1 March 2024 - 3 January 2024
From the Principal

From the Principal

MSCW High Achievers’ 2023 shine!

Congratulations to our Class of 2023, who returned to the College last week, for HSC Achievement celebrations. It was wonderful to see the girls, who through their consistent application to hard work and a tenacious personal commitment achieved so highly. Along with the college staff, their parents and grandparents were brimming with pride as each of their daughters were recognized at the formal Assembly for significant success. Their stunning HSC success adds to past achievements of our HSC students and is one of the best results in the 116-year history of the College. We are so proud of the girls.
So, just what was the secret to their success? Clearly evident was the determined personal approach each girl adopted as an individual. Interestingly, this approach tended to ‘rub off ‘on to others, thereby enhancing everyone’s effort. It was not about being the best – it was more about being better than yesterday, or as Aristotle reminded us 2000 years ago: “Without work and stamina, you won’t be able to achieve much. Nothing in life will be ‘given to you’”. It was all about their industrious preparation, planning and honouring their Marist goal- setting exercise at the start of the year. Through their Marist compass, goal-setting and the many conversations that followed, including the agility to be agile or re-shape a goal on the run, set these students up for success. Goal-setting, small and large, enables real purpose, focuses on steady daily /weekly improvement, and builds a sense of regular achievement which supports positive wellbeing.
Accepted within this tenacious approach, each student accepted that no-one will see the thousands of hidden hours devoted to study, practice essays, and revision. The courageous ‘hero’ within this commitment eventually emerged to produce such satisfying results.
At our Assembly, we were very fortunate to have two of the Marist sisters, Sr Gail Reneker and Sr Mary Farrelly as well as ex-student Sophie Woodbury. Sophie represented the Class of 2015 and since leaving MSCW attended UNSW where she completed a double degree in Actuarial Studies and Science (Chemistry), graduating in 2019. Sophie now works as a Manager at Ernst & Young in their Actuarial Services consultancy practice.  Ernst & Young, is a multinational legal and professional services firm, one of the largest in the world. Sophie is also a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, and currently focuses predominantly on life insurance and superannuation. Sophie inspired the girls by sharing her experiences since leaving MSCW, clearly making an impact at the Assembly. She spoke of the importance of building connections, especially among her MSCW friends, having career mentors and trusting their advice, setting annual goals for achievement and living the College motto “Goodness Above All”. She also highlighted the joys she has gained by reaching out more globally to help those less fortunate. Remembering her school days at MSCW, Sophie shared stories of her daily involvement, taking as many opportunities available to her and the significant impact this has had on her today.  She commented on her engagement in mathematics and science competitions, involvement in STEM activities, seasonal sports, as well as the fulfilment gained from her Cambodia Immersion and Vinnies Night Patrol.


Gabriella Michalopoulos, College Dux, (ATAR 99.25) spoke of her own personal journey giving practical strategies that students could adopt. It was Gabby’s persistence, hard work and positive rapport with her teachers, coupled with her leadership and involvement in public speaking and debating which contributed to her significant success.

Congratulations to our Class of 2023!

Dr Anne Ireland, Principal
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 
From the Acting Assistant Principal

From the Acting Assistant Principal

Year 7 Welcome Night

On Friday, 16 February, the College welcomed Year 7 parents, carers and their daughters to a social welcome night. Parents and carers joined College staff on Cerdon Plaza for pizza and dessert, while Year 7 students engaged in activities with their Year 10 Amica (Peer Support) leaders. You can see in the collage of images below that our Year 7 students have been able to make new friendships in their Houses and class groups quickly.



Special thanks also go to the Year 11 VET Hospitality students for their food service under Mrs Erin Healey’s guidance and to our Year 12 Parent Helpers, who hosted the evening!

It was a lovely evening for all those who attended!


Collection of Data Notices

Parents and carers are advised of the following notices for:

Please contact the College for any queries or concerns about these notices.

Mr Justin Hodges, Acting Assistant Principal
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2


From the Religious Education Coordinator

From the Religious Education Coordinator

In our Church ……

On Sunday the Church entered the second week of Lent.  The readings were about journey and travelling with Christ through hardship.  From the Sunday Missal: as followers of Jesus, we have nowhere to pitch our tents.  We must journey with Jesus through the hardships of life to glory.  There will be oases along the way – moments of consolation which reveal the presence of God among us.  We cannot remain in these moments for ever, but they give us refreshment.  Remembering them will sustain us on our pilgrim way.

I am reminded of that very beautiful Christian poem: Footprints.  While its authorship is of some dispute, the poem itself reflects the presence of God throughout pour journey, especially during the difficult times we experience.

