3 November 2023 - 11 March 2023
From the Acting Principal

From the Acting Principal

HSC Exams – Finished! 

Our Year 12 students successfully concluded their Higher School Certificate examinations today! With the exams behind them, they are now looking forward to receiving their results at the end of the year. We hope that each of our students takes pride in their hard work and dedication during these exams.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the families and community members who have been a source of unwavering support, offering their prayers and encouragement to our students during this challenging period. Your support has been invaluable and deeply appreciated.

These students will also be looking forward to their formal on 17 November at Doltone House, Darling Wharf. 

Grandparents Visit 

We were delighted to extend a warm invitation to the grandparents of our Year 7 students to join us last Friday. 

This event provided a unique opportunity for grandparents to spend quality time with their beloved granddaughters within the nurturing embrace of our College. It was a day filled with shared experiences, laughter, and a chance to witness the growth and achievements of the young minds they hold so dear.

Donate your old uniforms!

We are inviting our community to donate old uniforms for collection to be sent to our Marist Sisters in Fiji. The uniforms will then be distributed to local schools.

Donations can be sent through to the General Administration Office.

Ms Melinda Alvarez, Acting Principal

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8

From the Acting Assistant Principal and Leader of Learning

From the Acting Assistant Principal and Leader of Learning

I want to advise the College community about some changes for 2024.

Class Groupings – Stages 4 & 5

All classes in Years 8 to 10 next year will significantly change current groupings. These changes have been carefully considered and are designed better to meet the social and emotional needs of our students, ultimately promoting a supportive and enriching learning environment.

Teachers, House Coordinators, the Gifted & Talented and Learning Enrichment Coordinators have been part of a thorough process reviewing the existing classes and have made recommendations to form classes for 2024, taking into consideration social and emotional factors, alongside academic ones. Student groupings in all classes have been significantly mixed. Forming class groups considering social and emotional factors, will facilitate stronger peer relationships. By learning alongside peers who share similar emotional development stages and challenges, students will have the opportunity to form deeper connections, build support networks and grow together.

Newman Core Classes

In 2024, Newman students will be placed in Core Classes .1 or .4 . 

Mixed Ability Core Classes

In 2024, students in mixed-ability classes have been allocated to classes .2, .3, .5 and .6.

I want to note that our Newman classes and Mixed Ability classes are not graded (i.e. .1 is not better than .4, and .2 is not better than .6, and .6 is not the lowest or bottom class). Every class has a range of students achieving across the A-E grade range. 


Year 7 parents, carers and students were notified last week that all students in Year 8 will study Italian. The College can staff this with qualified teachers in 2024. Students wanting to study Languages in Stages 5 & 6 will partner with external providers.

Mr Justin Hodges, Acting Assistant Principal and Leader of Learning
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2


From the Religious Education Coordinator

From the Religious Education Coordinator

In our Church ……

All Saints Day and All Souls Day
The Solemnity of All Saints Day and the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed

This week we celebrate two very important dates in the Catholic liturgical calendar: All Saints Day and All Souls Day.  November 1st celebrates All Saints Day, the day dedicated to the saints of the Church.  Based in the ancient practice of remembering a martyr’s death, usually at the place of martyrdom, All Saints Day reminds us of those people in the history of Christianity who have sought to emulate the example of Christ and in doing so have provided strong models of faithfulness and loving service and sacrifice for others to follow.  While celebrated since the 7th Century, it was Pope Gregory III in the mid 8th Century who formally pronounced November 1st as the Feast of All Saints.  This Feast is also celebrated in Eastern Catholic Churches and some Protestant Churches.  The following day, November 2nd the Church celebrates All Souls Day, the day dedicated to all those who have died.  While praying for the dead is another ancient practice of the Church, it wasn’t until the end of the 10th Century that it became a widespread ritual. 

Cultural practices have influenced the practice of these days.  For example, in the Philippines the festival of Undas is celebrated with the cleaning the tombs, the lighting up candles, the offering of flowers, and prayers for the souls of the departed.  In Mexico the Day of the Dead, an affirmation of life in which song and dance, parades and parties are symbolic of love for the departed.

