25 March 2022 -
From the Principal

From the Principal

Welcome to New Staff

We warmly welcome the following staff who have recently joined our MSCW community:

  • Mary-Anne Boutros, Creative Arts Coordinator
  • Kate Sinclair, teaching in PDHPE and Mathematics
  • Jessica Magee, teaching in PDHPE and Mathematics
  • Maddie Hosking, Support Officer in our Jarnosse Library

Each staff member has provided a brief introduction of themselves in a separate article in this newsletter.

MSCW Campus Experience

Last Monday afternoon, as prospective students and parents arrived for our College tours, the enthusiasm and excitement to be part of our ‘Campus Experience’ were very evident.

Our Year 7 student volunteers led College tours, which included displays, performances and demonstrations. Throughout the afternoon and evening, it was extremely apparent that our confident young Year 7 students, who have only been at the College for a short time, were very proud to show visitors the many opportunities at MSCW.

I wish to thank all the students who gave their time, enthusiasm and energy to the event. I also particularly thank the College staff for their generosity, hard work and dedication towards its preparation. 

My Marist COMPASS Goals for 2022

Last week, students were very actively developing their Marist COMPASS goals. To identify and set these goals, the girls took the lead in conversation, via Zoom, between their Tutors and parents to discuss their 2022 goals. While they confidently discussed a range of targets and possibilities, it was noticeable that they had a real focus to set both ‘achievable’ and ‘stretch’ goals for themselves, which will equip them with life-long skills for the future. Educational research shows that ‘goal setting’ by students promotes a real sense of purpose and drive, as well as increasing confidence and satisfaction levels in both their learning and wellbeing. If you were not available last week, please contact your daughter’s Tutor to arrange another time for this valuable conversation that supports your daughter.


In the remaining two weeks of the term, we hope to further support the work of Caritas and the overseas aid they provide through Project Compassion. As a Marist community, this project is a tangible way of living Marist service and reaching out to those less fortunate. Contributions to Project Compassion can be made through Flexischools.


Dr Anne Ireland, Principal
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 









From the Assistant Principal

From the Assistant Principal

Principal’s Assembly

This week we celebrated our first Principal’s Assembly, which was a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together. I would like to commend our Year 12 Student Leaders for their organisation and leadership of the assembly. It was also an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our Swimming Carnival with individual and group recognition of success. 

The College community was privileged to experience performances by three of our many talented musicians – Taylah Kerr, Kaila Cenidozan and Mana Sugimoto. Their performances demonstrated the special gifts that they so willingly shared with the community. I thank Taylah, Kaila and Mana for their courage and willingness to share their gifts and encourage all students to take part in College opportunities that are presented so that they too can share their gifts with others.

Uniform Review

A final call for parents who would be interested in providing feedback on the current uniform as part of the College’s review process of gathering feedback. 

The first opportunity for parents to be part of this Uniform Review will be at our Parent Engagement Meeting on Wednesday 30 March (5.30 pm Coffee/Tea for a 6.00 pm start) in Belley. Please register for the Parent Engagement Meeting by completing this form. Following that, we will continue to gather student and staff feedback via Focus Group Workshops during Term 1 and Term 2.

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

Do students who have previously tested positive have to isolate for seven days?

People who have recovered from COVID-19 have a low risk of getting it again in the eight weeks after they are released, as most people develop some immunity (ability to fight the disease).

If you come into contact with someone with COVID-19 within eight weeks after you are released, you will generally not need to self-isolate or get a test. If you come into contact with someone with COVID-19 more than eight weeks after you are released, you will need to self-isolate, test and follow the advice available in the Information for people exposed to COVID-19 and Get tested for COVID-19 factsheets.

What about when members of the household test positive during the isolation period – does it reset?

The household must follow the Self-isolation guideline and self-isolate for seven days from the time the first COVID-positive person in your household had their test.

Have a rapid antigen test (RAT) as soon as possible and again on Day 6. Have an additional RAT if symptoms develop.

If all tests are negative, households can leave isolation after seven days.

If another member of the household tests positive while in isolation, you do not have to restart your isolation period.

If you are a household close contact who is unable to separate from the COVID-19 positive person, you should self-isolate with them until they are released from isolation.