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?”
The Lord replied,
“The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you.”

The single set of footprints is our oases, those moments of consolation where God is revealed to us as hope, as strength and as comfort.

Mrs Caroline Morizzi, Religious Education Coordinator


This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2


From the Acting Leader of Learning

From the Acting Leader of Learning

Since being familiar with the test can reduce anxiety, it is an important consideration for students to engage with practice tests to gauge their comfort levels in similar examination conditions and to allow for exposure to those types of questions and tasks. It is a helpful practice to consider. 

The NAPLAN website has some example tests for students to complete here.

Aside from this, there is no need to prepare for the skills, content or tasks required for the NAPLAN tests. The results do not affect their school assessments or reports. 

The required preparation for students is to ensure that they have the updated NAPLAN 2024 Lockdown Browser installed on their laptop using the link given on Compass Newsfeed

Students may see ICT Support in Jarnosse if they have any issues with the installation or may get in touch with me if they have questions.


Ms Emma Pracey, Acting Leader of Learning and Instructional Specialist
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2
From the Leader of Wellbeing

From the Leader of Wellbeing

Did you know…

  • Every student at the College has been issued a Student Planner this year.
  • Throughout  2023 the Wellbeing Team engaged in numerous focus groups with students to create this resource for students.
  • The Students Planner is compulsory for years 7-10 and at the commencement of each lesson it is to be placed on their desk in sight of the teacher and within easy access to record their homework and any work that has been set.
  • During O Week students were taught how to use the Student Planner in Tutor Group and provided with time to set their year up for success and complete their Assessment Calendar for Term 1.


Throughout the following week plan and  have a conversation with your daughter about her Student Planner.

Questions you may consider asking include:

  1. Can I please take a look at your Student Planner. How have you been using this as a tool to support you in developing your organisational skills?
  1. Take  a look at the Assessment Schedule that appears at the commencement of each term and notice any particular busy times of the term. What is your plan to manage your time in the lead up to this week here where I can see you have 2 assessments?
  1. I notice you have a task due on <insert day> next week. Can you show me the task and where you are at in your planning and preparation for that? Would you like me to read over it for any spelling/grammar?
  • Oh I notice that you have not completed your assessment Calendar for Term 1. We are going to take 5 minutes now and look up your assessment schedule online so that we can  fill this in together. How about you look it up and tell me what tasks you have coming up and I record it for you as you watch on?

School Refusal

School refusal is very different to truancy. Truancy is when an individual does not want to attend school. School refusal occurs when a young person is experiencing emotional distress at such a significant level that they are unable to attend school, and their parents are aware that their daughter is not attending school as they have witnessed the emotional distress, usually at home. 

It is getting to the why they do not want to attend school that is important.

Reasons vary from individual to individual. Some common reasons are listed below:

  • experiencing social anxiety
  • having been subject to bullying
  • finding it difficult to concentrate
  • not feeling supported by teachers and staff
  • feeling excluded or ‘othered’ amongst peers
  • finding it challenging to keep up with the schoolwork
  • finding it challenging to build a social network and friendship circle
  • finding themselves disinterested or bored with the school material and subjects

What can a parent do about School Refusal?

  1. Inform the College. Contact the Tutor Teacher or House Coordinator of your daughter. The Wellbeing Team at the College has a range of skills working in collaboration with parents, students and external agencies to guide students to improving their attendance. When we work together for the benefit of your daughter’s learning and wellbeing through developing a positive relationship we achieve more.
  2. Engage your daughter in conversations with a focus on listening to her and what she is and is not saying for the purpose of discovering the cause of the refusal to then arrange a suitable support plan that can be co-created with you, your daughter and the College as well as any external providers you have secured to help support your daughter during this time.
  1. If she is not seeing a therapist, seek a therapist, one who specifically works with young people – Adolescent Psychologist, Educational psychologist, This site assists individuals looking for support that is located close to home with the training and experience required to address specific areas: Find a Psychologist | APS
  1. Engage with your GP and keep them up to date with what is currently happening – They may discuss medication as an additional treatment pathway, however, medication alone may not be the only solution.

Once the cause has been identified – a graded exposure plan can be arranged in collaboration with us to help support your daughter in returning to school that is based on the causes leading towards the refusal. This may look like:

  • returning on certain days at certain times/for certain subjects until they gradually build back up to a full time schedule. 
  • the College coordinating, preparing and facilitating a restorative conversation between students to clarify understanding. 
  • connecting with Inclusive Learning to assist in closing any gaps that may have occurred in her learning due to school refusal.