In memory of all those who gone before us, let us pray:

God of the living and the dead, through the power of Christ’s resurrection you have conquered sin and death forever.  Each day is a step we take toward eternity.  May we continue, day to day, until we step into your eternal presence.  Then we shall be reunited with those we love and every tear shall be wiped away.

Praying The Rosary

Throughout October, students and staff have been invited to pray the Rosary led by the Liturgy Captains. This has been taking place in the College Rose Garden.

The Catholic Church dedicates the month of October to the Holy Rosary. Pope John XXIII said that:

“The Rosary is a magnificent and universal prayer for the needs of the Church, the nations and the entire world.” 

The best way to celebrate the month is to pray the Rosary. Why pray the Rosary?

  1. It allows you to meditate and reflect on key events of Jesus’ ministry through Scripture.
  2. It helps us grow in holiness, asking for Mary’s intercession in growing in virtue.
  3. It weakens the devil, with Mary protecting us from his evil works and temptations.
  4. This beautiful prayer helps slow down our busy lives, with Mary offering us the blessing of true peace.
  5. It is a great way to pray for others, especially those people who have asked you to pray for them and you may have forgotten…
  6. When you might not have the words to pray or don’t know how to pray, the Rosary can be the words that we might not have at the time.
  7. Have you read the 15 Promises of the Rosary, given to St Dominic from the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Thank you to our dedicated Liturgy Captains and staff members for providing these opportunities for our community:

  • Ms Samantha Ison
  • Mr Daniel El-Hage
  • Ms. Jenny Vu
  • Cleo Wockner
  • Melodie Brown
  • Isabella Cicciari
  • Gabrielle Foster
  • Isabel Dooley
  • Kaia Wilkowska

In our Community….

Mary’s House Fundraiser Walk 

Mary’s House is a community-funded refuge on the lower north shore of Sydney accepting clients of all cultures and denominations from all around Australia. Mary’s House is symbolic of the community’s commitment to say no to domestic violence, to reduce risk of harm from domestic violence and save lives. The refuge offers respite when clients are at their most vulnerable which clients often remark “gives them time to breathe”.

Mary’s House Refuge supports up to five families, accepting women and their children escaping domestic violence and is able to connect to external services to secure the safety and welfare of pets. It’s a beautiful and functional home, especially appointed to provide safety as well as a sense of belonging.

Mary’s House annual walk is a fundraising event to support the mission to aid women and their children escaping domestic and family violence.

We would like to congratulate Heidi Simpson from Year 10 and her mother, Ms Hall, for attending the day by completing the 10km walk. Together they raised $615 for Mary’s House which is a wonderful achievement. Thank for being participating in this special cause.

We would also like to thank our Marist Sisters’ staff: Ms Christine Iannello, Ms Janene Stitt and Ms Abi-Khattar for walking the 10kms and being part of this special day. Here is what they had to say:

On Sunday 29th October, members of our staff embarked on a 10 km walk around North Sydney to raise much needed funds for the charity “Mary’s House”. The walk started and ended in St Leonard’s Park in North Sydney and weaved through the beautiful tree lined streets of surrounding suburbs Waverton, Balls Head, McMahons’s Point and Lavender Bay, allowing the participants to enjoy the iconic sights of Sydney Harbour. Mary’s House is a 100% community funded organisation that provides refuge to victims impacted by domestic violence. Their services include providing accommodation, clothing, essential foods and support services all aimed at offering hope to help victims get back on their feet.”

If you would like to make a donation to Mary’s House, click on the link below:


Cambodia Immersion Fundraiser  

Our Marist Sisters’ students who attended the Cambodia immersion this year have held a Cambodia Fundraising Week this week to gather much-needed support for the communities visited during their time there, namely the Marist Centre of Hope and La Valla Disability Centre.