If your daughter is in isolation as a household contact or COVID-positive they are not to return to school until they have completed their full seven days of isolation. The medical clearance letter received from NSW Health when a case is reported via the Service NSW app or when the PCR test is positive indicates the isolation period dates. Students can return the day after the end date for the isolation period and no sooner, as long as they are not presenting with symptoms.  

Please send through the medical clearance letter received from NSW Health to mscw-attendance@syd.catholic.edu.au.

Travelling to and from school – masks

I ask for your support as a parent/carer in ensuring that your daughter/s are wearing masks on public transport, which includes the bus and ferry. Please see the below communication from the School Liaison Police Officer for the Ryde Area that was sent to all schools in the area: The current Public Health Orders regarding face coverings for students aged 12 years and older are required to adhere to this legislation. (See Below)

COVID-19 Mandatory Face Coverings
Public Health Act 2010

The Public Health (COVID-19 Mandatory Face Coverings) Order 2021 was amended commencing 29 January 2021.

A fitted face covering is a mask or other covering that fits securely around the face and is designed or made to be worn over the nose and mouth to provide the wearer with protection against infection. A scarf is not a fitted face covering.

Requirement to wear a fitted face covering
Public transport

A person in Greater Sydney must wear a fitted face covering at all times when:

(a) at a public transport waiting area, or

(b) when the person is in a vehicle, train or vessel that is being used to provide a public transport service and the vehicle, train or vessel is carrying passengers or is in service and available to carry passengers.

Public transport service includes a taxi service, rideshare service and community transport service. A public transport waiting area is a station, including the platform of a passenger railway station or light rail station/stop, a ferry wharf, a bus stop or taxi rank.


Thank you for your support of the current requirements for wearing a mask to and from school on public transport.


Ms Melinda Alvarez, Assistant Principal

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8


From the Religious Education Coordinator

From the Religious Education Coordinator

Lenten Penance

During the season of Lent, we remember who we are and who we have been made to be. Catholics are called to observe Lent through prayer, self-denial and helping others. The Old Testament prophet, Tobit states, “Prayer with fasting is good but better than both is almsgiving with righteousness. A little with righteousness is better than wealth with wrongdoing. It is better to give alms than to lay up gold. For almsgiving saves from death and purges away every sin. Those who give alms will enjoy a full life.” (12:8-9)

Helping others or almsgiving is a form of prayer that is dedicated to God. Jesus said “when you give alms, sound no trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” (Matthew 6:2-3).

Jesus does not say if but when you give alms or help others. The early Church communities are evidence of this: “There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the feet of the apostles, and they were distributed to each according to need.”(Act 4:34-35) Today, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “The goods of creation are destined for the entire human race” (n. 2452).

As we continue to journey through Lent, we are challenged to extend our understanding of helping others to be more than just giving money. It is paying special attention to those who are sick, the elderly and the lonely. It can also be giving of our time or giving of a talent or a personal gift. As Jesus states in the Acts of the Apostles, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (20:35)  

Project Compassion 2022 – For All Future Generations

All students are invited to contribute to Project Compassion through Flexischools.  Each week, links to projects of Caritas, which are supported by Project Compassion, are shared in COMPASS. Students can access the Project Compassion site and read the feature stories and watch the video clips of projects.

Many blessings as we continue our Lenten journey.


Miss Mary Kleist, Religious Education Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2

From the Leader of Wellbeing

From the Leader of Wellbeing

What is Cyberbullying?

The statistic here indicates that cyberbullying occurs a lot in Australia. eSaftey Commissioner, Julie Inman, leads the world’s first government regulatory agency committed to keeping its citizens safer online. In this brief linked clip, she provides information and guidance for parents in relation to Cyberbullying and online drama. You can locate an information sheet here: eSafety’s parent guide to cyberbullying and online drama.




With the advent of the internet, smartphones and tablets, there is now a whole new digital dimension added to traditional schoolyard bullying. There was once a time when bullying victims were given some respite outside of school hours, but sadly these days, online bullying can occur 24/7. In today’s world, teaching your child about online and cyber safety is as important as learning to swim or cross the road!

