs and care packs with empathetic, positive messages, which were distributed to 15 charities around Sydney. 

– 1800 servings of soup served at a twice weekly soup kitchen.

– Students learn about service such as: building leadership qualities, compassion, and a strong sense of civic responsibility.

 Further information about Kids Giving Back programs can be found here: Home | Kids Giving Back.

What is Social Justice Chalk Initiative

Last Friday, 1st September, the Marists in Action (MIA) team organised a chalk driveway initiative where students were invited to write or draw ideas relating to the term ‘social justice’. Through this initiative, students collaborated together to identify important topics through creative expression. What a fabulous turnout!

Ms Jenny Vu, Youth Ministry Coordinator


In our Curriculum


This week, our Year 11 students commenced their Preliminary Examinations, marking a significant milestone in completing their Preliminary courses in Studies of Religion I, Studies of Religion II and Studies in Catholic Thought. 

Loving God, we ask to bless and uphold our Year 11 students who are preparing for and sitting their Preliminary Examinations. 

We ask that you give them courage and wisdom in their endeavours. 

We pray that you will sustain their teachers and exam invigilators in supporting the students and conducting the exams with integrity and diligence.


Loving God, we know that this can be a time of stress and challenge, so we humbly ask for Christ’s peace to prevail for all at this time. We pray that each and every student will be able to perform to the best of his or her ability. 

We ask all this in the name of Jesus, our teacher and friend,


In Studies of Religion I and II, students ‘acknowledge religion as a distinctive answer to  the human need for meaning in life and its significance in Australian society, as well as the importance of Aboriginal belief systems and spiritualities in Australia.’ This is particularly important within Australia’s multifaith and multicultural context, and its place within the global community. Through various activities such as timelines, discernment tasks and applying knowledge to contemporary issues, students have been challenged to develop their “skills of analysis, independent research, collaboration and effective communication.” In Studies in Catholic Thought, students’ have been provided “with an understanding of humanhood and personhood understood by the Catholic tradition.” By engaging in different activities such as, jigsaw activities, discussions and analysing classical artworks, students have been able to explore the human person as “a foundational concept of the Catholic Church, founded in Scripture and informed by philosophy and theology.” These skills draw on our Marist Compass, Empower for Life, to ensure our students become critically reflective life-long learners.

Thank you Year 11 for the fantastic commitment to your learning and to the Year 11 Religious Education teaching team for their continued dedication:

  • Ms Irena Jajcevic
  • Ms Rebecca Bombaci
  • Ms Caroline Morizzi
  • Ms Angela Bowland
  • Ms Leoni Hopkins
  • Ms Katie Ellis

Ms Samantha Ison, Assistant Religious Education Coordinator


Mrs Caroline Morizzi, Religious Education Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2

From the Leader of Wellbeing

From the Leader of Wellbeing


Is your daughter experiencing difficulty with sleep?


Half of all mental illnesses start during early high school by 14 years. At this critical stage of development, 40% of young people will face significant sleep problems heightening their risk of anxiety and depression.

Sleep Ninja® is a free, evidence-based smartphone app shown to be effective in helping young people with sleep problems. Over six weeks, Sleep Ninja teaches skills based on cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), which promotes sleep quality and healthy sleep habits and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Sleep Ninja is designed for use during the day (not at bedtime).

Sleep Ninja® – Black Dog Institute

Understanding the growing challenges related to mental health among young people is an important consideration. Anxiety, depression and self-harm – are all causes for concern. Factors like academic pressure, social media, family dynamics, and societal expectations, are contributing to these issues. It’s therefore crucial for parents and caregivers to take action early, remove the stigma around discussing mental health, and offer accessible support to address these issues and the wellbeing of their children.

R U OK?Day is an initiative that focuses on preventing suicide by encouraging meaningful personal connections and helping informal support networks to help recognise the signs of distress. We urge all families to take part, emphasising the value of genuine human relationships and reminding everyone to ask the important question, “Are you OK?”

Engaging in R U OK?Day activities goes beyond the classroom; it’s a commitment to our students’ overall development. By talking openly about mental health, schools create safe spaces where students feel understood, valued, and supported. As parents and caregivers, you can contribute by fostering open conversations, normalising feelings and breaking down mental health stigmas. Participating in R U OK?Day promotes compassion and shows our dedication to the wellbeing of the entire school community, reaffirming that together, we can truly make a difference.