La Valla: https://www.maristcambodia.org/lavalla-school

Marist Centre of Hope: https://champagnat.org/en/albuns/marist-center-of-hope-pailin-3/

With the help of Ms Carolyn Criss and Mr Ryan Leonard and other Year 11 students, the fundraising consisted of: A lolly bag sale, Bake sale, Red and blue ribbons sale and finishing with Teacher Karaoke. A huge congratulations to the Cambodia Immersion 2023 group for all your hard work and effort in giving back to the Cambodia Community.

MSCW Christmas Appeal 2023

For this year’s Christmas Appeal, the MSCW community is supporting two organisations including St Vincent de Paul and Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation. The focus of the Vinnies Appeal is the continuing impacts of the cost-of-living crisis in Australia, including rental and housing affordability. Baabayn is located in the Blacktown area that works with the Aboriginal community, providing many young people with support to services that help them heal from the past and nurture their sense of confidence and pride in the future. 

As an annual tradition at the College, MSCW has collected Christmas presents for the children of the Baabayn community and food, toiletries and sanitary items for St Vincent de Paul. The collection of these items will occur in Week 6 and 7 and can be dropped off at Marian House. 

Please refer to the doc for more information. Your support of the MSCW Christmas Appeal this year means we can help individuals and families who are struggling with living costs to experience a bit more joy, dignity and hope.

Ms Jenny Vu, Youth Ministry Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2



Grandparents Visit 

On Friday 27 October, our Year 7 students had the wonderful opportunity of inviting their Grandparents to the College for a Liturgy, musical performances and a beautiful morning tea. Our Liturgy celebrated grandparents and we were abe to tell them how much they mean to us. 

Throughout the Liturgy there was a focus on Pope Francis’ initiation of The World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly:

“On July 24, the Church celebrated the third World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Established by Pope Francis in January 2021, the day is celebrated each year on the fourth Sunday of July and shares the feasts of Mary’s parents and Jesus’ grandparents: Saints Joachim and Anne. This link to Jesus’ family tree encourages us to look at our family tree and the special link to our grandparents. The theme for this year’s World Day was “In old age they will still bear fruit” and highlights how grandparents and the elderly are a value and a gift both for society and for Church communities. In his message for the second World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, Pope Francis said: “Old age is no time to give up and lower the sails, but a season of enduring fruitfulness: a new mission awaits us and bids us to look to the future. ‘The special sensibility that those of us who are elderly have for the concerns, thoughts and the affections that make us human should once again become the vocation of many. It would be a sign of our love for the younger generations’. I encourage you, dear grandparents and elderly persons, to take an active role.”

Our grandparents have blessed our families with the gift of life and are there to care and nurture their children and grandchildren with their many acts of goodness, kindness and love. May each of us learn from their wisdom and example how to be good and holy people. A huge thank you to all our Year 7 students who participated on the day.

Loving God, Bless all our grandparents, those with us here today, those who cannot 

be with us. May they be faithful to your call to share their wisdom and faith. 

May they have courage and confidence to hand on your gifts of experience and knowledge, of stories, songs and memories. May they continue to learn and grow with us day by day. 

Bless them with length of days and joy at the last. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. 


In our Curriculum

Year 9 Curriculum 

Throughout Term 3 and Term 4, every Year 9 class completed their study on Biblical Writing based on 2 John 4; I was overjoyed to find some of your children walking in the truth.” In this topic, students have learnt to explain the features and purpose of a range of literary forms used in the Old and New Testaments, classify Scripture passages according to their literary form and interpret them for their intended meaning and recognise that the Bible conveys various truths through a diversity of literary forms.

To demonstrate and apply their understanding, students completed their Assessment Task 2 Scriptural Exegesis on this topic which required students to select a Scripture passage and unpack its features as a literary form and explore its intended meaning for believers. Students completed this in response to the following question; Explain how ONE scripture communicates the mystery and truth of God.