Cyberbullying can be identified as being repeated behaviour by an aggressor with the intent to harm or embarrass. Technology enables these aggressors to share information widely and quickly, making this form of bullying extremely dangerous and harmful. However, the answer is not to shun the internet or social media. Instead, parents are encouraged to embrace it and create a family internet policy to protect their children without limiting the freedom to learn, explore and communicate online.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents are provided with useful guidelines and advice on how to minimise the risks. Children have the right to feel safe, regardless of whether it is in the schoolyard or online.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the College Counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to the Cyberbullying edition of SchoolTV: LINK

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

MSCW Students on the day with College Principal Dr Anne Ireland, Perroton House Coordinator, Ms Jenna Cremin and Jaricot House Coordinator, Mr David Greenwell
Bon Repos adorned with the chain made from individual commitments of the whole student body to developing our Culture of Kindness and taking it out into the world.

Students in action on the day

Parent Information Evening: Respectful Relationships



Ms Angela Bowland, Leader of Wellbeing

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2

From the Leader of Learning and Curriculum

From the Leader of Learning and Curriculum

Processes: Assessments and Illness/Misadventure

Parents and carers should be aware that when a student does not sit an in-class test or submit an assessment on the due date, an SMS is triggered in COMPASS to advise them. The SMS is a notification and a reminder that an Illness/Misadventure Application is to be made by the student. If an application has been submitted, then no further action is required.

Information on assessments and Illness/Misadventure Processes is documented in the Assessment Handbooks.

Year 11 Study Skills Session

This week Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ran a study skills session with Year 11. The session focused on helping students identify changes and improvements they could make to their approach to their studies to maximize their results in their final years of school.

The main areas covered with Year 11 were working effectively in the evenings, dealing with distractions, managing time efficiently, planning for assessments, making brain-friendly study notes on a regular basis and using a wide variety of active study techniques to suit individual learning preferences.

Parents are encouraged to review the handout from the session with students and discuss the main areas identified where changes need to be made.

Download from here.

Filmed Version of the Session

We have arranged for you to be able to access a filmed version of Dr Salter’s study skills session at home.

The study skills seminar has been broken down into bite-sized chunks so if you do not want to do it all in one go, you can work through the session at your own pace. You can also go back and watch any of the videos again, up until 25 April 2022. The video page will prompt you to download the handout for the session and show you at the end where you can then access all the slides from the session shown in the video.

The link to access the session is: www.pruesalter.com/videos/MSCW11.php    

Username: MSCW11
Password: expires22april

Year 11 and 12 UAC Evening

Thank you to those families that joined the UAC zoom on Tuesday evening. Trudy Noller, the UAC Community Liaison Officer, provided a comprehensive overview of ATAR and applying to university through UAC.

Two key messages from the presentation were:

  • Do the best you can in each subject to generate the best ATAR outcome; and
  • Prepare by using the 2022 UAC Guide.

In early Term 2, the UAC Guide will be available and distributed to students in Year 12. The guide will contain all the necessary dates for applications.

NAPLAN Practice Test

On Thursday, Year 7 and 9 students undertook the NAPLAN practice test. If you want to help your child feel comfortable with the kinds of questions in a NAPLAN test, you can view past NAPLAN papers and answers for practice or visit the NAPLAN online public demonstration site. The actual tests will be held in mid Term 2.


Mr Justin Hodges, Leader of Learning and Curriculum

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #6 & #8 

New Staff Introductions

Get to Know the New Staff Members Who Have Joined Our College Community in 2022

Maddy Hosking – Support Officer, Jarnosse Library

I have qualifications in Social Sciences, History and Law, and am a current Master’s
candidate in Information Management. I write fiction in my spare time and have just
published my first novel.





Mary-Anne Boutros – Creative Arts Coordinator

I am an experienced, enthusiastic Creative and Performing Arts educator who is committed to always promoting passion and a love for learning in young people. My extensive experience in education spans many areas of teaching, curriculum leadership, as well as HSC Exam writing and marking (NESA).

My 24 years in education both in Sydney schools and abroad led me to my role as Visual Arts Education Officer in Sydney Catholic Schools, where I established various Visual Arts Programs and opportunities for classes K-12 in 150 schools.