This Special Report provides guidance on how to talk to your child about mental health and engage in meaningful discussions.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your daughter, please contact her Tutor Teacher or House Coordinator for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to this special edition on R U OK? DAY edition of SchoolTV: LINK


Ms Angela Bowland, Leader of Wellbeing

  This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 


From the Leader of Learning

From the Leader of Learning

The education landscape constantly evolves, demanding that we adapt and innovate to ensure our students receive the best possible education. 

The Winds of Change in Curriculum

Over the past few years, there has been a growing recognition of the need for a more relevant and adaptable curriculum that equips students with the skills, knowledge, and competencies required for success. In response, the NSW government has embarked on a comprehensive curriculum reform.

NESA says: “The new curriculum will give students more time to focus on key learning areas so that they can acquire a deeper understanding of central concepts. It will ensure students develop strong foundations for learning, life and work in a complex and fast-changing world.”

What Does This Mean for Our College?

Like all schools in the state, our college will undergo a series of changes in response to this curriculum reform. These changes will encompass various aspects of our teaching and learning practices, curriculum content, and assessment methods. The curriculum reform timeline can be seen here. 

The Role of Teachers

Our dedicated teaching staff will play a pivotal role in implementing these changes successfully. It’s essential for teachers to be well-informed and prepared for the new curriculum requirements. To this end, we are committed to investing in our teachers’ professional development.

Staff development days will be scheduled to ensure that our educators have the necessary tools, knowledge, and skills to navigate these changes effectively.

Our Mathematics and English staff have been working to plan programs for Years 7 and 9 in 2024. Staff in these faculties will be focused on Year 7 and Year 9 programming on our Staff Development Day on Monday 9 October 2023.



Planning for the Future

To navigate the upcoming changes effectively, it is crucial for our teachers to engage in thoughtful and proactive planning. Curriculum mapping, lesson planning, and assessment strategies must be aligned with the new curriculum standards. From time-to-time, teaching teams will be given release from face-to-face teaching to work on programs.

Our Leadership Team will work closely with our teaching staff to provide guidance and support throughout this process over the next 2 to 3 years.

In closing, I want to express my excitement about the opportunities this curriculum reform brings to our College. 

Mr Justin Hodges, Leader of Learning
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2


News from the College Counsellors

Yoga Starting in Term 3

Miss Carly Boaler and Ms Louise Scuderi, College Counsellors

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8

More News from the College Counsellors

Supporting Teens to Eat Well in a Food Confused World – FREE Parent Webinar

Join Butterfly and two Practicing Accredited Dietitians and learn how to help your teen have a positive and balanced relationship with food.  Topics covered include: Why it’s hard to charter a healthy course | What’s helpful diet information and what’s problematic | Supporting eating through puberty | Troubleshooting common eating dilemmas – ‘junk food’, ‘high protein diets’, veganism, not eating at school.


Tuesday, 12th September

7 – 8pm (AEST), plus question time

Via Zoom (time-limited recording available)


Register:  https://events.butterfly.org.au/portal//event/?id=EP_BCCT_Parent_Webinar477928020&Name=12/09/23 BKF Teens Eating

Contact: education@butterfly.org.au


Colin News

In Week 6, the College celebrated Colin Week with a variety of activities and initiatives to develop the value of diversity, which is so incredibly important in our house. With our overarching motto ‘Unity Within Diversity’. Every girl in Colin is united as ‘sisters’ in creating the MSCW Colin House family.

Colin House takes its name from Father Jean-Claude Colin, the founder of the Marist Priests and co-founder of the Marist Sisters. Born in France in 1790, John-Claude Colin developed a strong attachment to Mary in his early childhood as a result of his mother’s own devotion to her. Believing he would make a good priest because he was a thinker, Jean-Claude was encouraged to go into the seminary by his uncle and older brother. Between 1815 and 1816, along with other young men from the seminary, he pledged to dedicate himself to the founding of a religious community bearing the name of Mary – the Marists.

In order to further our connection to our Patron, Colin House arranged for all tutor groups in the College to reflect on his dedication through prayer every morning. On Monday morning the Colin Co-captains handed our white ribbons to begin the week. Colin girls also contributed bake sale items, which were sold to raise money for The Marist Vision on Wednesday. Thank you to the girls who assisted with this successful initiative. Towards the end of the week we held a sausage sizzle for girls on Friday at lunch. There was an outstanding display of House Spirit from year 11 students and Colin teachers who helped the day run smoothly. Thank you to everyone who made Colin Week a success. 