Student Sample – Stephanie Holland:

The literary form of Luke 15:11-31 is a gospel. It is a narrative and a parable using symbolic and biblical truth to provide enriching understandings of implicit and explicit ideas through comparison. The purpose of this genre is to be a form of Jesus’s teachings to illustrate a moral compass and a way of living. In the time and place of writing, it was used as a storytelling tool for Jesus to reveal to the Hebrew people about God’s revelation. The quote, “How many of my father’s hired hands have bread enough and to spare, but here I am dying of hunger!” in Luke 15:17, draws the comparison between the life of the son leaving home and the lives of the servants back home. This forms a representation of the result of straying away from faith and the result of staying with faith. The quote, ‘Listen! For all these years I have been working like a slave for you, and I have never disobeyed your command; yet you have never given me even a young goat so that I might celebrate with my friends,” in Luke 15:29 is the older son comparing the work he has done for the father over the younger son. This symbolises that any virtuous and righteous work done in life depends on the intent of the work being done. The quote,“For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and was found!” in Luke 15:24 signifying the connection between the son being dead and lost to losing faith and being alive and found to finding faith.

Currently, our Year 9 classes have begun their new topic on the Church in Australia based on 2 John 6;

“this is the commandment just as you have heard it from the beginning—you must walk in it.”

In this topic, students are learning to appreciate the ‘timeless’ nature of the Church and some of the enduring challenges which face Christians. They are learning to describe key characteristics of life in the early Christian communities and how to use a range of sources to investigate the significance of key people and events in the early Church.

To achieve this, students have begun activities from their Bloom’s Matrix based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy, is a framework that categorises cognitive skills and learning objectives into six levels; Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analysing, Evaluating and Creating. These activities include a study on the Goulburn Strike of 1962, creating an Instagram Profile for a historical personality and creating an online museum and gallery of the Eastern Catholic Churches in Australia.

Student Samples:
Mia Borrelli Jacinta Da Silva


Thank you Year 9 for your continued efforts in Religious Education this year! Thank to the Year 9 Religious Education team for their ongoing commitment:

  • Mr Justin Hodges
  • Mr Federico Manica
  • Ms Irena Jajcevic
  • Ms Jenny Vu

Ms Samantha Ison, Assistant Religious Education Coordinator

Friday 3 November: Year 9 and 10 Youth Afternoon at Marist College Eastwood

Friday 10 November: Year 10 Reflection Day – Compulsory Event for Year 10

Mrs Caroline Morizzi, Religious Education Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2

From the Leader of Wellbeing

From the Leader of Wellbeing

Carer Support Groups

Get help with self-care while supporting a friend or family member

A support group is a space where you can feel free to discuss topics related to your friend or loved one’s recovery from body image issues or an eating disorder. You can receive strength and support from others who are on the same journey as you.

Our Webchat Carer Support Groups are facilitated by specialist counsellors from our National Helpline. Anyone over age 16 from anywhere in Australia is welcome to attend.
You may be interested in joining a Webchat Carer Support Group because:

  • Webchat Support Group facilitators are trained mental health counsellors, with specialist skills in body image and eating disorders.
  • Your anonymity is safe and you can identify yourself as you like – we do not share your full name or likeness with other participants in the group.

Our Virtual Carer Support Groups are facilitated by trained peer facilitators who have lived experience of an eating disorder themselves. Anyone over age 18 from anywhere in Australia is welcome to attend.
You may be interested in joining a Virtual Carer Support Group because:

  • Virtual Support Group facilitators have lived experience of caring for someone with an eating disorder or body image concern and can better relate to what you are going though.
  • There’s greater opportunity to get to know other participants in the group as there’s more of a face-to-face feel than on webchat

For more information go to this link: https://butterfly.org.au/get-support/support-groups/carersupportgroups/

Please note: Butterfly’s Support Groups don’t replace treatment by a trained professional. If you’re looking for answers to specific issues around eating disorder recovery or care-giving, it’s best to consult with your treating professionals, or contact our National Helpline

Ms Angela Bowland, Leader of Wellbeing

  This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 


STEM CORNER: Highlighting Successful Women in STEM





Our Maths Club initiative to connect students with women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)-based careers continues again in our ‘STEM Corner’.