In my spare time, I have enjoyed illustrating children’s picture books. I look forward to heading the Art Department and working with staff, students and parents to continue to see the girls flourish in the Arts.





Kate Sinclair – teacher, PDHPE and Mathematics

I studied PDHPE and Mathematics teaching at the University of Sydney. I have previously worked at a co-educational NSW Government school. In my teaching, I particularly value the importance of physical activity, which is mirrored in my interests outside of school. I am really looking forward to working at the College.





Jess Magee – teacher, PDHPE and Mathematics

I am currently in my final year of study at the University of Sydney, working towards becoming a PDHPE and Mathematics teacher. When I am not teaching, one of my passions is ice skating, which I competed in at both national and international levels for a number of years. I am excited to be joining the MSCW community and contributing to the sporting life of the College.







Gifted and Talented Report

Newman Selective Program

In this edition of our newsletter, I would like to feature the work of some of our talented writers from the Year 8 Newman Class, who are currently working through a short story unit. The class has been focusing on ‘show don’t tell’, the creation of characters and using the setting in a metaphorical way. As part of their preparation for their assessment task, the students completed practice pieces based on a stimulus.

Here are a couple of exemplary examples:

Building a Character by Annabelle Blows

“Hello Laila, honey,” A loud American accent burst from Laila’s phone and she held it away from her ear.

“Hello, Mom!” She replied, trying to sound cheerful

“I’m so excited for you, you’ll do great, and at home we have the whole family here, rooting for you!”

Laila nodded before she remembered that her mother was back in Tennessee, in the family’s brick Bungalow and could only hear her.

“Thanks,” she replied quickly.

“My goodness, who would have thought we’d have an actor after both your brothers became plumbers? And trying out for such an important role, too! You’ve made your mom so proud!”

Laila half listened as she gushed on about how thrilled she was to have such an independent woman as a daughter and how she was definitely going to get in! After all, the judges had been so impressed with her first audition!

“Thank you, Mom, I’d better go now.”

Laila listened to a few more minutes of her mom’s good wishes and cheerful chatter before the phone call finished.

She gulped, feeling a small pang of homesickness for her cosy little hometown with its people and its stuck in the past ways. The whole town knew about her audition and she couldn’t decide if she was happy or not. She just hoped she didn’t let them down.

Harriet O’Connor

Bullets ricocheted around him, falling to the ground, like the first snow of winter. The air was crowded with sounds of destruction; screams, bangs, crying. The dust from the ground blinded him, making him shoot around aimlessly. Blood whipped through the air, coating everything in a scarlet sprinkle. They fought and they fought and they fought until they were up to their knees in bodies. The shouting continued, from who they did not know. And then, silence. For now, the battlefield lay quiet, acting as a cemetery for the unburied.

Reggie jumped up, drenched in a cold sweat. His breath was going a hundred miles an hour, forcing him to gasp and sputter like a motorbike starting up. Adeline rushed in, used to the way he woke up every morning. Every day was the same, days filled with nothingness and nights filled with terrors.

“Just flashbacks again?” she asked sympathetically.

He nodded tiredly, sighing with frustration. He grabbed onto his bedside table, standing up gingerly. The dizziness subsided after a moment, but the haunting images stayed, burned into his mind.

Public Speaking

Congratulations to Elyssa Evans on her achievements in the Public Speaking Grand Final. While Elyssa didn’t place, she spoke very well on the topic ‘That was then, this is now’, in which she compared schooling in the old days with her experience as a Year 7 student at MSCW.




Mrs Colreavy’s Conundrum

Can you solve this week’s logic puzzle? The first student with the correct answer to email rachael.colreavysyd.catholic.edu.au wins a prize!



Mrs Rachael Colreavy, Gifted and Talented Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2 & #6


Visual Arts News

Congratulations to Quyen (Jerry) Le who received a Special Mention for her entry in the inaugural SCS Portrait Prize for her self-portrait done in 8VAR during Semester 2 2021, when we were in COVID-19 lockdown.

Artist Statement: Jerry Le 

I chose to portray myself in a blue colour since I did some research on what the colour blue spiritually means, which is ‘calm, serenity and imaginative’. I thought it would be perfect to use blue to paint myself because art is something that I do to keep me calm and make me oblivious to the problems within the world.  