Maddison Sherry and Eliza Jeffries, Year 11 Students

Ms Michelle Johns, Colin House Coordinator
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 

Wednesday 13 September – HSC Showcase 2023

STEM CORNER: Highlighting Successful Women in STEM





Our Maths Club initiative to connect students with women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)-based careers continues again in our ‘STEM Corner’.

This edition features an interview from Laura Tambasco (pictured above) of Year 8 with Dr Sophie Calabretto (pictured below). Dr Calabretto is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at Macquarie University, as well as an Honorary Associate Professor in the Aerospace & Computational Engineering Research Group, in the School of Engineering, at the University of Leicester in the UK. She has kindly agreed to speak with us about her career journey and offer advice to MSCW students.

LAURA: Can you please describe your career journey so far and what you are currently working on?

DR CALABRETTO: I went to university straight out of Year 12, where I did:

  • a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science double degree (BA majors in French and Applied Maths, and BSc majors in Physics and Theoretical Physics)
  • a Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours) in Applied Mathematics (my Honours’ thesis was on Mathematical Models of Neuron Firing – basically using mathematics to understand the equations the describe how biological neurons fire)

  • a PhD in Engineering Science, in which I studied why fluids go from being well-behaved (laminar) before transitioning into an unstable then fully turbulent state – once we can understand turbulence, we can control it, which can mean faster planes, a better understanding of weather and climate, advances in diagnostic medicine and so much more!

While I was completing my PhD, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do afterwards so I applied for a couple of postdoctoral research positions and ended up as a Postdoctoral Fellow at ETH Zürich in the Institute for Mechanical Systems and, after about a year of doing that, I was recruited back to Australia to take up the position of Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at Macquarie University. A couple of years later I was promoted to Senior Lecturer and then a couple of years after that, I left academia and spent a year doing freelance science communication (I co-hosted a Twitch stream called Battery Low in conjunction with Arludo and the Australian Museum, did a bit of writing for Cosmos magazine, hosted RiAus/Cosmos’ podcast … that kind of thing). And finally … I became a Defence scientist, as part of Defence Science and Technology Group’s (DSTG) NAVIGATE Program. I am currently seconded as the Associate Director of the Defence Innovation Network (DIN), where I help link together university researchers, industry, and Defence, to help solve Defence innovation, science, and technology problems.

LAURA: How has your gender influenced your career journey in STEM? Do you think there is or have you encountered much gender bias in your chosen field?

DR CALABRETTO: I was lucky to be raised in a household that didn’t really believe in gender norms, and so I never felt like gender influenced any of my decision-making. Unfortunately, I have encountered a lot of bias due to my gender (and age too), since most of the places I have worked have been full of men who were, on average, much older than me. Depressingly, I do think there have been several occasions in the past where I’ve had to outperform male colleagues to even be considered as good as them. Having said that, I do think things are changing! We (as a society) are just so much more aware of all kinds of biases, and most workplaces are actively putting measures in place to minimise (and hopefully eventually eradicate) them.

LAURA: What was your schooling experience like? How did it influence your journey into this career?

DR CALABRETTO: I think I really enjoyed school for the most part. I went to my local public primary and high schools, which were good schools and I had pretty good teachers in general. If there was anything that influenced me in school in my career journey, I guess it was that I didn’t really like the chemistry curriculum in Year 12, so that probably dissuaded me from doing chem at university. On the other hand, I really liked the physics curriculum so that’s possibly why I ended up doing physics at uni.

LAURA: What is a challenge or barrier to success you’ve had to overcome and what did you learn from it that you could pass on to others?

DR CALABRETTO: I think imposter syndrome has been a challenge for me in the past. Unfortunately, I think the more you know about a topic, the more you realise there’s a bunch you don’t know, and so you can start to second-guess your own ability. I think for me, listening to the positive (and sensible) people around me, helped me be a bit more logical and realise that I was sometimes being unnecessarily harsh on myself and my abilities. Be as fair to yourself as you are to the people around you!

LAURA: Are there any particular programs or role models that influenced your career choice and journey?