Additional Information

School refusal and teenagers – ReachOut Parents

Understanding school refusal | headspace

School refusal – Parliament of Australia


Ms Angela Bowland, Leader of Wellbeing


 This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 


In Our Community

In our Community……
Liveable Spirit 

On Friday, 24 February, four Marist Sisters’ College staff attended the Liveable Spirit Program at St. Patrick’s Parish, The Rocks. Liveable Spirit is a program for staff that are working at a Marist School. The program is run by Sr Fidelis McTeigue SM. Sister Fidelis has been a Marist Sister for 61 years and was the Principal for 26 years at Marist Sisters’ Woolwich. 

Today, Sister Fidelis serves the St Patrick’s community as Parish secretary. Most Saturday and Sunday mornings she wakes up at 4 am to prepare to coordinate St Patricks efforts to feed the homeless of Sydney. Sister Fidelis brings a richness and vitality to her vocation as she follows Mary in the Marist Sisters Charism. Sister Fidelis encourages all staff at Marist Sisters’ College to be initiated into the Liveable Spirit Program gaining a better understanding and connection with the Marist Story.

Thank you to the following staff for attending the day to continue enriching our Marist community; Ms. Te’Annie Makdessi, Ms. Veronica Barbagallo and Ms. Eva Kritikos. A special thank you to Sister Fidelis for her enthusiasm and generosity in planning the day and providing us with this wonderful experience.

Project Compassion – Fundraising Update and House Initiatives 

We would like to thank our Marist Sisters’ community for raising $1033.40 so far for Project Compassion!

As a Marist Sisters’ community, we encourage each of you to continue to donate money to Project Compassion. The money raised will help transform the lives of people living in poverty. This year, Caritas Australia takes the theme: ‘For All Future Generations’ for Project Compassion 2024. It challenges us to venture into a new experience of compassion, and is taken from the invitation of St. Oscar Romero, to “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” This message invites us to step up and step out for those who do not have the essential resources they need for their survival. Those whose needs at this time are far beyond ours. 

The Power of Regular Giving 

More than a monthly donation, regular givers are part of a community, a collective of compassionate people like you, who are committed to supporting a more peaceful and just world.  By becoming a Champion for change, we strive to end poverty, promote justice, and uphold dignity for all.

What is the power of regular giving?

Poverty, conflict, and environmental crises have left hundreds and millions of people in a state of vulnerability, and regular giving can offer sustained support for meaningful, enduring change that contributes to fighting the devastating impacts of poverty and hunger. We know that providing ongoing support to a community is the best way to create genuine, lasting change – it’s why we work alongside our partners on long-term programs that tackle the issues that matter most to them. Monthly donations give us the tools we need to plan for the future, refine and strengthen our programs and significantly increase the number of people we can support. 

How does Caritas Australia transform regular donations into tangible change, turning compassion into action?

Together, we can empower communities by being there for them and standing alongside them to provide the resources and connections needed to create meaningful enduring change for themselves. https://www.caritas.org.au/news/blog/the-power-of-regular-giving/

Mrs Caroline Morizzi, Religious Education Coordinator


This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2

Colin House Mass 2024

On Tuesday 20th February we were joined by Fr Michael McLean from St Mark’s Parish Drummoyne to celebrate the Colin House Mass.

Colin House co-Captains Eliza and Maddison spoke of our patron Jean-Claude Colin and how his work has influenced our students at MSCW. As a house, we are influenced by our Colin motto, ‘Unity within diversity’. This encourages the celebration of each individual through our unique differences that create harmony between each of us. Eliza and Maddison shared the following words of advice with those at the House Mass –  Continue to have courage, use your gifts, empower your sisters and keep living by the values of our motto. We encourage you to immerse yourself in the beliefs of our house in order to continue to bring out the best in each other by uniting and celebrating our diversity.

We instil this motto of ‘Unity within Diversity’ on a daily basis with the students at MSCW. 

It was a wonderful experience for many students to display their diverse talents such as singing, playing the piano or taking part in readings throughout the service. We were also thrilled to have many family members involved in the Mass as well – Thank you to the parents for engaging in this opportunity. Mrs Chappell and a group of Colin students worked together to ensure the supper provided afterwards was an enjoyable experience and a great way for students, families and staff to celebrate and acknowledge the wonderful diversity within our Colin students.