This edition features an interview from Angelina Severino and Savannah Lin (pictured above) of Year 8 with Manon Sabot (pictured below). Dr. Sabot works as a Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, Germany, and was formerly a Postdoctoral Associate at the University of New South Wales, having been recognised previously as a UNSW Women in Maths and Science Champion. She has worked with the Climate Change Research Centre and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes. Her study looked at energy, water, and land carbon balance changes when water is scarce. Dr. Sabot has kindly agreed to speak with us about her career journey and offer advice to MSCW students. 

ANGELINA AND SAVANNAH: What specific things are you currently working on or researching? What technology, methods or tools do you use to progress your analysis and research in this work?

SABOT: My research primarily focuses on understanding how plants respond to global environmental change: increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide, increasing temperature, and changing water availability. I am also interested in understanding how changes to plant responses and functions can influence the environment around them, and in particular, how they might affect our future regional climates. For example, if less rainfall becomes available to a given ecosystem, then this ecosystem will in all likelihood become drier, and thus the plants within the ecosystem will have less water vapour to transpire into the atmosphere than they used to, which in turn will further reduce rainfall.

To study this kind of complex interactions, I integrate a range of observations across scales (from measurements made at the scale of a leaf to measurements made via satellite over large areas) with statistical approaches and models (those are algorithms that combine a series of physical, chemical, or even biological equations describing known processes, as well as hypotheses that I want to test).

ANGELINA AND SAVANNAH: How would you best describe what your work involves? Do you have a lot of theoretical research work or do you have to do practical testing too?

SABOT: I do both theoretical work and practical testing. My research first involves making hypotheses to explain how poorly (or only partially) understood processes might work — in practice, this often means drawing on existing knowledge from other research fields to try to fill the gaps in understanding in a specific research field. For example, theories and hypotheses from the field of economics can be adapted to describe photosynthetic behaviours observed in a number of plant species, as photosynthesis can be seen as a trade-off between a gain in carbon and a loss of water by plants. The second step after making any such hypothesis is to test it. The way I would normally do this is by building a model that embeds my hypothesis, and by testing this model against observational data. This data can be retrieved via experimental work or measured in the field where a specific process is observed to happen. Going back to my example about photosynthesis, we have machines that allow us to measure how much carbon travels from the atmosphere towards the cells inside a specific leaf, and how much water is simultaneously transpired by this leaf into the atmosphere. With the data collected via these machines, we can confirm or refute any of our “economics”-related hypotheses regarding photosynthesis.

ANGELINA AND SAVANNAH: To undertake your study and research, what skills were most required and useful?

SABOT: Being at ease with equations and not shying away from maths (or physics) in general was very important. Coding skills, which I built working in the field of climate modelling during my masters, also proved to be critical during my PhD. Finally, I like arts and I am a creative person in general, which I feel greatly helps me with my research.

ANGELINA AND SAVANNAH: Did you enjoy school and what STEM courses did you enjoy most at school?

SABOT: I went through the French high school system where I was pushed to specialise in STEM early because I was a good student (all good students were pushed towards STEM), although I loved history, literature, and language classes and would rather have kept on following a more holistic curriculum. As a result, I really enjoyed school until what would be the equivalent of Year 9 or Year 10 in Australia. In terms of STEM courses, I really liked Maths and Biology up to Year 9, then not at all. In my last year of high school, I figured out physics was pretty easy and I took more of a liking to it than other STEM courses, but I can’t say that I really enjoyed it.     

ANGELINA AND SAVANNAH: Did you always know you wanted to end up in a career like this or did you think you would do something else?

SABOT: I did not see myself where I am now at all! I pictured myself a climate activist or an environmental journalist, or perhaps a policy maker or a diplomat. Towards the end of high school, I did think climate scientists were valuable to society but I had a limited understanding of what being a researcher was like, and I found most of my STEM classes boring, so there was little appeal. However, everyone I spoke to who was working in a field related to climate change said that studying physics and taking climate science courses at university would be useful for climate-related jobs (even policy jobs), so I did that.