DR CALABRETTO: I went to the National Youth Science Forum in the summer holidays before I started Year 12, where we got to visit university labs and facilities in Canberra. I don’t think the NYSF necessarily influenced my career choice, but I did find it to be a great experience as someone who was interested in pursuing a STEM career in Australia.

LAURA: What advice would you give to students in high school?

DR CALABRETTO: This may sound biased, but do as much maths as possible, for as long as possible! When you’re learning maths, you’re subconsciously learning a completely different way of thinking, which will be useful no matter what you do. It doesn’t matter what career path you follow, employers want logical/critical/analytical thinkers, problem solvers, researchers, and those who show creativity – that is what mathematics trains you to be.

LAURA: What would you like to achieve in your journey ahead?

DR CALABRETTO: I’m not sure where I’ll end up in my career, but at the end of the day, I would like to have had a positive impact on the world. I think the scientific endeavour is incredibly important, and without great people working in STEM, we’re limiting ourselves as a society. Howeverrrrr, I also think it’s important to be a good person in whatever you’re doing, and I think it’s possible to achieve great things while also building up the people around you to be their best too. (I’d also like to learn some statistics – the  world is all about data these days and one of my biggest regrets is not doing any statistics!)

LAURA: Are there any misconceptions about your work that you’d like people to know about?

DR CALABRETTO: I think there are loads of misconceptions about what a mathematician is or does (the number of times people ask me to split a restaurant bill in my head, because I’m a mathematician, is wild!).

Applied mathematicians are people who apply mathematical methods and techniques to solve real-world problems, and the real-world problems I’m interested in all have to do with (turbulent) fluid flow. Turbulence is just badly-behaved fluid (think of air, water, toothpaste, anything that flows!), moving in a messy, disordered, chaotic way. The problem is that we do not understand how or why it does this. Whether it be flow in a pipe or blood vessel, or the more complex flow around a boat hull, spinning projectiles, or aircraft wing, we still do not understand the fundamental fluid mechanics at play.

My research, which involves using mathematical equations, big supercomputers, and experiments in a lab, aims to understand turbulence at a fundamental level. Once we can understand turbulence, we can control it, which, as I mentioned before, can mean faster planes, a better understanding of weather and climate, advances in diagnostic medicine and so much more. And if I have to split a bill, I just use the calculator on my phone, because it’s way faster and more accurate than I am when doing it in my head!

Thank you, Dr Calabretto, and well done to Laura for an interesting and exciting interview!

Miss Emma Pracey, Instructional Specialist
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 


Calling any MSCW Alumni or family members in STEM-related careers!

Our student leaders of Maths Club would love to speak with you about inspiring a new generation of women in STEM and building aspirations for a broad range of careers that students may not even know exist! We would love to speak with ex-students or family members of students in these fields and will be conducting interviews for the newsletter by email and phone with a number of prominent women in fields relating to science, technology and engineering and of course, mathematics. Please get in touch by email if you’re interested in being a part of our initiative: emma.pracey@syd.catholic.edu.au 

Miss Emma Pracey, Instructional Specialist

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 

Post School Pathways – 2024 UAC Applications, Courses and Workshops

UAC updates

As the HSC draws near, many Year 12 students are finalising their 2024 applications. The UAC Community Engagement team would like to highlight a few key points:

  • The majority of HSC students receive offers based on their ATAR and the hard work they have put into their Year 12 studies. 
  • Although Early Entry applications offer a sense of security, there are benefits in applying through UAC compared to applying directly to an institution for an early offer.  
    • Not all courses are available for early offers.
    • An early offer is not guaranteed.
    • A UAC application provides more options for preferences.
    • Students who have experienced difficulties/disadvantages in Year 11 or 12 can have their circumstances taken into account through an EAS application.
Listing preferences on a UAC application

Students should always:

  • place their dream course as their first preference
  • include a back-up course as a lower preference

Students should also find out:

  • the previous lowest selection ranks for the course – is it a realistic choice?
  • if they are eligible for any adjustment factors.
UAC Application key dates:

18 September:     SRS (Schools Recommendation Scheme) applications close (11.59pm)

29 September:     Early Bird application deadline (11.59pm).  Early Bird fee is $78 whereas the Standard Fee

                             (applications submitted after 23 September) is $215.  

3 November:        Change of preferences close for first SRS offers (11.59pm)

10 November:      November Round 1/SRS offers released (7.30am)

23rd November:   EAS (Educational Access Scheme) deadline

14th December:    ATARs released on UAC website at 9.00am

                              EAS Round 1 offers released

15th December:    Change of course preferences deadline (11.59pm)

21st December:    Main Round offers released (7.30am)

Need to speak to someone?