Mrs Michelle Johns, Colin House Coordinator
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2


Jaricot House Mass 2024

I am delighted to share the success of the Jaricot House Mass, led by Fr Greg Walsh on Wednesday 21st of February. As we gathered to honor Pauline Jaricot, our house patron, the Mass provided a wonderful opportunity to mark the commencement of the school year by celebrating the values that unite us. For parents, it was a special occasion to witness their children’s involvement in the life of the College, to develop connections with the House tutors and mix with other families of the Jaricot community.

Being new to the College and new in the role of Jaricot House Coordinator, I was humbled by the warm and heart felt welcome from students, parents, carers and staff and the strong sense of belonging and unity that exists within the House. Through heartfelt prayers, inspiring readings, and beautiful musical performances, we were able to strengthen our bonds and reaffirm our commitment to living out motto ‘striving together’. 

I acknowledge our students who contributed to the success of this special event, including our Liturgy Captain, Isabella Cicciari, Co-Captains, Alessia and Jaime, our talented choir and musicians, including Molly, Grace, Sofia (who performed the Ave Maria), Ava and Maria (who played piano). The students who led us in prayer, processions and helped with technology and ushering, including Sarah, Charlize, Bianca, Joelle, Billie, Navika, Molly, Emily, Elka, Stephanie, Charlotte, Livia, Allegra, Elisia, Elizabeth, Erica and Ruby.

After the Mass, we enjoyed a lovely supper on Cerdone Plaza, provided by the hospitality students and I thank staff and students who helped with the supper preparations, including Ms Cleggett and Mr Watts. All House tutor teachers contributed to the Jaricot House spirit, supporting their students and connecting with parents. I thank our College Principal, Dr. Anne Ireland, and the College Leadership Team for the opportunity to host this special occasion. 

Miss Luisa Navanteri, Jaricot House Coordinator
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2




Showcasing a diverse array of exceptional student artworks crafted for the art-making segment of the HSC examination in Visual Arts in 2023, ARTEXPRESS 2024 made its debut to the public on 7 and 10 February, 2024. The exhibition presents a wide spectrum of artistic approaches and forms of expression, spanning ceramics, curated collections, designed objects, documented forms, drawing, graphic design, painting, photo media, printmaking, sculpture, textiles and fibre, as well as time-based works. Highlighting the talents of our Marist students, Mana Sugimoto at AGNSW and Gabrielle Ip at Hazelhurst Galleries, the exhibition invites visitors to immerse themselves in its wonders until April 21st, 2024. Treat yourself to this captivating experience.
2023 Visual Arts HSC Body Of Work
Ms Mary-Anne Boutros, Creative Arts Coordinator
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 


Creative Arts News

Portrait Prize 2024

Sydney Catholic Schools Portrait Prize competition was announced this week and from 373 extraordinarily talented entries our own Nicole Cheng of Y10 was selected as the winner of the Director, Education & Research Award and Honourable Mention for the Category 13 – 15 years. 

These can be viewed on Artsteps Virtual Gallery on the Arts HQ website.

Congratulations to Nicole Cheng who will be entered into the Young Archie Competition at the Art Gallery of NSW



Ms Mary-Anne Boutros, Creative Arts Coordinator


This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2

Year 7 History

In History we are learning about primary and secondary sources. Artefacts are a primary source, and they can tell us a lot about the time period they are from. Archaeologists are the ones who dig up and study artefacts. Historians and archaeologists work closely together to decipher and interpret artefacts. In history we were learning about the process of archaeological digs and the precision and the care they take. We did an activity to simulate doing an archaeological dig. We were given a cookie that represented an archaeological site, and had to carefully sketch the site and the artefacts in it (represented by the choc chips). Once we had done that, we were given a toothpick and started to excavate the cookie, the chocolate chips were the artefacts that we had to uncover. It was very fun and super insightful to how archaeological digs work and how important it is to uncover artefacts with detail and care, but also how different sources can tell you different things.

Emaline Crowther-Albornoz, Year 7 Student

Ms Stephanie Ditto, History Teacher
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 

Year 9 Commerce

Last week, our Commerce class conducted a practical taste testing task which involved comparing brand name food to their generic alternatives. We sampled a variety of snacks, including hundreds and thousands biscuits, BBQ rice crackers, chicken – flavoured chips, and chocolate finger biscuits. The aim was to engage our senses in order to differentiate between brand name and generic food products. The objective of this hands-on task was to demonstrate the impact of branding and consumer decision making, which is an essential component in this topic of marketing, business, and the subject of commerce. Some students, in their final decisions, chose the generic version due to its better quality and flavour in comparison to the brand name product. This engaging and interactive activity provided us with a special opportunity to investigate and analyse the details of product branding and its impact on consumer decisions and choices. As well as this, we acquired a deeper understanding of our buying behaviours, therefore reinforcing the significance of branding strategies within the business world.
Abbey McLauchlan and Annalise Tambasco, Year 9 Students
Ms Stephanie Ditto, HSIE Teacher
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 

Gifted and Talented Report

Welcome to the new year! I hope your daughter has settled into 2024 very quickly and is enjoying her learning.