ANGELINA AND SAVANNAH: What influenced you to choose this field of work? Was there anyone in particular who inspired you?

SABOT: I grew up in a farming area where there is very bad nitrate pollution. Therefore, I was aware of adverse man-made impacts on the environment from an early age. Then, when I was 13, I saw the film/documentary “An inconvenient truth” which opened my eyes to the climate crisis, and I made my mind to somehow work on this climate problem. 

ANGELINA AND SAVANNAH: How important is it to build relationships and have collaboration with other researchers, institutions, or organisations in your career?

SABOT: It’s very important. I got my current job in part thanks to a collaboration that I started five years ago. Of course, not every collaboration or work relationship with a different institution will land one a job, but collaborations are central to research and help us grow into better scientists, by exposing us to different ways of thinking and methods. 

ANGELINA AND SAVANNAH: What were or have been the barriers to entering your career and having success in this field? How do you think your gender helped or hindered this?

SABOT: The main barrier I faced was the lack of a programme to study climate science in France at the time. There were only two masters programmes and both were faraway from where I lived, in cities where life is expensive. I ended up being admitted into the programme in Paris on a scholarship, on the condition that I would do a dual programme, which of course meant more work for me than for other students. I enjoyed my “minor” a lot though, so this turned out okay.

Earlier, when I was still studying for my Bachelor in Physics, I unfortunately had to deal with appalling sexism by a minority of teachers. Among the rest of the teachers though, a few were extremely happy to see a woman in a Physics programme and therefore were extremely encouraging. Now, I think things have changed a lot as there is more awareness of the unconscious biases against girls in STEM (especially fields like maths, physics, or engineering), and there are big efforts to course-correct. At a more advanced stage, it is often nowadays more advantageous to be a woman when competing for a job (at least, for an equivalent CV), since hiring quotas are in our favour.  

ANGELINA AND SAVANNAH: Have you ever doubted your journey or ability to achieve success or felt there was a lot of pressure in your work? How did you overcome it and what advice would you give to anyone else doubting their ability to achieve success in a field like this?

SABOT: I am lucky in that I do not overly stress about my work or my ability to stay in academia in the future. The main reason for this is that I have not made having an academic career my life goal, and I consider that being happy in my personal life, outside of work, is at least as important as being satisfied at work. I know that my skill set will easily port to other jobs, so there is no reason to be too worried. I also use my soft skills a lot: I build good collaborations and I help people around me with their work. Therefore, even if I am not the hardest worker, the most ambitious, or the most productive person, I hope I am valuable enough to my research group that they will want to keep me around.

Now, I had a few rejections that were pretty hard to take when I first looked for a PhD programme after completing my MSc. I was in the top 3 candidates for three different PhD projects but ended up not being selected for any, which made me doubt myself a lot. I took a break from doing research and went into a different field (humanitarian work) whilst I reassessed the type of PhD I wanted to do. Taking a step back proved to be an excellent decision; I realised that I had not been successful at getting these PhD positions because I had a vision of how I wanted to tackle specific research questions, although the projects I had been applying for had an already set timeline and did not allow for much initiative. So, I applied for projects which did not have a set timeline and were not asking very specific research questions (that is, projects for which the candidate drives their own research proposal), and I was successful doing that.

Thank you, Dr. Sabot and well done, Angelina and Harriet, for yet another interesting and exciting interview to inspire the MSCW community and raise awareness for the work women do in STEM careers!

Miss Emma Pracey, Instructional Specialist

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 


Calling any MSCW Alumni or family members in STEM-related careers!