UAC’s friendly and helpful customer service team is available to take calls on (02) 9752 0200 Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. You can also ask questions via their website, Livechat or online enquiry form. For general questions, connect with them on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, but for privacy reasons they can’t discuss specific details about applications online.


TAFE NSW | 2024 Career Guide is Now Available 

Senior students who wish to study full time at TAFE in 2024 are now able to request a copy of the TAFE NSW 2024 Career Guide to be sent directly to their email address. Please refer to their website for details.

TAFE NSW 2024 Degrees are Now Available 

TAFE NSW offers a range of degrees that are taught by industry professionals in state-of-the-art facilities. Year 12 students who complete their HSC do not require an ATAR for admission into a degree program.  Some courses may have additional specific entry requirements. For further information please visit their website.

Courses and workshops

UNSW LAT (Law Admission Test)

If you have applied to sit the admission test, LAT Plus Accelerator offers a program designed to prepare you for the exam.  During the accelerator program, you will go through practical activities and exam papers to help you develop strategies for deconstructing law admission test questions, solidify critical thinking skills, and develop their persuasive writing.  

Final course dates are 3rd, 9th, 17th and 23rd September 2023. For further information please visit their website.  

Explore UNSW Kensington | Engineering your Future Friday 6 October 9am – 3.30pm

Year 10 and Year 11 students with an interest in learning about engineering at UNSW are invited to experience life as an engineering student. Students will have the opportunity to attend two hands-on workshops of their choosing whilst connecting with current students, academics and our esteemed engineering alumni. Register here

Western Sydney University’s Bizfluencers Holiday Workshop 25th and 26 September

Bizfluencers is an exciting school holiday workshop program aimed at high school students in Years 9–10.Limited spots available. Register here

Western Sydney University Blueprint Competition 

The Blueprint Business Idea Competition is designed to help students pursue new business ideas. Students will learn to solve a customer problem by conceptualising, building, and marketing a business. Submission deadline: 13 October. Find out more here.   

Western Sydney University Optimize Competition 

Competition for high school students to participate in Western’s School of Computing, Data and Mathematical Science’ Optimize competition to showcase their computing and robotic projects for a chance to win $500, medals, and certificates. For further information click here.

Ngara Future Focus (Listen, Hear, Think) Year 9 and 10:  20th October

University of Sydney’s Ngara Program is an on-campus event for year 9-10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.  The program promotes academic skills development and capacity through workshops that build confidence and prepare students for senior school and the transition to University. Aboriginal students will prepare for senior study as well as gain study tips and support for HSC subject selection. Applications close on 13 October 2023, for more information visit their website.

Information Sessions

Engineers Australia Newcastle | Girls Talk and Discover Engineering Recording

Informative seminars for students considering Engineering at university. GT aims to inspire girls into Engineering through stories of eminent local female engineers, and features representatives from UoN and TAFE. DE aims to enlighten students on different pathways into Engineering, and features representatives from SCU, UoN and TAFE. To access the recordings please click here

CQUniversity | Open Day Online Chat Session – Wednesday, 13 September, 3 – 6pm (AEST)

A chance to discover more about CQU’s broad range of courses, pathways, student support services, scholarships, and anything else regarding future study options. CQU’s expert staff will be online to answer any questions. Registration is required.

Macquarie University is Hosting Arts After Dark | AI Needs Intelligent Humans…or Does It?   Thursday 14 September 5.45 – 8pm

Prepare to be propelled into the fascinating world of AI and join leading experts in film, culture and education as they lead a fascinating debate which will affect all. Suitable for future students, parents, teachers and the community. For further information and to register please visit their website

University of Sydney | Upcoming In-person and Online Events for Prospective Students 

Online Open Night, Thursday 14 September | Sydney College of the Arts: Portfolio Evening and 1:1 consultations

12 September | Webinars on: Architecture and the Built Environment, Education: Teacher personal statements, Chemical Engineering, Day in the life of a Law student, Nutrition and Dietetics. 

For more information and to register please click here.  

1300apprentice Trainee and Apprenticeship intake for 2024 

1300apprentice are holding their 2024 apprentice and trainee intake during September / October school holidays. Register on their website and secure an interview. For further information visit their website

Charles Sturt University | Campus Tours 

To book please register here.  