I started this self-portrait when we were studying Visual Arts via Zoom. Online learning at home was tough for me, as there were many distractions and it’s missing many crucial parts that help me learn; but when I started the first part of my artwork it felt as if I was in a different world where nothing was distracting me and everything just started to come together.

When the artwork was finally complete, I felt relieved and happy that it turned out great, even though it wasn’t what I expected when I first got the task. The artwork I used in my background was The Turning Road by Andre Derain (1906). My final decision was this artwork because it really caught my eye when I first saw it and from there I knew it was perfect for my self-portrait.

Marist Sisters’ College, Woolwich – SCS Portrait Prize – 13-15-year-olds Art Teachers – Ms Yvonne Duke and Ms Ellie Phillips 


Ms Yvonne Duke, Visual Arts Teacher

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8

Performing Arts News

Dance Report

The TDP Dance Companies have started Term 1 with great energy and enthusiasm in their study of Dance. Students meet at 7:30 am across Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and are working on developing technique, skills and stamina specific to the dance styles of Jazz, Hip-Hop and JFH. It has been fantastic to see the Dance students working under the tutelage of Marist Sisters’ alumni as their tutors – Olivia Enright, Esther Monck and Ashleigh McCurtayne. 

Congratulations to Year 11 Dance student Lucy Williamson for her outstanding achievements in the Australian Dance Championships held in Bendigo, Victoria. Lucy and her Dance partner Felix came 3rd in the Under 21 Division, representing NSW. 

Further congratulations to Amelia Marteau in Year 7, who represented the state in the areas of both Jazz and Tap at the ATOD Australasian Scholarships National Competition. Amelia received 3rd place for her solo tap performance, a fantastic achievement. 

Lucy and Amelia model the dedication it takes to craft and shape one’s gifts through hard work and dedication to their selected Dance style. We wish them the very best in their ongoing study of Dance, both within the MSCW community and beyond. 


Ms Christina O’Neill, Dance Teacher

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #8

Sports Results


Week 7, Round 6
Touch Football 


Junior MSCW 3 vs Bethlehem College 4

Intermediate MSCW 11 vs Bethlehem College 0

Senior MSCW 9 vs Bethlehem College 1

Ellie Debosz

Leah Russell

Sophia Lloyd


Junior MSCW 16 vs Bethlehem College 49

Intermediate MSCW 27 vs Bethlehem College 14

Senior MSCW 9 vs Bethlehem College 39

Elyssa Mertkhanian


Bronte Hookey


Charlotte Sanders




Junior MSCW vs BYE

Intermediate MSCW vs St Clare’s









Week 8, Round 7
Touch Football 


Junior MSCW vs Casimir Catholic College

Intermediate MSCW vs Casimir Catholic College 

Senior MSCW vs Casimir Catholic College













Junior MSCW 20 vs Casimir Catholic College 8

Intermediate MSCW vs Casimir Catholic College

Senior MSCW 40 vs Casimir Catholic College 8

Leila O’Donnell




Anastasia Lakic


Junior MSCW 0 vs Marist Catholic College 3

Intermediate MSCW 7 vs Rosebank College 4

Olivia Treadwell


Maddison Sherry







Mr Daniel Watts, Sports Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8

MSCW Swimming Carnival 2022 – Results

It was the moment we have been eagerly awaiting since 14 February, the awarding of results from another successful College Swimming Carnival. At the Principal’s Assembly on 23 March, Dr Anne Ireland presented the awards to the winners from the day.

Best ‘House Spirit’ as judged by Dr Ireland throughout the day was awarded to:


  1. Marcellin
  2. Perroton
  3. Chanel and Chavoin

The House with the most participation points was Chanel with Colin in 2nd place and Marcellin 3rd.

Chavoin House put in an outstanding performance to finish 1st with a time of 2.47.73 in the House Relay.

