From the Principal
Last week, we formally commenced the year with our 2021 Opening College Mass.This community celebration is one of the highlights of our year where we ask God’s blessing for a new beginning full of much ‘Goodness Above All – Virtus Super Omnia’ enabling us to live our College motto. Fr Kevin Bates celebrated the Mass with us in his typically upbeat and relevant style and particularly spoke to the girls about growing their “inner selves”.
By building this confidence our Marist girls can choose to empower themselves to be women of action with an empathy and compassion for others.
I asked every Marist girl to each day offer a smile and a friendly greeting to others as a small way of living their motto “Goodness above All”. It is a simple act, a smile, that takes little effort but offers so much. As sisters of welcome, Year 7 and 11 badged each other, new staff were blessed and our Assistant Principal, Mrs Alvarez, was commissioned. A great start to the year!
Acting Leader of Learning and Curriculum
Congratulations to Mrs Giulia Laurenzi who will take up the position of Leader of Learning and Curriculum for 2021. Mrs Laurenzi, also the HSIE Coordinator, is an experienced and capable educator who brings a commitment and energy to improving the learning environment and achievement outcomes for all students. Mrs Laurenzi will be working closely with the Subject Coordinators and Assistant Principal. I warmly welcome Mrs Laurenzi to the College Leadership Team.
The Marist Spirit was alive at our recent Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to Ms Jocelyn Kemp and Ms Mauve Hurley for their excellent organisation of an active MSCW Swimming Carnival. House spirit was very high as each House competed enthusiastically for House honours in the pool. Student House Captains are to be congratulated on their energy in generating high participation from each of their Houses. Final results will be announced at the forthcoming College Principal’s Assembly.
Pancake Tuesday and Ash Wednesday
Our Lenten fundraising began on Tuesday with ‘Pancake Day’. This is a traditional day for Christians who used the last of their butter and milk combined with flour to make pancakes before the Lenten journey beginning with Ash Wednesday. As part of Lent, fasting is one of the significant ways that we take time to ‘step back, reflect and examine’ our relationship with God.
On Ash Wednesday, students gathered together in House groups for community prayer to receive the Ashes and begin our Lenten commitment to Project Compassion. Due to COVID restrictions, this year ashes were sprinkled on the heads of students and staff. Over the rest of the term our support for Project Compassion will be another very real and active way that we at Marist Sisters’ Woolwich can live our obligation and responsibility of service to others.

Year 12 Retreat
Next week, I am looking forward to spending the week at Mittagong with each of the Year 12 Retreat groups. This is a significant commitment of my time but one that I see as extremely important in supporting the Year 12 girls. The Retreat provides the girls with an opportunity to have ‘time out’ to reflect on their relationship with their God and with others. This important time adds to their spiritual development and wellbeing, something that will help equip them for the year and aid them in the future.