Scholarships, Early Entry, Alternative Pathways

University of Tasmania Schools Recommendation Program Closing 7 October 

The Schools Recommendation Program at the University of Tasmania is closing for early offers on 7 October. Please apply before this deadline to be considered in the final round of offers. For further information visit the website

Academy of Interactive Technology Early Entry 

AIT offers Bachelor Degrees and Diplomas in 2D Animation, 3D Animation, Film, Game Design and IT.  For further information on courses as well as their Early Entry scheme please click here

University of Sydney | Admission Pathways and Entry Schemes 

The Extended Bachelors Program is a dedicated non-ATAR pathway for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to study some of our humanities, science, and health degrees. The Program includes an additional study year and allows Indigenous students to undertake studies in an academically and culturally supported environment. For more information on all admission pathways please visit their website.

Secure a Creative Future with an Early Offer from JMC Academy 

Why wait for ATARs to be released? Year 12 students can now apply through JMC’s Early Entry program to secure their conditional offer in the February 2024 intake before they sit their final exams. Diploma and Degrees in Creative Industries. Explore their courses and Early Entry program here.

Thinking of Starting a Career in Building and Construction? 

Master Builders can help students become the best apprentice or trainee they be, with entry level skills and safety training before the work starts. Students are placed with a fully screened host employer, paid weekly with allowances and entitlements and provided with a dedicated field officer for mentoring and support. Call Master Builders on 02 8586 3533 or email careers@mbansw.asn.au or visit their website.

Ms Leonie Clarke, Post-School Pathways & VET Coordinator 

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8

Year 9 History

Year 9 History students have been studying the topic “Australians at War” this term. As part of their study, they attended an excursion at the War Memorial in Hyde Park. Students were highly engaged and moved by the significance of the War Memorial. They started the day with a one-man performance called “War Horse”, which told the story of a digger and his horse, and their experiences during the war, particularly around loss and grief. They then toured the War Memorial, seeing the older section and the newer section that was constructed for the Centenary. Finally, students toured the museum which holds a wide range of primary sources. 

For many students, this excursion brought home that children as young as they were went to war after lying about their age, and did not return. Students commented on how affecting the personal stories were about the experiences of not only being at war, but the struggle of returning to Australia where there was little understanding of PTSD and the horrors of war. 

Ms Stephanie Dito, Assistant HSIE Coordinator (Acting), HSIE Teacher

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 


Year 12 Earth and Environmental Science Fieldwork with St Joseph’s College

On Friday 1 September , Year 12 Earth and Environmental Science class held a joint fieldwork exercise with St Joseph’s College. 

During the course of term 3 and Module 8 of the Syllabus, the 12 EES class has investigated human impacts on the environment, sustainability and the processes used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to preserve Country and Place. Kelly’s Bush is located beside the College and contains several sites of cultural significance including middens, sandstone rockpools and grinding stones. 

Students conducted a field walk around the Kelly’s Bush sites and visited the middens and rockpools. They discussed the traditions and practices that preserved these sites, as well as work by government bodies, local agencies and groups. The students worked together in small mixed groups to collect water samples from the pools and then took these back to the College laboratories to examine under the microscope for micro and macro-organisms. 

Following the lab work, the students enjoyed an afternoon tea with the St Joseph’s College students before farewelling the class at the end of the day. In the approach to their final HSC exams, both classes enjoyed the opportunity to meet and collaborate with other students doing Earth and Environmental Science. 

Mr Harley Keller, Science Teacher
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 


WSU August Meet and Greet

On Thursday 31 August, the Woolwich Student Union Co-Captains Anika Ressas and Grace Galea held a WSU Meet and Greet on the Futuna Terrace during recess.

One of the key mandates of the WSU is to identify and suggest improvements around the College. Anika and Grace decided that the best way to attract as much student feedback and opinions as possible was to have a “Meet and Greet”. While students may hesitate to attend a lunchtime WSU meeting, or may miss the notices about meetings, the Meet and Greet gave Anika and Grace the opportunity to bring the WSU to the students, allow them to chat with as many students as possible, and allow students to chat about issues with their WSU Co-Captains. 

Anika and Grace set up an “Ideas” box and students were invited to come and have a chat with them about their ideas, as well as put their ideas in the ideas box for analysis. Following the success of the Meet and Greet, Anika and Grace will be holding more Meet and Greets on La Valla and Cerdon Plaza in the near future. 

