12 Mar 2024

From the Principal – Ms Janine Kenney

​Welcome and greetings to all the Mary MacKillop Catholic College Community members,

One of the most enjoyable aspects of holidays is looking forward to them and, for the students, the prospect of having time to enjoy themselves with their family and friends. So, here we are; the holidays are long gone, and we are all left wondering what happened to them. Fortunately for the students, returning to school is a little like coming to a “home away from home” in that they return to their friends in the school community. Helen Rowland described home as “any four walls that enclose the right person”. It has also been said that a school is “a room with four walls, with tomorrow inside”. Each description suggests that the people inside the walls are the real essence of what makes a home or a school.

A Catholic school is a true community of persons. It may adopt good administration models and practices, but it is not merely a business that produces an educational product. Mary MacKillop Catholic College aims to provide opportunities for students to explore, reflect and integrate a Catholic understanding of nature, self, society and God and to manifest this in their lives through behaviours based on love, truth and forgiveness.

The staff at Mary MacKillop want to assist each of its students, your daughters, in developing a robust and positive self-concept by providing a supportive environment based on respect for the person and sensitivity to individual differences. It wants to provide its students and parents with the experience of a Catholic community at worship, work and play.

Though parents are the prime educators of their children, the education of a child is not the sole responsibility of the parent or the school; it is a happy and informed combination of both. So, it is vital that parents are one with the school as it endeavours to foster each student’s growth and relationship with Christ.

Even though we are now halfway through the term, and I have already welcomed our new students at our Opening College Assembly and our new Year 7 parents at our information evening, I extend a warm welcome to you again. I also welcome back all our other students and families. I hope 2024 will be marked by a spirit of generosity and goodwill in our school community as we work together to nurture and educate your daughters.

I take this opportunity to express my delight at joining the Mary MacKillop Catholic College community and thank everyone for making me feel so welcome.

We ask God to bless our school community as we begin our journey together for 2024, and we look forward to God’s guidance over the coming year. I wish you all a very productive and successful school year.


Reflection on Lent

“Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise.”

The Season of Lent, which leads us to the celebration of Holy Easter, is, for the Church, a most valuable and important liturgical time. Every day is a constant invitation to a loving relationship with God. Lent is a particular time of year when we can deepen that relationship. It is a time when we can seek to respond to God’s initiative of loving us first.

The action of reading God’s Word, sharing each other’s lives and the building of our relationships with each other, is the very living and breathing way of God being active in our lives and our world. All of these actions through God lead us to a new life, a transformed life, with a renewed heart, as we have been promised.

Let us pray that this Lent will help us reproduce the self-sacrificing love of Christ in our lives. Through our observance of Lent, please help us to understand the meaning of your Son’s death and resurrection and teach us to reflect it in our lives.



Opening College Mass

On Wednesday, 6 March, we gathered as a community to celebrate the beginning of our 34th academic year at Mary MacKillop Catholic College. It was a wonderful gathering of community where we were able to ask for the Lord’s blessing on all of our endeavours this year. My thanks go to Fr Peter Strohmayer PP, St Gertrude’s Smithfield and Fr Ben Gandy, Our Lady of the Rosary Fairfield, for celebrating the Mass with us.

In his homily, Fr Ben challenged us this Lent to be a community and to see our faith in Christ as that which binds us together and makes us one.

I thank Mrs Flanagan and Mr Carosi for their preparation and assistance on the day. Thanks also to those involved in music ministry, Eucharistic ministry and ministry of the Word.

I also wish to thank Sr Judith Sippel, Sr Jan Barnett of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, and Ms Emilia Nicholas from the Josephite Justice Network for joining us on this very special occasion.

Before the commencement of the Eucharistic celebration, five of the College Houses were decommissioned, and 6 Houses were commissioned in a very moving ceremony. This brings about a new chapter in the life of Mary MacKillop Catholic College, one in which we are called to thrive in our faith, learning, and well-being.


Happy International Women’s Day – 8 March

What is International Women’s Day? International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when all women are recognised for their achievements. International Women’s Day was first born out of labour movements at the turn of the twentieth century in North America and across Europe.