Our student leaders of Maths Club would love to speak with you about inspiring a new generation of women in STEM and building aspirations for a broad range of careers that students may not even know exist! We would love to speak with ex-students or family members of students in these fields and will be conducting interviews for the newsletter by email and phone with a number of prominent women in fields relating to science, technology and engineering and of course, mathematics. Please get in touch by email if you’re interested in being a part of our initiative: emma.pracey@syd.catholic.edu.au 

Miss Emma Pracey, Instructional Specialist

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 

Newman News

The Newman Symposium will be held at the College on 4 December from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm. The Newman Symposium will also be combined with the Creative Arts, Performing Arts and TAS showcases. It is an exciting evening where current parents and carers are invited to the College for a showcase of Newman learning throughout the year. Future parents and students are also invited to attend, and this is an excellent opportunity for them to learn about the enrichment opportunities offered through the Newman program. In showcasing Newman students’ work, we are encouraging the acknowledgement of the gifts that these students possess across all areas within College life. 

Ms Stephanie Dito, Gifted & Talented Coordinator (Acting), HSIE Teacher

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 

Sports News

NSW CCC Open Waterpolo

MSCW recently participated in the annual NSW CCC Open Water Polo Championships held at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. The event saw fierce competition from schools like Monte, Loreto, Santa, Brigidine, St Clare’s, and Scholastica’s. Despite the challenging opponents, MSCW students displayed exceptional sportswomanship, giving their best throughout the day. Their dedication, determination, and skill levels shone through, leaving room for improvement with continued practice. The event was a testament to the school’s commitment to sports and the development of its athletes, fostering a sense of camaraderie and resilience among the participants.

Well done!



Sydney FC

Congratulations to the following year 10 students, Maddison Tannous, Natalie Russo, and Alessia Rizzuto for proudly representing Marist Sisters’ College in a ground-breaking partnership with Sydney Catholic Schools and Sydney FC. This collaboration aims to provide SCS students with incredible opportunities to participate in and excel in football. 

Maddison Tannous Natalie Russo Alessia Rizzuto


As part of this partnership, MSCW students had the privilege to tour the state-of-the-art Sydney FC facilities and even engage in football drills, all while receiving media coverage. This marks the beginning of a promising journey for SCS students to explore their passion for the beautiful game of football. 

Mr Daniel Watts, Sports Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8

Sports Results

Please see the results and MVP (Most Valuable Player) for each team.

Week 3




Round 3

Junior MSCW 13 vs Domremy College 2

MVP:  Hannah Kucic


Intermediate MSCW 4 vs Domremy College 0

MVP:  Ruby Holst


Senior MSCW 13 vs Domremy College 1

MVP:  Maddison Tannous


Junior Mixed MSCW/HCR (A) vs Junior Mixed MSCW/HCR (B)

MVP:   Mikayla Shad


Junior Mixed MSCW/HCR (B) vs Junior Mixed MSCW/HCR (A)

MVP:  Michaela Ibrahim


Intermediate Mixed MSCW/HCR (A) 4 vs Intermediate Mixed MSCW/HCR (B) 4

MVP: Olivia Treadwell


Intermediate Mixed MSCW/HCR (B) 4 vs Intermediate Mixed MSCW/HCR (A) 4

MVP: Lauren Phillips





Junior MSCW 0 Sets (47) vs Rosebank College 3 Sets (67)

MVP: Melina Menelaou


Intermediate MSCW 0 Sets (36) vs Rosebank College 3 Sets (58)

MVP: Emilia Dunn


Senior MSCW (1 Set) [37] vs Rosebank College (1 Set) [44]

MVP: Holly Mizens


Junior MSCW vs Brigidine College (Wet Weather)


Senior MSCW vs Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College (Wet Weather)



Hannah Kucic Ruby Holst Maddison Tannous

Mikayla Shad Michaela Ibrahim Olivia Treadwell
Lauren Phillips Melina Menelaou Emilia Dunn
Holly Mizens    
Week 4