A welcome to Year 7 students and families into the Newman Program. I have had a chance to visit both Yr 7 classes and they have impressed me with their higher order thinking and ability to engage in cooperative learning within their flexible groups. I work closely with the class teachers, tutors and house coordinators to ensure students are tracking well academically as well as ensuring their social and emotional wellbeing needs are being addressed. Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.

This week I would like to highlight a very talented Year 11 student who has had an amazing start to 2024!

The Australian Film Industry and the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts ran a youth competition – with 3000 entries – and Adelaide Kennedy made it to the final 50 competitors in the “Upcoming Talent” category. Adelaide was invited to attend the AACTA awards on the Gold Coast in February and participated in an industry finalists’ workshop audition.  Congratulations!

This week I have also been notified that Adelaide has been accepted into the NSW Youth Parliament Program. Adelaide will be representing the Lane Cove electorate and has been placed in the Arts, Music and Culture Committee. Competition was tough and Adelaide employed her writing, critical thinking and problem solving skills along with the performance and debating/public speaking talents learnt at Marist Sisters College.  Adelaide will have the opportunity to present her ideas and speak in Parliament in the April holidays- we are so proud of you Adelaide and know your passion for justice will be evident as you address Parliament. 

Email: rachael.colreavy@syd.catholic.edu.au with your answer. Correct answers will win a prize.

Mrs Rachael Colreavy, Inclusive Learning Coordinator (Gifted & Talented)


This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2


Post-school Pathways

It’s a busy start to the year in careers.  Each fortnight a list of upcoming events will be published and I encourage you and your daughter to read through the article to see what events may be helpful as they begin to choose their post-school pathway options.  Of particular interest to our seniors will be the online information seminars and workshops. Highlights this fortnight are:

  • UAC Parent information site and newsletter
  • Medicine and Dentistry information
  • Webinar on studying in the USA
  • UTS Bachelor of Accounting scholarship
  • Information sessions and workshops: AIM, ACU, Western Sydney University, UTS, University of Sydney and TAFE Bradfield College
  • Competitions for all year groups

UAC Information for parents

UAC has a newsletter specifically for Year 12 parents to keep them informed about the application and uni entry process. Visit the ‘UAC Parents page”’ here and subscribe to their newsletter here.

Medicine and Dentistry Information evenings

University of Sydney | Careers in Oral Health and Dentistry Webinar 6 March

Explore career opportunities in the world of dentistry and oral health through our accredited courses. This webinar is designed for year 11 and 12 students and provides a unique opportunity to discover their potential for a rewarding career in Oral Health and Dentistry. Register here


UNSW | Year 12 Medicine Information Evening 12 March

UNSW’s Medicine Information Evening, for current year 12 students, will provide insight into the dynamic blend of hands-on clinical experiences and research-focused learning that you will be immersed in as a UNSW Medicine student. You’ll also find out detailed information on the application and admissions process for 2025 entry, including special entry schemes such as Indigenous Entry Schemes. Find out more

Charles Sturt University Online Medicine Information Evening  Wednesday 20 March 

Learn more about a career in rural or regional medicine and discover everything there is to know about CSU’s five-year undergraduate entry degree – the Doctor of Medicine – from the team and current students. Join on Wednesday 20 March 2024, 6.00-7.30pm. Book here

Free UCAT Bootcamp 

Dr Ray, Gastroenterologist at Monash Health offers UCAT mini test, discusses medical interviews, admission process, life as a medical student, and career as a doctor.  Free two hour Bootcamp.  Click here.

Overseas Medical Placements for Years 10-12 Students | Applications Open 

Places are open on the Projects Abroad overseas medical experience programs. Dates start from mid-June and through July, with December and January dates also open. In the first instance please email an expression of interest and any questions to info@projects-abroad.com.au. For students in Years 10-12, more information here

Studying overseas

Study in the US Virtual Presentation Hosted by Internationally Educated Wed 6 March

Learn about studying in the US and the US university application process, directly from a former Assistant Director of Admissions. Q&A session will follow. Suggested for students in Years 9-12. Wednesday 6 March, 6pm.  Register here.  