 Since those early days, International Women’s Day has grown in prominence and reach, touching women in every corner of the world. The growing international women’s movement has helped make International Women’s Day a central point for action to build support for women’s rights and their full participation in the economy, politics, community and everyday life.

 As a College, we celebrate and recognise the many women who are a part of our College community and the wonderful contribution they make each and every day.

2023 HSC High Achievers

Mary MacKillop Catholic College is dedicated to developing young women who have the courage to grow in their academic, faith and social maturity and go out into the world to make a difference.

In 2023 our student leaders used their theme, “Strive to Thrive”, to inspire them to achieve exceptional learning gain and EXCELLENT HSC RESULTS. We are very proud of our confident young women and share with you the achievements and future destinations of some of our students.

Congratulations to the students and teachers for the dedication that has led to these young women achieving such possibilities for their future lives. All of our students have left to go to university, private colleges, TAFE, apprenticeships or work. Well done to the MMCC Year 12 Class of 2023.

Ms Janine Kenney College


Please click on the link to view the full newsletter:  2023 HSC High Achievers Newsletter

From the Assistant Principal – Mr Nicholas Carosi


As we navigate the academic year with enthusiasm and dedication, it’s crucial to emphasise the significance of regular school attendance. Attendance plays a pivotal role in shaping a student’s educational journey and lays the foundation for future success.

We often underestimate how missing school can accumulate and significantly impact a student’s learning journey.


Compass Cards

We would like to remind all students to ensure that they bring their Compass card with them to school every day. The Compass card serves several important functions within our school community:

  • Sign-In/Out: Students use their Compass cards to sign in and out when arriving late or departing early from school. This helps us maintain accurate attendance records.
  • IMC Services: The Compass card is also used to access various services in our Information and Media Center (IMC), including printing and borrowing books.

It is crucial for students to have their Compass cards with them at all times to facilitate these essential activities.

However, we understand that some students, particularly Year 7 students and those who are new to the College, have not yet received their Compass cards. Therefore, Year 7 students and new students are exempt from this requirement until they have received their cards. An order has been placed and cards will be distributed once they arrive.

Please note that failure to bring the Compass card may result in the issuance of a Matter of Concern. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that students are prepared for school with their Compass cards.

Road Safety

Ensuring the safety of every member of our College community is our top priority. We kindly request your attention to the following crucial information concerning traffic safety within and around the College premises.

Please be mindful of the clearly marked 10km/h speed limit signs and follow the painted arrows on the road indicating the designated direction for all vehicles. These measures are in place to safeguard the well-being of everyone on campus.

Your cooperation in adhering to these traffic regulations is greatly appreciated, as it contributes to creating a safer environment for all. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

To streamline the morning drop-off process and ensure smooth traffic flow within the College premises, we kindly request your cooperation with the following guidelines:

  • Parking Location: When entering the drop-off zone, please proceed to the furthest point as indicated in the image and instructions provided on the next page. This allows for the maximum number of cars to enter the College without causing congestion on Hamilton and Bulls roads.
  • Traffic Flow: Parking nearest to the gates can lead to traffic jams, disrupting the flow on surrounding roads. By adhering to the designated drop-off area, you contribute to a seamless traffic experience for everyone.
  • Safety Measures: Before departing, please check your mirrors to prevent potential collisions and maintain vigilance while driving within the College grounds. Remember to adhere to the 10km/h speed limit at all times.
  • Student Safety: Students are reminded to exit vehicles from the passenger side only to ensure their safety during drop-off.
  • Turning Circle: Avoid reversing your vehicle in the turning circle to minimise any potential hazards or delays.