Round 4

Junior MSCW 8 vs St Charbel’s College 1

MVP:  Maya Bassett


Intermediate MSCW 9 nvs St Charbel’s College 0

MVP:   Caitlin Russell


Senior MSCW 10 vs St Charbel’s College 0

MVP:  Miah O’Shea


Junior Mixed MSCW/HCR (A) 7 vs MCE/DCC 5

MVP:   Georgia Sewell


Junior Mixed MSCW/HCR (B) 7 vs MCE/DCC 4

MVP:    Aria Appathurai


Intermediate Mixed MSCW/HCR (A) 10 vs MCE/DCC 3

MVP:    Chloe Cunningham


Intermediate Mixed MSCW/HCR (B) 6 vs MCE/DCC 6

MVP:   Ulani Parnell




Junior MSCW 1 Set (48) vs Domremy College 1 Set (62)

MVP:  Saachi Somervaille-Bell


Intermediate MSCW 2 Set (50) vs Domremy College 0 Sets (33)

MVP:  Leila O’Donnell


Senior MSCW 2 Set (50) vs Domremy College 0 Sets (21)

MVP:  Olivia Murphy



Junior MSCW 3/74 vs Senior MSCW 2/48

MVP:  Emma Ward


Senior MSCW 2/48 vs Junior MSCW 3/74

MVP:   Rosie Tozer


Maya Bassett Caitlin Russell Miah O’Shea


Georgia Sewell Aria Appathurai Chloe Cunningham
Ulani Parnell Saachi Somervaille-Bell Leila O’Donnell
Olivia Murphy Emma Ward Rosie Tozer

Mr Daniel Watts, Sports Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8

Canteen News

Change to Flexischools

There will be a change to the time for ordering lunch online commencing in Week 1, Term 4.

Due to the increase of online orders, the cut off time will now be 8:00 am!

Please order as soon as you are able to.

Flexischools is the system for students to order lunch online and to purchase over the counter in the Canteen. If you are new to this system we would encourage you to set up a Flexischools account. (Link: flexischools.com.au). The Canteen is a very busy area at lunchtime, so ordering online is the best option to ensure your daughter’s order is ready at the start of lunch and avoids any delays in purchasing over the counter.
Please note Friday is always a busy with online orders, please order early on Fridays to hopefully minimise issues you may experience. If you do have a problem please contact the Flexischool parent helpline Monday – Friday 7.00 am – Midday on 1300 361 769.
Students please see canteen staff for any assistance.


Calling on volunteers

The MSCW Canteen would love to welcome new and existing parents to help out. Any day and time you can spare or offer would be greatly appreciated by all, especially at recess and lunchtime with the pickup of lunches and service. If you are able to assist, please contact the Canteen via SMS on 0457 593 920.

Enrol Now At Marist Sisters’ College – Year 7: 2024, 2025 & (NEW) 2026!

We are in the final stages of finalising our Year 7 – 2024 & 2025 cohorts. We strongly suggest you submit your online application asap for these year groups, via our College website.
Applications for 2026 are Now Open! 
Follow the link to apply for any of these year groups now: https://bit.ly/3tr9aNn
For any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact  Hayley Stuart, Enrolment Officer – info@mscw.catholic.edu.au   /  Ph: 9816 2041

Free Workshop for Parents and Supervisors of Learner Drivers

This free workshop supports parents and supervisors of learner drivers to be confident and effective teachers. Topics include information about licence conditions for learner and P-plate drivers, tips for using the learner driver log book and the importance of providing constructive feedback.

Please would you consider sharing the above attachment with your school parent/carer community. We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and assistance.

The workshop will run on Wednesday 22 November 2023, 6pm to 7:30pm.  Participants can find out more at https://saferdrivers.eventbrite.com.au

Positive Parenting Building Better Families

Marist College Eastwood would like to invite parents to join them as Glen Gerreyn from the HopeFull Institute presents a 1 hour presentation on Positive Parenting – Building Better Families on Monday 27 November.
Parents will need to book using the QR Code on the flyer, plus there is more information about Glen Gerreyn and the HopeFull Institute by clicking on the link.
For further information, please contact Marist College Eastwood on 9858 1644.