Pictured below are Anika, Grace and Sienna McCarthy with some of the many students who came to have a chat and share their ideas. 

Mr Harley Keller, Science Teacher
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 



Year 7 and 8 HSIE classes had the opportunity to participate in the Australian History Competition in Term 2. During Community Time for each grade, we presented certificates to students who achieved particularly strong results. Students who received a Credit achieved over 70%, and students who received a Distinction achieved over 85%. 

We congratulate the following students who performed very well in the competition. From Year 7, students who achieved a Credit are Abigail Poulsen, Ashlee Serra, Charis Chan, Christina Kyriazopoulos, Giselle Lalic, Lara Buharali, Rosie Daley, and Zoe Polevineo. From Year 7, students who achieved a Distinction are Sienna Glavin, Melissa Bridge, Katalina Sterne, Isabella Maniakis, Emma Ward, and Ava Marangon.
From Year 8, students who achieved a Credit are Abbey McLauchlan, Alyanna Tabuso, Angelina Severino, Ava Johnson, Ellie Comerford, Laura Tambasco, Lia Akouri, Lydia Lok, Melissa Lowe, Mia Stephens, and Ruby Brutto. Students who achieved a Distinction are Zara Ash, Tiffany Le, Sophie Murphy, Naydine Seow, Mia Cunningham, Lara Hanna, Katya Nesterova, Ella Grech, Annika Hollings, Ariana Elms, and Analisa Hernandez.
Ms Stephanie Dito, Acting Assistant HSIE Coordiantor
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 

SWAP Exhibition

Congratulations to our Year 10 Visual Arts students Rome Circosta, Holly Mizens and Sienna Gordon who have their wearable artworks featured in the City of Ryde SWAP Exhibition. 
MSCW was awarded a ‘Schools Participation Award’ and Sienna Gordon was awarded Runner Up in the Youth Category, an amazing achievement! 
The SWAP exhibition is open at See Street Gallery until 14.09. You can also support our students by voting for the People’s Choice Award via this LINK
Ms Lili Negrine, Visual Arts 
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 


Dance News

Term 3 Dance Update 

Year 12 Dance Practical Exams and Updates

Congratulations to the Year 12 Dance Class on completion of their practical exams. The practical exam marks the completion of 80% of students’ course work in the Stage 6 Dance Course. Students have worked incredibly hard to realise their creative vision and progress their dance technique in 2023. 

We wish Alex Donoghue, Ava-May Plunkett, Emily Hawkins and Lucy Williamson all the best in the lead up to their Core Appreciation Exams. 

Further congratulations to Lucy Williamson for her recent achievement in the Tasmanian Open DanceSport Championship. Lucy received outstanding results in her categories:

  • First in New Vogue
  • Second in Waltz
  • Third in Rumba Latin

We commend Lucy on her athletic discipline and artistic creativity demonstrated in her senior year. 

Final congratulations to Emily Hawkins for her selection in the SCS HSC Digital Showcase for both Core Performance and Major Study Performance. 

Co-Curricular Dance 

Talent Development Program Dance Companies have had a busy term competing at two eisteddfods. We congratulate all students for their participation in the events and the dedication shown in the lead up to their performances. A special thanks to Ella Richards and Katia Minadeo of Year 10 for their ongoing and outstanding contribution to the program in the lead up to this term’s performances. 

The TDP program had 80 students represent the College with the following routines: 

  • Empower Contemporary – War of Hearts
  • Empower Jazz – Black and Gold
  • Empower Hip Hop – Escalate
  • Ignite Contemporary – Say Nothing
  • Ignite Jazz – Applause
  • Ignite Hip Hop – Diamonds 




Ms Christina O’Neill, Dance Teacher & Co-Curricular Dance Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 


Sports News

Sydney Catholic Schools Athletics Championships

The Sydney Catholic Schools Athletics Championships is the best of the best combining all four SCS conferences across both the competition track and warm-up track at Sydney Olympic Park.

Congratulations to the following students:

  • Emma Websdale for taking out the 12-14 years multi-class division.
  • Miah O’Shea being the 16 years age champion.

MSCW concluded the competition with an impressive 373 points, securing their second consecutive Sydney Champions title, a prestigious honour.