Chavoin was represented by:

  • Year 7 – Mia Stephens
  • Year 8 – Evie Lange
  • Year 9 – Angela Lakic
  • Year 10 – Sienna Brown
  • Year 11 – Natalie Broom
  • Year 12 – Anastasia Lakic

Congratulations to the 2022 Swimming Age Champions

Runners Up
12 Years Olivia Treadwell Rebecca Linssen
13 Years Evie Lange Sophie Mitchell-Cook
14 Years Angela Lakic Maddison Tannous
15 Years Amy Linssen Ziani Viola
16 Years Sienna Brown Maddison Sherry
17+ Years Ava Gibson Anastasia Lakic


Overall House Champions

Congratulations to Chavoin House who are the 2022 Swimming Champions.

1st Chavoin House
2nd Chanel House
3rd Marcellin House

A big thank you to all the staff who helped make the carnival so successful and congratulations to all the students on their behaviour and Marist Spirit shown throughout the day.


Mr Daniel Watts, Sports Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8


Year 12 Modern History Incursion

Our Year 12 Modern History Class engaged in an incursion on the Holocaust with the Jewish History Museum of Sydney via Zoom. The morning started with a seminar on the impact of the Nazi regime on life in Germany, focusing on the impact on women and cultural expression.

Through this workshop, students gained a deeper understanding of the Nazi’s use of power and authority over the German citizens, to indoctrinate the Aryan race while vilifying the ‘degenerates’. The seminar was followed by an interview with a Holocaust survivor, Francine Lazarus, whose story of terror and resilience left the whole class in tears. 

Francine’s Story 

Francine was only two when the war started. Through her story, she weaved in and out about her first years in hiding, telling stories about close encounters with the Nazi Officials and the Gestapo, as well as highlighting the terror that was prominent around her.  

As a child, Francine was moved to safe houses for her protection, concealing her from the Nazi’s grasp. Francine described her first safe house – a farm that was owned by members of a Nazi resistance group. She was placed here for 18 months until one day two trucks pulled up outside. The lady who she was staying with grabbed Francine and together they hid within the hay barrels, while the men of the household were taken away. The Gestapo men had pushed their pitchforks into the hay barrels, in search of radios or illegal items, but unbeknown to them, a young Jewish girl was hiding there. Francine and her carer narrowly missed detection. 

Francine then described how she had to leave the farm after the Nazi visit, as it was no longer safe for her to stay. She returned home to Brussels to live with her grandparents. One day, she was sent to live with her father’s accountant. There she was strictly to stay in hiding to avoid detection. She often had to hide in cupboards when unexpected guests came around. As Francine stated, “it was a matter of life or death that I didn’t move”. Francine continued to tell of her time with the accountant and his wife, explaining that here she felt extremely unloved and that it was a horrific and disturbing time of her life. Francine was eventually abandoned, thrown out onto the streets, alone and vulnerable. She was only six years old. 

Throughout Francine’s story, she also discussed her father. She remembered vividly one day when he left the confines of their house, never to return. Later on, she found out he had been arrested and taken to Auschwitz, a concentration camp in Poland, sent on the last convey from Belgium on 31 July 1944 and sadly killed that same day. After her father died, Francine and her brother were left in the care of their mother, who sent them off to the foster care system.

One of the workers suggested Francine, who was eight at the time, start school. She enrolled in a primary school and took classes with the junior children, having missed a chunk of her education. This was the first time Francine had really played or spent time around a large group of children her age, as she had been so isolated for the first years of her life. Francine was deprived of clean clothes and proper fitting attire, resulting in her being bullied and picked on by the other students, however, regardless of this she still managed to top her course academically in primary school. Francine wished to continue her education into high school, however, her mother needed her to come to take care of a new baby. Francine described that she was made a “servant” to her mother to raise the little girl. Once she was not needed anymore Francine was sent to Australia. She describes the first sight of the Sydney harbour as “landing in paradise”. 

At the age of 40, Francine decided to continue her high school education, applying to TAFE and completing her HSC in three years. She then went on to university and completed a double degree and attained a Master’s in French Literature. At the same time, she wrote a novel called A Hidden Jewish Child From Belgium, which highlights her story. Francine also went on to marry and have three children and was determined to provide them with the loving childhood she never had. 

After hearing Francine’s story the class was left speechless. Francine’s story is an unmistakable example of defying the odds. Being a young Jewish girl growing up in Nazi Germany, while also simultaneously being from a broken family, her resilience is inspiring. Considering the ongoing attacks on Ukraine, her story felt raw and real, leaving an ongoing impact on everyone in the room.