As part of our commitment to student safety, we would like to remind you of the afternoon pick-up procedures outside the College. Please take note of the following important information:

  • Closure of College Gates: In the afternoon, the College gates are closed, and only buses are permitted to enter the College grounds. This measure is in place to prioritise student safety, particularly during peak times when approximately 900 students leave the premises simultaneously. It is not safe to have cars driving through the College during this period of heightened pedestrian traffic.
  • No Stopping Area on Carnarvon Street: Carnarvon Street is designated as a No Stopping area between 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm to accommodate the passage of buses through the narrow road. Vehicles must not be parked in this area during these times.
  • Parking Reminders: We kindly ask parents to park in the surrounding streets, as indicated in the provided images and instructions. This helps to alleviate congestion and ensures a smoother flow of traffic.
  • Observance of Road and Parking Rules: Please be aware that police and council rangers regularly patrol the area surrounding our College. It is imperative to observe all road and parking regulations to avoid any penalties or disruptions.

These reminders are implemented with the safety of all members of our College community in mind. Your cooperation and adherence to these procedures are greatly appreciated.

We sincerely thank you for your continued support and care for our students. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the College.

Coming Events

19 March
MMCC Open Day 4.00pm – 7.00pm
Register your attendance: Open Day Registration
19 March
Feast Day of St Joseph
21 March
Harmony Day
24 March
Palm Sunday
28 March
Holy Thursday
29 March
Good Friday
31 March
Easter Sunday

Open Day 2024


Please click on link to register your attendance: Register Now

Swimming Carnival

On Friday 23rd February, Mary MacKillop students made a splash at the 2024 Swimming Carnival held at Prairiewood Leisure Centre. The day was filled with spirited house and community engagement, creating an electric atmosphere.

The carnival began with energetic house cheers, setting the tone for the day’s events. Aquatopia added an extra layer of excitement, providing students with further aquatic adventures.

Individual excellence was also recognised as Age Champions were announced, honouring students who accumulated the most points in each year group. Congratulations to the following Age Champions:

Year 7: Ruby Lebolo-Carey
Year 8: Charlotte David
Year 9: Rose Lebolo-Carey and Kalia Barton
Year 10: Evelyn Shlimon and Rabika Bdour
Year 11: Ashley Duong
Year 12: Natalie El-Khoury and Abigail Ngo

Congratulations to all participants, house teams, and individual champions on a remarkable event with the biggest congratulations going to Sippel House who emerged as the 2024 House Champions.

Yours in Sport
Mr Shelston
Sports Coordinator



Year 7 Camp

As girls who haven’t been to a camping trip away from home and family before, the experience at camp was phenomenal for us. 

We tried new activities that made us come out of our comfort zones and met new people like the supportive instructors who helped us throughout our incredible adventures at the Tops.

Although some activities looked scary like the Giant swing, we fought our fears and had a lot of fun completing them. Each and every one of us had fun doing other enjoyable activities besides physically challenging activities such as the silent disco and the newspaper designing challenge that we all happily participated in. 

In the morning and after every activity, the people at the tops would kindly provide us meals and snacks to enjoy. The food was scrumptious, including the chicken wrap, nachos, fish and chips and many more. 

We were grateful for the meals and food provided for us during our time there that filled our bellies and gave us the energy to continue on with the day. We especially loved the sweet treats that included the chocolate mousse and ice cream. 

Camp was a period of time where we all made new friends as well as strengthening our previous friendships. Leaving the Tops was a bittersweet experience as we all wanted to see our family after all this time. However during this period of time, we have grown to know the instructors that work very hard there, the caring teachers that accompanied us on the journey and the other students in our grade. 

We greatly appreciate Ms Kenney for allowing us to go on such experiences. Going to camp was an enjoyable experience yet a very important experience as we learnt the meaning and importance of independence in our lives and that we can’t always be relying on our parents for everything. 

The three days we were at the Tops were the three days that we will never forget and ever take for granted! It was “tops” ! 

Tiffany Zhao & Christine Azeezah

Patrician Brothers’ College Fairfield Open Day – 12 March 2024

We extend a warm invitation to families to connect with our dedicated staff and dynamic student community. Open Day offers an excellent opportunity to showcase our teaching and learning, experience our school environment and state of the art facilities.

We eagerly look forward to welcoming both families and their sons.

Cabramatta PCYC – Fit For Life Progam