The following students will now progress to the NSW CCC Athletics Championships representing Sydney Catholic Schools:

 Sofia Watts
 Sienna Glavin
 Tola Blicharska
 Emma Websdale
 Ellie Barnett
 Bridge Butler
 Anabel Carbone
 Mikaela Gavranic
 Amelie Gomez-Niewolik
 Claudia Lacalandra
 Izabella Mansory
 Miah O’Shea
 Sorcha Reid
 Alessia Rizzuto
 Ella Rochester
 Maddison Tannous

A fantastic achievement and I am an extremely proud Sports Coordinator.


Mr Daniel Watts, Sports Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8


Sports Results

Please see the results and MVP (Most Valuable Player) for each team.

Week 7



Round 6

Junior MSCW 35 vs Trinity College 9

MVP:  Sienna Voetterl


Intermediate MSCW (A) 29 vs St Vincent’s College 19

MVP:  Allegra Dalino


Intermediate MSCW (B) 10 vs Domremy College 34

MVP:  Amelia Van


Senior MSCW (A) 23 vs St Charbel’s College 25

MVP: Isabella Cicciari


Senior MSCW (B) 30 vs Casimir Catholic College 18

MVP:  Stella Backstrom





Round 5

Junior MSCW (A) vs Bye



Junior MSCW (B) 58 vs Rosebank College 17

MVP:  Marcella Dunn


Intermediate MSCW (A) vs Bye


Intermediate MSCW (B) 32 vs Domremy College 20

MVP: Lucy Mutimer

Senior MSCW (A) 73 vs Our Lady of The Sacred Heart College 6

MVP:  Bonita Glassock

Rugby 7’s

Round 4

Junior MSCW 3 vs Trinity College 7

MVP:  Georgia Williamson


Junior MSCW 27 vs Holy Spirit College 17

MVP:  Georgia Tucker



Sienna Voetterl
Allegra Dalino
Amelia Van

Isabella Cicciari
Stella Backstrom
Marcella Dunn



Lucy Mutimer
Bonita Glassock
Georgia Williamson

Georgia Tucker


Week 8



Intermediate MSCW (A) 31 vs Domremy College 17

MVP: Ginetta Richetti


Intermediate MSCW (B) 23 vs St Vincent’s College 25

MVP:  Angela Lakic






Junior MSCW (A) 45 vs Rosebank College 51 

MVP: Ellie Comerford


Intermediate MSCW (A) 42 vs Holy Spirit College 10

MVP: Miah O’Shea


Intermediate MSCW (B) 29 vs Rosebank College 24

MVP: Lucy Mutimer


Senior MSCW (A) 27 vs Holy Spirit College 56

MVP: Ella Rochester


Rugby 7’s

Junior MSCW 5  vs Holy Spirit College 15

MVP: Ava Anter


Junior MSCW 5 vs Casimir College 7

MVP: Lily Mercer



Ginetta Richetti Angela Lakic Ellie Comerford
Miah O’Shea Lucy Mutimer Ella Rochester
Ava Anter Lily Mercer  


Mr Daniel Watts, Sports Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8

Canteen News


Flexischools is the system for students to order lunch online and to purchase over the counter in the Canteen. If you are new to this system we would encourage you to set up a Flexischools account. (Link: flexischools.com.au). The Canteen is a very busy area at lunchtime, so ordering online is the best option to ensure your daughter’s order is ready at the start of lunch and avoids any delays in purchasing over the counter.
Please note Friday is always a busy with online orders, please order early on Fridays to hopefully minimise issues you may experience. If you do have a problem please contact the Flexischool parent helpline Mon – Fri 7.00 am – Midday on 1300 361 769.
Students please see canteen staff for any assistance.

Calling on volunteers

The MSCW Canteen would love to welcome new and existing parents to help out. Any day and time you can spare or offer would be greatly appreciated by all, especially at recess and lunchtime with the pickup of lunches and service. If you are able to assist, please contact the Canteen via SMS on 0457 593 920.

Volunteers required for the St Charles Primary School Fete

St Charles Primary School are holding a fete on Sunday 10 September and the fete committee are looking for assistance to help with the set up the day before & possibly on the morning of the fete. 
The Fete Committee would be happy to sign off some hours for the students, if they are willing to assist.
For further information please contact Stephanie via email:  stcharlesfete@gmail.com
Students are required to bring their ID card and paper work to sign. 

Thank You