Scholarships, Early Entry, Alternative Pathways

UTS Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) Co-op Scholarship Applications for 2025 Open 

Around 35 full scholarship places are available for the UTS Bachelor of Accounting in 2025. This includes a tax-free scholarship of more than $55,000 each, two internships with different industry partners, and a graduate role after completion of your 3 year degree. For more information, please visit here.


Wiingy Future STEM Leaders ScholarshipOpens January 1 and closes March 31, 2024

The Wiingy Future STEM Leaders Scholarship is a monthly scholarship designed to support students with a passion for STEM. Find out more

Information sessions, webinars and holiday workshops

Australian Federal Police PSO Online Information Session | Wednesday 13 March

Interested in a career as a Protective Service Officer (PSO)? Have questions answered in this online information session.  Register here for this free virtual information session. 

TAFE NSW Bradfield Senior College Open Days – HSC workshops for Creative Industries

For HSC students interested in preparation for the creative industries – filmmaking, a career in design or visual arts, production or performance, Bradfield’s project-based learning in Year 11 can build specialisations and industry connections. Find out more at Open Days; 12 March, 9 April and 7 May. Register here.

What can I study at Western Sydney University webinars

Join the Future Students team for a series of online webinars to hear all about the specific programs you’re interested in, what subjects you will study, career options, early offers and alternative entry. Q&A sessions available as well as live (virtual) tours. Click here for further details. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Information Evening:  Western Sydney University 

Information Evenings are an opportunity to learn about what programs are on offer, the many different pathways to study, support services available, scholarships on offer and life on campus. For upcoming dates and locations (online and face-to-face) please visit here.


ADF | Navy Careers Virtual Information Session – 7 March

Consider a career like no other and work alongside likeminded, expertly trained personnel as a member of the Navy. Speak with serving members about career opportunities at our virtual info session. Find out more

 Start 2024 with a Google Career Scholarship 

2024 is the year to get job-ready skills with Google and Grandshake. Designed and delivered by senior Google experts, the Google Career Certificate scholarship offers job-ready professional training in areas including IT Support, UX Design, Data Analytics, Project Management and Digital Marketing. Students can get started for free. Click here


AIM | School Holiday Workshops and Industry Experience Day

Performance and Songwriting Workshops 8 April 

Created for students in Years 9-12, AIM’s new high school music workshops provide incredible opportunities to explore performance and songwriting, mentored by AIM’s own accomplished musicians and educators.

Register for the Performance workshop

Register for the Songwriting workshop


Industry Experience Days 11 April to 17 April 

Great opportunity for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to learn about the local and international game development, 3D animation and visual effects industries. Students will learn how to create a portfolio through and participate in practical workshops using 3D animation and game development tools. Find out more


Holiday HSC Performance Masterclass 12 April

Designed exclusively for Year 12 Music 1 and 2 students who are interested in improving and polishing their performance works for their assessments, trial performances and HSC. Find out more


Discover series at ACU North Sydney: please register as places limited (free events)

Health Sciences 16 April 

Take part in hands-on workshops and hear from current students about a rewarding career as a nurse, occupational therapist or speech pathologist. Go behind the scenes of our interactive, fully functional nursing simulation wards. Designed for high school students in Years 10 to 12 interested in health sciences, however anyone, including parents and caregivers, is welcome to attend. Please register your attendance. 


Teaching and Social Work at ACU Strathfield 17 April

Take part in hands-on workshops, tour our facilities and hear from current students about a rewarding career as a teacher or social worker. This event is designed for high school students in Years 10 to 12, however anyone, including parents and caregivers, is most welcome to attend. Please register your attendance. 


Greater Western Sydney Careers Market 2024

May 22 to 23, 2024  Find out more

University of Sydney upcoming events

Year 10 – 12 Information Evening Tuesday 12 March – Tuesday 26 March

Year 10 students joining us will take part in a separate interactive session that aims to help link personal interests and skills with careers and courses with a focus on selecting the right subjects for senior high school. Registration links for each event are here. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students workshops at University of Sydney

The Indigenous Recruitment Team will have a variety of on campus opportunities for Indigenous Students.. For more information on our programs you can visit our website via this link 

Volvo Ocean Lovers Festival | Thursday 21 March

Find out more about ocean life and protecting the environment at the University of Sydney’s exhibit in the Sea Science Student Expo at the Bondi Pavilion. Hear from our marine science researchers about their over and underwater investigations and how they can get involved too. For more information click here

Interested in Engineering?  The Space Robot Revolution may be the project for you

Imagine being part of a team sending robots into space to keep satellites running! That’s what Space engineers at USYD are working on sending robots into space to keep satellites running with a $2.3M project backed by SmartSat. This cutting-edge research into robotic satellite maintenance extends the life of space tech and opens doors to the future for students like yours.  For more information on their engineering program click here

Forthcoming exhibitions at the Chau Chak Wing Museum  For event schedule and dates click here.  