Francine told us that she, like many other Jewish children who had not experienced concentration camps, were told to be quiet and not to talk about their experiences, however, she now knows how important and impactful her story is. Francine reminded us all that day to never take anything for granted and to be grateful for what we have. She left us with one message, reminding us to go home and hug our family members, and to tell them that we love them, something she wished she could have experienced as a little girl. She asked us to not be bystanders and challenged us to stand up for what is right. And thus, I hope Francine’s story is one we can all take inspiration from, and in times of uncertainty and fear, I hope we can all remember the story of the hidden Jewish child from Belgium.


Emma Edmonds, Year 12 Student
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 



WSU – International Women’s Day

The Woolwich Students’ Union (WSU) would like to thank the College community for the tremendous levels of support given to their recent ‘One for the Girls Donation Drive’ for International Women’s Day on Tuesday 8 March. 

Led by Camille Good and Stevie Russell, the WSU Seniors were not deterred by pouring rain and gave out white ribbons at the College gates in the morning and then collected donations of sanitary products during lunchtime from their stall in the Bon Repos foyer. Over 450 items were donated and the WSU Committee acknowledges the generous response by students, families and teachers.

The volume of donations was the largest ever collected by the WSU and the WSU thanks Dr Ireland, Mrs Alvarez, Ms Muller, Ms Kleist, Ms Vu and Mr Keller for their help with the Donation Drive. The donated goods will be distributed to women in less fortunate circumstances by the St Vincent de Paul Society Lewisham Emergency Accommodation and Homelessness Support Services. 

The event was filmed by Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) and Camille and Stevie were given the opportunity to speak and promote the Marist Values and Charism of the WSU to the broader SCS community. 

Several of the WSU Seniors who volunteered to staff the donation stall at lunchtime are pictured here in Bon Repos at the stall, set up very professionally by Ms Muller, with some of the large volume of donations shown. 


Mr Harley Keller, Science Teacher

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2 & #6

Sydney Youth Leadership Conference

Several Year 11 students attended the Sydney Youth Leadership Conference at the Royal Randwick Conference Hall on Thursday 3 March. Amongst the keynote speakers, the MSCW students were inspired by Ronni Kahn AO, Founder of the OzHarvest charity. She regaled the audience with the challenges that she faced in building OzHarvest from a single truck to one of Australia’s leading food rescue organisations, which helps feed people in need.

The students are grateful to Ms Muller for giving them the opportunity to attend the day.


Mr Harley Keller, Science Teacher

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2 & #6

Archbishop’s Student Leaders Luncheon 2022

We attended the Student Leaders Luncheon at Cathedral House and hosted by Archbishop Anthony Fisher on 15 March. The theme of the discussion was ‘Community Life as a Young Catholic’.

We had the opportunity to speak with the Archbishop, to ask him questions and to speak with student leaders from other Catholic schools in the Archdiocese. The conversation over lunch touched on a variety of topics that we greatly enjoyed discussing.


Chelsea Colantuono and Ava Wockner, Year 12 Students

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2

Clothing Pool News

The Marist Sisters’ College Woolwich Clothing Pool is seeking your unwanted school uniforms.

Now is a great time to clean out the wardrobe and unburden yourself of school uniforms that you no longer need.

It is also a great way to support your College community. All proceeds from the sale of Clothing Pool donations go back into projects across the College, which benefit the whole College community.

Donations can be handed into the General Administration Office any time during school hours.

Should you wish to place an order with the Clothing Pool, please visit: www.flexischools.com.au

Thank you for your support.

Canteen News

The 2022 menu for breakfast, recess and lunch is available online and in the Canteen.

A reminder that Flexischools online ordering is available for lunch pick up in the Canteen. Please have your student ID ready for pick up.


MSCW Canteen Staff

Youth Group

The first Holy Name of Mary Parish Hunters Hill Youth Ministry high school Youth Group for the year is on Friday 25 March at the HNOM Parish Hall. There will be plenty of food, fun and interesting discussions. This year, the group has been extended from Year 7 and Year 8 students to include Year 9 students as well. 

View the poster here.