Imagine Cup Junior 2024  Opens: January 10, 2024  Closes: May 8, 2024

Now in its fifth year, Imagine Cup Junior is an exciting opportunity for students aged 5-18 years old to learn about technology and how it can be used to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges, while participating in a global student challenge. It’s a great introduction to technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and cybersecurity, and is suitable for all levels, especially beginners. Find out more


International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition  Closes: April 26, 2024

The International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition gives you the unique opportunity to show your knowledge and astronomy skills! The IAAC is an online astronomy competition for students from all countries. Win awards and cash prizes or become IAAC ambassador in your country!  Find out more


Science without Borders® International Student Art Contest  Closes: March 4, 2024

The Science Without Borders® Challenge is an international contest that engages students and teachers in ocean conservation through art.  This annual competition inspires students to be creative while promoting public awareness of the need to preserve, protect, and restore the world’s oceans and aquatic resources.  Find out more


Ms Leonie Clarke, Post-school Pathways Coordinator
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2

Sports Results

Week 3


Touch Football


Round 2

Junior MSCW vs Trinity Catholic College (Wash Out)



Intermediate MSCW vs Trinity Catholic College (Wash Out)



Senior MSCW vs Trinity Catholic College (Wash Out)




Round 2

Junior MSCW 50 vs Trinity Catholic College 24

MVP: Marcella Dunn 


Intermediate MSCW 6 vs Trinity Catholic College 29

MVP: Emelia Dunn


Senior MSCW 1 vs Trinity Catholic College 39

MVP: Claudia Janus 



Round 2

Junior MSCW vs Bye 



Intermediate MSCW vs Bye



Senior MSCW  vs Rosebank College (Wash Out)



Marcella Dunn Emelia Dunn Claudia Janus






Week 4
Touch Football


Round 3

Junior MSCW vs Rosebank College (Postponed / hot weather)



Intermediate MSCW vs Rosebank College (Postponed / hot weather)



Senior MSCW vs Rosebank College (Postponed / hot weather)




Round 3

Junior MSCW vs Rosebank College (Postponed / hot weather)




Intermediate MSCW vs Rosebank College (Postponed / hot weather)




Senior MSCW vs Rosebank College (Postponed / hot weather)





Round 3

Junior MSCW 11 vs Our Lady of The Sacred Heart College 3

MVP:  Emma Ward


Intermediate MSCW 7 vs Our Lady of The Sacred Heart College 7

MVP:  Evie Lange


Senior MSCW 8 vs Our Lady of The Sacred Heart College 0

MVP:  Ziani Viola



Emma Ward Evie Lange Ziani Viola


Mr Daniel Watts, Sports Coordinator


This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8

Sports News

2024 MSCW Swimming Carnival

“Ready, set, go!”

Signals the start of the year as we dive into the pool with Freestyle, Backstroke, Butterfly, and Breaststroke, culminating in yet another exhilarating College Swimming carnival on Monday 19 February. 

The energy and involvement of every student were truly inspiring, resulting in several records shattered amid cheers and applause. The vibrant atmosphere was fuelled by the contagious MSCW Spirit, adding an extra layer of excitement to the day.

Stay tuned as we unveil all the thrilling results during the Principal’s Assembly on Wednesday 27 March.



NSW All Schools Triathlon

The MSCW Triathlon Team showcased their talents at the NSW All Schools Team Triathlon held at Penrith Sydney International Regatta Centre on Thursday 22 February. 

Despite facing challenges due to poor water quality and a New South Wales Government Public Health Order, the team persevered with determination.

Considering the circumstances, the swim leg was regrettably withdrawn from the event. 

  • Juniors tackled a demanding course, consisting of a 750m run, 10km cycle, and 2km run.
  • Intermediates pushed themselves through a challenging 750m run, 15km cycle, and 4km run.
  • Seniors, despite the setback, demonstrated their strength in a 20km cycle and a 5km run.

Congratulations to the MSCW students who poured their energy and dedication into the competition, facing off against formidable athletes representing schools from across NSW, including Catholic, private, and public sectors.

Junior Teams
  • Sienna Glavin, Charlotte Butler & Erica Jago
  • Emma Ward, Chloe Yam & Sorcha Reid
Intermediate Teams
  • Olivia Treadwell, Bridget Butler & Ellie Comerford
  • Evie Lange, Lara Carvallo & Tola Blicharska
Senior Teams
  • Amy Linssen, Charlotte McClelland & Miah O’Shea
  • Angela Lakic, Rosie Tozer & Claire Beynon

Awesome effort!

Mr Daniel Watts, Sports Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8

Sports News

Conference 2 Swimming Championships

The MSCW Swimming Team made waves at the Sydney Catholic Schools Swimming Conference 2 Championships, held at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre on Wednesday 28 February. They showcased exceptional prowess in the water, asserting their dominance with remarkable performances. The atmosphere was electrifying, infused with the infectious spirit of MSCW.

MSCW Swimming Team 2024
 Chloe Joh
 Florence Bowden
 Emma Whitty
 Hannah Meldrum
 Olivia Treadwell
 Emma Ward
 Maya Ostapenko
 Evie Lange
 Angela Lakic
 Zoe Marsh
 Amy Linssen
 Sienna Brown
 Rebecca Linssen
 Sophie Mitchell-Cook
 Ziani Viola
 Alicia Jordaan
 Emma Websdale
 Chloe Websdale
 Navika Kanuga
 Sienna Glavin
 Lara Carvallo
 Edie Mulvey
 Natasha Payne
 Montana McCormick


A special congratulations to the following students on their fantastic results:

12 Years Age Champion – Chloe Joh
14 Years Age Champion – Olivia Treadwell
15 Years Age Champion – Maya Ostapenko
16 Years All Abilities Age Champion – Emma Websdale
17 Years Age Champion – Amy Linssen

Overall results:

 Junior Age Champions
 Intermediate Age Champions
 Senior Age Champions
 Overall Conference 2 Champions

Conference 2 Swimming Carnival Results 2024



Mr Daniel Watts, Sports Coordinator


This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8


Marist Sisters’ College Campus Experience Evening 2024

Each year we open our college to New Marist Sisters’ Families, at our annual Campus Experience Evening 2024 (Open day) on Tuesday 5 March 4.00pm – 7.30pm.
This is a great opportunity to visit the college, hear from our Principal Dr Ireland, tour the college, see performances, ask questions and experience what it’s like to study at Marist Sisters’ College.
Be sure to let your family and friends know about the event, and advise them to book early.
Registrations are now open via our website or using the following links:
Booking link – Session 1 – 4.15pm  Principal Address
Booking link – Session 2 – 5.45pm  Principal Address
We look forward to welcoming them onsite!
Mrs Hayley Stuart, Enrolment Officer
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2, #8 

Enrol Now At Marist Sisters’ College – Year 7 2025 and (NEW) 2026!

Applications for 2026 are Now Open! 
Follow the link to apply for this year group now. 
For any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact  Hayley Stuart, Enrolment Officer – info@mscw.catholic.edu.au   /  Ph: 9816 2041

Canteen News

Change to Flexischools

Due to the increase of online orders, the cut off time will now be 8:00 am!

Please order as soon as you are able to.

Flexischools is the system for students to order lunch online and to purchase over the counter in the Canteen. If you are new to this system we would encourage you to set up a Flexischools account. (Link: flexischools.com.au). The Canteen is a very busy area at lunchtime, so ordering online is the best option to ensure your daughter’s order is ready at the start of lunch and avoids any delays in purchasing over the counter.
Please note Friday is always a busy with online orders, please order early on Fridays to hopefully minimise issues you may experience. If you do have a problem please contact the Flexischool parent helpline Monday – Friday 7.00 am – Midday on 1300 361 769.
Students please see canteen staff for any assistance.


Calling on volunteers

The MSCW Canteen would love to welcome new and existing parents to help out. Any day and time you can spare or offer would be greatly appreciated by all, especially at recess and lunchtime with the pickup of lunches and service. If you are able to assist, please contact the Canteen via SMS on 0457 593 920.

MSP Photography – 2024 School Photos

Teaching a learner driver?

Lane Cove Council and Hunter’s Hill Council will be hosting an online workshop for parents/carers and supervisors of Learner Drivers.

This free workshop supports parents and supervisors of learner drivers to be confident and effective teachers. Topics include information about licence conditions for learner and P-plate drivers, tips for using the learner driver log book and the importance of providing constructive feedback. The workshop will run on Wednesday 27 March, 6.00pm – 7:30pm. Participants can find out more at  https://saferdrivers.eventbrite.com.au

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or questions.